Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Muharram and the Sense of Unity!


Muharram and the  Sense of Unity!

First month of Islamic calendar is important due to the great sacrifice of Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S) and his companions. This occasion is considered as the turning point in the history of Islam when it got re-birth and was saved of annihilation and absolute destruction in its initial stages.

Though it might not be of much interest to those who have limited interest in religious matters and it might have not come into the knowledge of those who live in big cities with educated backgrounds but different attitudes of people on this occasion forced me to write this article.

Before coming to those strange behaviors and attitudes of people regarding this great sacrifice and the holy month, few well-understood facts should be revised. Imam Hussain was the grandson of our Holy Prophet (SAWS). He refused to recognize Yazeed as the new caliph of Islamic world as he did not believe that Yazeed deserved this auspicious position of Islamic world. When he was migrating with his family and companions, they were stopped at a place called ‘Karbala’ in Iraq by a commander of Yazeed and given two options: he should confer to the caliphate of Yazeed or should be ready to fight with the army. Instead of supporting something wrong, he chose the latter way and he and his companions sacrificed their lives in Karbala for the sake of protection of Islam.

Now, it is clear that Hazrat Hussain’s act of sacrifice left behind a clear message that at any condition, we should not accept something wrong. Writers and philosophers have written a lot about different aspects and impacts of this great sacrifice of Islamic history and I am not in position to say more about this.

I remember my childhood when Sunni and Shia together took part in the procession of Muharram. It was an occasion that brought people together. There was no fear of any bomb explosion or suicide attack. Starting from first day of the month until the tenth, different gatherings were arranged. People distributed alms among the poor. Rice, tea, milk, cold water and cold drinks were distributed to the poor and the hungry. For children, it was an occasion to enjoy as they used to eat a lot of rice and drank a lot of tea and cold drinks. On the tenth day of Muharram (called Yaum-e-Ashur), there would be large processions of Shia people who mourned in a number of different ways. Sunnis also distribute tea and cold drinks among the participants, held free medical camps for the injured and helped in shifting the seriously injured ones to the hospitals. In short, the month of Muharram brought a message of unity, love, respect, cooperation and brotherhood without any discrimination of sectarian differences. However, later on the seeds of hatred were sown and nurtured between different sects. Muharram became the worst victim of this hatred. In order to promote hate, a lot of misunderstandings and misinformation was spread among people. It was told that Muharram belongs to Shias only and it had nothing to do with the Sunnis.

However, it must be understood that this day reminds us the sad incident of Karbala where the grandson of our Holy Prophet (SAWS) was martyred and it has nothing to do with Sunni or Shia. Both Sunni and Shia equally love our Kind Prophet (SAWS) and his grandson. 

With the arrival of Muharram, we see a lot of tents, and other similar things on the roads of Kabul. It is sad that these things are promoting a kind of difference among people. Similarly, on the day of Ashura, a big procession of cars comes out on the streets of Kabul and people have complained that they disturb the large number of other people. Same complaints were lodged against the procession and shouting of people on the occasion of death anniversary of Ahmad Shah Massoud. In a city and the country, where majority of people are illiterate and not aware of the rights of others, any such step should be taken carefully. It should be taken care that lives of others should not be disturbed on the name of religion or politics. 

In the same way, there is need of broadness and sense of respect for religious practices of others. If some people like to conduct any religious ritual and if we do not agree with this, we need to respect and cooperate with them considering them our fellow citizens. In Europe and America, followers of different religions practice their religious rituals without any fear and every religion is respected with a sense of responsibility. It is the true spirit of humanity and democracy as well.

A huge responsibility falls on the shoulders of religious scholars as well. They need to educate the people about this holy month of Islam and tell them about the importance of it. They should educate people that this month and event is above any sectarian difference and equally belongs to both Sunni and Shia. People also need to be educated about respecting the beliefs, practices and rights of others.

As I mentioned earlier, this month can bring all the Muslims together with a spirit of sacrifice, respect and cooperation to each other. On the other hand, our enemies are working hard to highlight our differences and turn people against each other based on false information and rumors. It is needed that people should study and try to discover the actual truth themselves. Being humans and Muslims, they also need to show respect to each other. This is the spirit of Islam and this will be actual gain of this holy month as well.

Muhammad Rasool Shah is a permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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