Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Syrians Need Peace, from Wherever it Comes!


Syrians Need Peace, from  Wherever it Comes!

It was not surprising when the Russian intervention in Syria brought mixed reactions. There is some criticism on this act but there are also a number of voices that see hope in the peaceful settlement of this bloody war.

The first and foremost reason is the horrible time expansion of Syrian war. In the beginning, it was thought to be a process similar to that of Libya, Afghanistan or Iraq in which the operation of Allied forces concluded successfully in a few months. It was estimated that the presence of a formal Syrian army might hinder the process for a couple of months but due to the information and evidences that large numbers of Syrian army officers were fleeing the force and joining the Anti-Assad squad, it was hoped that the resistance of Syrian forces might not be much problematic. However, this miscalculation gave birth to so many other unexpected problems. It was not thought as what might happen to anti-regime forces if the war kept stretching for years and years. The way these forces were helped and provided with necessary weaponry and training in the beginning by Allied powers resulted in their initial success and brisk movement towards Damascus but later on, prolonging war changed the scenario. Some of the groups that were expected to fight the Syrian army started fighting with anti-Assad resistance forces. It was a great blow to the whole operation of removing Assad from power. With the passage of time, the condition got worse and large numbers of groups were formed in which intentions of many were unknown. Some of them were fighting against each other and this inter-group fighting indirectly strengthened the Assad forces. It looked that Allied powers had lost control on many of the groups that were formed with the money of their taxpayers. These groups turned into blood-sucking monsters, the guilt of which will always be felt by their creators.

This unexpected expansion of war resulted in the death of more than 300,000 Syrians. The blaze of war did not remain limited to Syria only and now it looks as if entire Middle East is in fire. Even the safe countries of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are in danger of being affected by this war.

War of Syria gave birth to the extremist Jihadist group of ISIS. In the beginning, it was a part of Jihadists that were found and sponsored by Allied powers to fight the regime forces. With the passage of time, they got more and more power and then they declared to be a separate entity with an objective of establishing Islamic state in the region that they later intended to extend all over the world. At the beginning of this operation, Al-Qaeda was the major threat for Allied powers but now, it has gone behind the curtain and ISIS emerged as an unprecedented cruel and powerful terrorist organization.  ISIS is responsible for killing of thousands of innocent people in the areas they captured. It may take years before this monster organization is eliminated and may further destabilize the region.

Although ISIS was declared a terrorist organization right from their emergence and now for more than a year, Allied powers of USA, UK and France are busy in bombing them but the whole process is very much dubious. Many military analysts doubt on the health of these air raids against ISIS militants. It is strange that we see the large convoys of IS tanks, and armored vehicles that roam around without any fear. It is the reason why, in the anti-IS bombing of more than a year, the terrorist organization has endured very less harms and they are still strongly controlling the large parts of Iraq and Syria.

Russian forces started their air assault with the same reason. It was said that Allied powers are deliberately not attacking the IS targets and thus gives a reason for Russian forces to come into action. On the other hand, the confusion of our and their terrorist group also became a problem in the case of Syria. There are almost a dozen groups fighting in Syria. Some of them, that are fighting against the Assad forces, have been labeled to be friendly groups by Allied powers while others, that fight with Assad forces and also with other groups have been called terrorist groups. Allied powers had been in great difficulty in differentiating and targeting these groups due to the same problem. It also became the reason for ineffectiveness of Allied bombing against ISIS militants. It also remains a fact that ISIS militants are also fighting Syrian forces and Allied planes avoided to target at points where they were in direct confrontation with Syrian forces.

Along with ISIS, there are a number of other terrorist organizations like Al-Nusra Front and others that are equally dangerous for the people of Syria.

 The existence of some of these groups might be acceptable for Allied powers due to the fact that they are fighting Assad’s forces but it remains a fact that these terror groups are not liked by common Syrians. Russian bombing might weaken or eliminate some or all of these groups and bring relief to the Syrians. Although the Allied powers had made this claim of bringing relief to Syrians when they started the war but now, the same work is done by the Russians and it is the reason that people are welcoming these attacks.

When the war started in Syria, Syrians were hopeful that soon they will be able to live in a country more democratic and peaceful than it used to be under the Assad family but having a look at the present conditions, they are of the view that the time in Assad’s reign was better than today. The war does not seem to end.

It does nott seem to end peacefully even if the Anti-Assad forces come into power because they are divided on how to run the country. There is a group including of the Syrian army generals who might like to lead the country with a military force. There are large numbers of terrorist organizations that might deprive the people of all their rights on the name of Islamic government or Sharia. On the other hand, the forces of Assad are still strong after they got help from Iran and Russia.

This war has also given birth to the worst refugee problem of the world since WW2.

Whatever may be the result of Russian intervention, Syrians and other peace-loving people of the world only demand that war should stop. They do not want a democratic government that is built on their corpses. They want to live under any government that should make sure that there would be peace as under the peace only, they would thrive and prosper.

Muhammad Rasool Shah is a permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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