Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

It’s Time to Act Wisely


It’s Time to Act Wisely

Life is a complicated phenomenon; it is full of loses and victories. When we are born, we have to live the life in any condition; mostly we find losses in this complicated life. Whatever! We are here to look at the positive aspects of life so as to make our life worthy to live and better for other fellow beings.

Since mankind is considered to be the supreme creature, we all know it perfectly that he, from the very first day had the quest to search for cryptic and mysterious aspects of the universe, to elaborate the un-explained, to approach the unreached, to see into the unseen, to depict the hidden, to discover the unfound, to hear the unspoken, to speak up the unsaid and to practice the un-experienced. As doing them is his duty, the reason for his being and the desire of his unique nature. Thus, man’s nature is the basic unit of all his actions; so we can say that it provokes a man to get up and act. 

With the modernization of the world, anticipation of technology and creation of different kinds of ideologies and intellects; life has become too much difficult and complicated. In every step of life we find hurdles; we have to be careful while moving our footsteps. It is on the strength of our efforts whether we crash the hurdles or we jump over the hurdles or we just give up in front of them. Unfortunately, failure has the capacity to dominate us on certain occasions. We fail whether we don’t strive ourselves or we are defeated by our opponents. Suppose, there is a student and he applies for a job and he is much better option for the post but another person comes with strong recommendation and takes the seat; here it isn’t his fault, but that does not change the result. So in both cases failure has deep impacts on human minds and hopes.

It can be easily observed that when we fail we get frustrated and depressed. Then the grief attacks and engulfs our psychology. Now the question is, “How to prevent our frustration, depression or grief?”… By partying, by listening music, by keeping our minds away from the current depression or by realizing, understanding and finding the way for the solution of the problem? This is what we all are searching for. We need to understand the real meaning of our lives. We need to understand what our lives are? Does it mean ‘getting  up early in the morning, finding breakfast, going to work, earning money, betraying people in order to earn more profit, returning home, having dinner and sleeping. If we analyze deeply we come to know that all these activities are just a part of our instinct and most of the animals also perform some of these tasks. Now we need to find out that what we need to do in order to be differentiated; the only easy way is taking part in social activities and being optimistic.  

Keeping in view today’s practical world and the competitive mood of state of affairs in the world one must be quite active and energetic to bring his ideas into life by taking suitable and favorable actions/steps against the customary problems so that he could promise his survival through the tough and rapid pace of political and economic struggle. Currently, we are suffering the worst form of terrorism and yet again we lack the unity of thought and clear vision to overcome the prevailing pathetic condition of our society and its members. We are scattered into many ethnic groups and different schools of thought. We are contaminated with the differences existing among us and on the other hand we wish to beat the present miseries. Every single person chants the slogan of coming together, joining hands with one another and thinking with broader perspective, removing all personal clashes and differences in order to bring about constructive remedies to the tribulations. But one has to bear in mind that these are only miraculous ideas which have never been acted upon.

It is really important not to be disappointed while facing the difficulties and problems and act appropriately to solve the issues. Everybody must take care not to become the victim of inaction and strive to find out ways of getting out of quagmire as all the human beings are gifted with the unique quality of sanity and capability to think and ponder. This is the only way we can call ourselves the true human beings – distinct from other creatures in the world.

In fact, there are different ways of dealing with the problems and different people act differently. If a person is not appointed for a job because the second person has strong recommendation; he may get fully disappointed and never again strive to find job and will instead fall into more grief and tragedies. Or, he may become more committed to face the challenges and keep on striving so as to be able to prove his capabilities even in the presence of unjust circumstances. And, in my view the second action is a better option as it demands active role of human beings and it is how beings should live in human society. If we find something wrong in social, political and economic systems, we must strive to penetrate within them and try to make things right, but we have to change ourselves first. If we find our people dump, we need to make them realize the importance of their active participation in society.

It is really vital that we must not lose hope because of depression and frustration. We need to make ourselves wall in front of the problems and always fight for our rights. In the current circumstances when there is great hustle and bustle and much confusion and misunderstandings, it is necessary that we must understand ourselves, our role and status in the society and our responsibilities. If we want to change things all around us, it is really vital that we must start from ourselves; as it is the only way to bring about changes in the systems.

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at email.urya@gmail.com

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