Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

We Need A Teacher More Than Ever!


We Need A Teacher More Than Ever!

On the occasion of this teachers’ day, I badly felt the need of a teacher for myself and for almost everyone around me. Of the many attributes of a teacher, the most important for me is of a facilitator. In my student life as well, I experienced many times when I needed someone to advise me, to help me in a difficult situation and lead me. Being students, we have always admired and remembered the kindness of a teacher who was kind to us and who used to solve our problems. It has rightly been said that, ‘a person’s problems might never finish unless the number of his breaths finish’. Now that many of us have passed from the era of being a student and became professionals, we are still facing numerous problems and at times feel the need of a person who should facilitate us. This need is felt by everyone and on all the stages of life.

As a nation, we are passing through the most difficult time. We are depressed, we are angry, we are afraid and at times, feel pessimistic about our future and future of our country. On such occasions, we need a teacher, both individually and as a whole nation. It is, however, remains a fact that a teacher mostly facilitates us by his or her wise words. The wisdom in his words comes not because of his knowledge or any other angelic quality but because of his sheer honesty. He realizes his duties being a teacher and wants to do his best for his students. Then he realizes that his duties and responsibilities cross the limits of mere teaching and attending classes and he facilitates his students on different occasions. His honesty brings a kind of hidden and invisible comfort to his students.

Although mere and hollow words never leave lasting impressions but it is not the case in case of an honest teacher. When his honesty and sincerity enters his words, his words turn into magic words. It is strange that students take the maximum inspiration from words of a teacher. Although the same words can be uttered by anybody but the words uttered from the mouth of a teacher act differently. Mostly, teacher uses his words to show a right direction, to make a student look at the bright side of a picture and make him relax and forget the sorrows. Unnecessary tension and fear can cripple the minds and thoughts of a person and a teacher teaches how to get aside and let the raging bull of fears and depression pass from a side. Although we may not be able to stop anything from happening but we are in position to deal it wisely and it is what the words of a teacher teaches.

Comforting words are very necessary, especially in this time when cutthroat competition and commercialization has deprived us of all the comforts. I am talking about those comforts that are associated with our mind and thoughts. From many months now, large numbers of people are fleeing the country due to different fears. Media finds it more beneficial to show the dark side of the picture and further darken the scenario. Most of our youngsters are in need of some magic words that should repel their fears, help them look at the bright side of the picture, and get relaxed. But these words are not coming from anywhere. Everyone is talking of the frightening words and these words are getting onto our nerves. Other day, I watched the Friday sermon of a religious scholar in one of the famous mosques of Kabul. He was talking about this issue. He was trying his best to utter some comforting words and I felt too good after hearing him. Many of my friends had the same feelings and they recommended the video that was later released on internet. The situation did not change but the way we look at the situation changed slightly. At this time of uncertainty, we need large number of teachers who should help us look at the brighter side of the picture.

The difference of viewpoints can also be understood from the same problem. I have been witnessing more and more cases when our youths have made to Turkey, Greece or even Germany but they are not happy there as well and they want to return to Afghanistan. Here, they were only shown the bright side of the picture that if they made to Turkey or Europe, they will be very happy, they will earn a lot of money and of so many other pleasing dreams but when they went there and saw the actual picture with their own eyes, it did not come out to be so beautiful.

These days, our forces also need a teacher. They must be told that they are on the right side and fighting for a noble purpose. They are fighting and sacrificing their lives for the protection of millions of men and women, children and elderly who have pinned their hopes with them. It must be kept in mind that at the end, evil has to vanish and they will definitely be successful. We are proud of our forces that they have never let us down but these days, when they are busy fighting the terrorists on a number of places, the comforting words are gradually decreasing. When we will think of fleeing the country in hopelessness, how can we expect that they will sustain their spirits?

At present, another role of teacher is also needed which is of giving good advice. There is a long list of advices needed to all of us these days, and with every passing day, their importance is increasing.

The first advice is to teach us all that we should discourage the efforts of our enemies who are working hard to divide us.

We need a teacher who should also advice our leaders that instead of looking for temporary gains, they should widen their horizons and try to be the pioneers of a country that is going to be strong and developed in the future. We also need a teacher who should tell funny stories and take our children out of the trance of shocking sounds of firing, bomb explosions, rockets and ambulance sirens. We cannot stop these things but at least we can divert our attention to listen to something else.

Finally, we need a teacher who should tell us that when we will not be honest with ourselves, our fellow citizens and our motherland, we should not expect any good in return. We will have to fight terrorism but it will start when we will fight with our desires and work honestly and think broadly of general good instead of our own prosperity.


Muhammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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