Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Factionalism Harms National Unity


Factionalism Harms  National Unity

In democracy, maximum power rests with the chief executive aided by a cabinet to run the affairs of a country. It is the constitutional dictates that channelizes the derived power and ascertains the dos and don’ts of a ruler. Identically, the constitutional power descends to heads of federal and provincial departments, both elected and appointed. The law shuns any discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religions, treats all the citizens equitably is enshrined in the constitutions that functions via institution. Every institution sticking to constitutional provisions should exercise its legitimate authority without meddling into affairs of others institutions. Regretfully, the 14 years long democratic government could not satisfactorily bring about consolidation of democratic institutions. Even at date individuals then institutions enjoy great deal of power. Moreover, subsequent to political deadlock it was temporarily thought out the electoral mess could be done away with formation of national unity government. The decisional impasse was witnessed in every political undertaking –be that the appointment of ministries or provincial heads, reforms in election commission –even the ministry of defense till date foresees the appointment. It distinctly depicts disparity of interest and different overview of president and CEO on various issues.

It has been just over a year since Ashraf Ghani was sworn in as president as part of a US-brokered unity government with his main election rival Abdullah Abdullah. It was thought the power-sharing deal between Ghani and Abdullah will lead to reinstatement of broader consensus between the two leaders that later will be supported by constitutional amendments and ratified by grand assembly (Loya Jirga). Nonetheless, a period of more than a year past the deal, no reform is witnessed. However, no reform is carried out including parliamentary elections and Loya Jirga. It is mostly observed a decision taken by one is duly averted by the other that has likely created a stalemate over many significant issues. The delayed evolution of consensus over appointment of head Electoral Reform Commission justifies the said propositions. On the other hand the 40 degree fall of popularity of both Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah from that previous ranking should be none surprise, when every public proceeding suffer mismanagement.

The existing disparity is duly exploited by both local and international players –who are stung by peaceful and stable Afghanistan. It is felt some clandestine hands are plotting malicious designs at the behest of political unrest and insecurity. The all at sudden shift of war from Taliban dominated Eastern and Western part of country to Northern part underlines the beginning of impact of evil intentions. Abudullah who is deemed to represent north, is left to mounting insecurity and declining popularity could be for two reasons. One, he should disband asking a lion’s share in every special grant or political decision. Second, Taliban should not be deemed a terrorism group who should meet crushing defeat, as repeatedly asserted from his political standpoint –contrary to many groups favoring peace talks. Abdullah is witnessed to the most vocal leader who has repeatedly dismissed favoring talks with insurgents in the wake of multiplying attacks or he has suggested talks from the position of strength. 

Disagreeably the political differences between the two leaders have led to erroneous decisions coming into appearance. It is seen the political figures are leading military operation surprisingly arming their loyal in the fight against insurgents. It is said that this practices gaining wide acceptance amongst ordinary masses in the insurgency struck north. This earns two harms for the country: first the army as a security institution is undermined; second widespread political meddling is depicted; third, a sense of self security followed by armament of ordinary people is encouraged. This certainly hints the strategic drawback and furthers insecurity to curbing it.

Going through the reasons behind falling of potential province Kunduz to insurgent, we come to learn distinct disposition of disunity of command between provincial executive head and security head –the former being president’s pick and the later CEO’s. It is said that great deal of nepotism and favoritism is exercised in many critical appointments even in security institution. Earlier, Ghani promoted 61 ANA officers – some to heads of departments and some as generals - in a bid to increase capacity building, maintain security and protect national sovereignty. Even the president’s special representative for reform and good governance, Ahmad Zia Massoud claimed that nepotism has, for a while, been the basis for appointments. It should be remembered army should be deinstitutionalized and highly politicized, is deemed a deliberate blunder.

On the other hand, the US President Barack Obama’s decided to keep 5,500 troops beyond 2016 has therefore been met with widespread relief by officials and residents, who hope it will prevent the country from becoming a regional hub of terror. Nonetheless, the insurgents’ seizure of the Northern Province, Kunduz, last month, though brief, was a hurtful blow to stationed western forces more than Western-trained Afghan forces –dims their competence and questions their resolve fighting the growing militancy in the said land. The presence of US forces accompanied with increasing attacks on potential sites downs the credibility of western forces, was criticized by former president. While pinpointing Karzai said the presence of foreign troops had not only failed to stamp out terrorism but is in fact adding to the problem in war-ravaged Afghanistan.

Karzai said the Afghan people have had 14 years of foreign troop presence in their country and hoped for lasting peace and the elimination of terrorism but that this has not happened. Instead insurgency has strengthened.

It is critical to learn a peaceful Afghanistan will serve the greater interest of progressive and peace oriented world. Significantly, both the president and CEO have to come on a single page and better translate their differences into strength –is practical demonstration of unity –only inflicts crushing defeat to all opposition forces.  

Asmatyari is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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