Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Muharram Teaches a Lesson of Humanity


Muharram Teaches a  Lesson of Humanity

The blood of Imam Husain (A.S) is oozing from the pages of history to convey message of selflessness to human societies. His words went beyond the desert of Karbala. He played his human role in the best possible way to reform the society and root out the dictatorial regime. He moved to free the individuals from the chain of slavery. An honorable death was far more reputable for him than a dishonorable life. 

He sacrificed his life to uphold moral code, human practices and religious tenets. Imam Husain (A.S) turned down to pledge allegiance to a cruel regime – which carried no legitimacy. Yazid ruled the bodies of people but not their soul. Despite his flagrant misdeeds, he urged Imam Husain (A.S) to vow allegiance to his kingdom. Since Imam Husain (A.S) was the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and a charismatic personality, his allegiance would bestow legitimacy to Yazid’s sultanate. To revive religious values and ethical code, he did not only refuse to do so but reacted manly against his regime.

The message of humanity and selflessness outweigh the tragic aspect of Imam Husain’s (A.S) revolution. Although he was martyred mercilessly on the burning sand of Karbala along with his family and companions, nonetheless his blood gained victory over sword. In other words, his blood decorated the episode of Karbala to portray sacrifice for revival of humanity and moral values. But the tragedy of Karbala is more salient in Islamic societies than human messages. It is naïve of those who shed tears in Holy Month of Muharram regardless of its sacred messages or to atone their annual sins. It should be considered that Muharram symbolizes the best of the human spirit and moral principles. Therefore, one has to consider the messages and lessons that the revolution of Karbala teaches the societies.

Imam Husain (A.S) explains the mission of his sacrifice in his own words: “I have taken this stand not out of arrogance or pride, neither out of mischief or injustice. I have risen to seek reform in the community of my grandfather. I would like to bid good, forbid evil, and follow the tradition of my grandfather and my father.” He adds, “Can’t you see that the truth is not followed and the falsehood is not shunned? In such circumstances a believer should desire to meet Allah. Surely I regard death as nothing but an honor and life with oppressors as anything but disgrace.”

According to Islamic worldview, all the prophets were sent by Allah Almighty for the salvation of men. They were the heirs of one another who made efforts for the same purpose. This historical continuity of prophecy ended with Muhammad (PBUH). According to Shiite Muslim ideology, this responsibility was placed on the shoulder of Imams after the demise of Muhammad (PBUH). Hence, Imams were the heirs of holy prophets.  From the very start of history, there was always a battle between right and wrong. For instance, when Cain slew Abel, it was the first drop of blood shed on Earth and the war between right and wrong started – there emerged the Devine and Devil’s parties. Moses protested against the King of his time Pharaoh and wrecked his imperial castle. Abraham revolted against Nimrod and Muhammad (PBUH) against the pagans of Makah. Hence, all Abrahamic prophets preached the same religion and launched war against the oppressors and pagans of their times for the same purpose. In other words, all the prophets came to preach the oneness and uniqueness of God, direct men to salvation and fight against the Devil’s party. Finally, Imams also fought battles to defeat the Devil’s party – those who trample upon humanity and moral values.

The blood of Imam Hussain (AS) played the most vital role in history. Martyrdom was not a death for Imam but a new and eternal re-birth. The stagnant societies of that time awoke to new life by Imam’s blood. He was a great mastermind who planned that his blood should flow in the stream of history and time so as to be a warning for all dictatorial regimes.

Many lessons can be learnt from Imam Husain (A.S) – we learn to be brave, resilient and firm just as Imam Husain (A.S) and his companions were; that it is better to die with dignity than to live in humiliation; that our rights can be defended even in the face of death. True faith is tested in the hardest of adversities. Life can be sacrificed for a just cause. As Mahatma Gandh, Indian political and spiritual leader, said about Imam Hussain (A.S) that My faith is that the progress of Islam does not depend on the use of sword by its believers, but the result of the supreme sacrifice of Husain, the great saint. Adding that I learned from Hussain how to achieve victory while being oppressed. Edwar Gibbon, an English Historian and member of Parliament said about the great sacrifice of Imam Hussain (A.S) that in a distant age and climate, the tragic scene of the death of Hussain will awaken the sympathy of the coldest reader.

His blood will keep the heart of history beating for centuries, he knows. His tomb will be the shrine of freedom fighters. His bravery, manliness and virtue will be a great lesson for human and humanity. His drops of blood will make an ocean to ruin the skyscrapers which are built at the cost of the people’s rights and properties.  He decides to recover the religious beliefs, moral values and social norms which have been eroded after the sad demise of his grandfather. He will prevent Islamic Sunnah from being metamorphosed. Does he have arms and armies? No, his arm is his blood and his armies are his family and the small group of his companions! He will make an ocean to drown the dictatorial regime and his blood shakes the palace of dictators. In short, his blood still injects new life into societies and invites men to move against oppression and corruption.


Hujjattullah Zia is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at zia_hujjat@yahoo.com

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