Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Should Facebook be banned in Afghanistan?


Should Facebook be  banned in Afghanistan?

Since last couple of days that are rumors  about banning Facebook in Afghanistan. Many politicians who are being strictly criticized by public are of the view that Facebook is not only creating a lot of frustration among public but it has become a major source of provoking hatred against different ethnic groups of the country. Although such an idea can never be supported as it will be against the freedom of speech and would deprive people of an important platform to easily express their ideas, but recent events also showed that uncontrolled, heedless and careless use of Facebook and other social sites can harm the national solidarity and unity among different ethnic groups of the country.

Facebook has become an important tool in the hands of Afghans after the facility of internet was widely and easily made available by mobile communication companies across the country. As Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites that can be easily managed by an illiterate person as well so large numbers of Afghans, both in rural and urban areas, opened their Facebook accounts and started using it to stay in touch with friends and families, get entertainment and news and also post different videos or posts of their own choice.

Facebook had and has many advantages. People could easily criticize the government officials, their illegal or improper acts could be posted and exposed and public voice could easily be transmitted to the government officials.

During the floods of North and land sliding in Badakhshan, it was Facebook that spurred a wave of support to the victims and people from all parts of the country ran for their help. On the occasions of severe terrorist attacks in a number of cities like Jalalabad, Kunar, Kabul and other cities, it was Facebook that made the people feel the same pain together.

At the same time, it was used improperly that harmed the government, national solidarity, respect for humanity and many other aspects of our lives in direct and indirect ways.

During the controversy of whether the ethnic groups should be mentioned or not in the computerized Identity Cards, Facebook became the battleground between the members of different ethnic groups. They openly wrote in favor of their opinion and against the opposites. Expressing differing opinions is a sign of freedom of speech but it must be done keeping in mind the delicacy and needed carefulness. In these discussions or arguments, different groups crossed all the limits of civility and vulgar language was excessively used.  

Facebook was also misused when the sad incident of Kunduz took place. It is yet to be confirmed if the tragic incidents of looting, rapping, lashing, torturing and killing of innocent citizens were actually perpetrated by Taliban or it was the wave of propaganda that has become much common these days. However, without the confirmation of these incidents, different ethnic groups started expressing their anger against other groups on Facebook and once again, the Facebook became the battleground for uncivilized and careless war of words.

Same was the case when Kabul became the victim of a wave of bomb and suicide attacks in the month of August. Pakistan was accused of these attacks and a wave of anti-Pakistan sentiments flew on social networking sites, especially Facebook. Many pages were made to boycott Pakistani products without realizing the actual impacts of this demand. I have talked to many shopkeepers and traders and they are of the view that this heedless campaign badly affected their business. This had also negative impacts on our already faltering economy. Similarly, some people even went far in this regard and so many unnecessary and bad words were used.

Another dangerous factor in use of Facebook is all those videos that are spreading terror, uncertainty and fear in public. In these videos, Taliban, ISIS or other terrorist groups are shown to be beheading the people or badly torturing them. Many videos are also in move that are about the brutalities in Kunduz.

In all these issues that are harming the national unity and feelings of empathy among different ethnic groups of the country, it must be kept in mind that large numbers of foreign agents are working to spread hate among different groups of the country on Facebook and other social networking sites. They may call themselves Pashtoons, Tajiks, Hazaras, Uzbek and others but in fact, their mission is to make the people hate each other and widen the drift of divide between them. Though a common person might not be able to understand such groups or individuals but the educated and sensible members of society have already recognized them and try to keep distance from them.

In this regard, we can do few things to quell these factors and strengthen our national unity. We should never talk against anyone; let the government do this filthy job. If we will use bad language against any group, bad language will be used against us as well.

Secondly, It is very dangerous when someone express their lame ideas without having absolute knowledge or the sense of expressing their ideas. In the same way, the educated and responsible members of society should come forward and guide others to be careful in giving remarks or expressing their views. Facebook is good or bad depending on how we use it and we need to show sensibility for the sake of our country and our coming generations.


Muhammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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