Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Increasing Role of Russia and China in International Politics!


Increasing Role of Russia and  China in International Politics!

The increasing role of Russia and China in a number of international issues is an indication that miseries and crisis of world desperately wait for a change in the present system of international politics. Russia’s intervention in Syrian war is taken by some as an attempt to save the regime of battling Syrian president Bashar-al-Assad and has become a target of criticism by a number of countries but at the same time, it gives hope to all the Syrians and peace-loving people of the world of an end to the bloody Syrian. The war, that has claimed more than 300,000 lives and resulted in the worst refugee influx of the history, is getting more complicated with every passing day. The war started with only two factions; Syrian government forces and their opposition rebels but it gave birth to so many other terrorist organizations that now discriminating between the good and bad has become impossible. There is notorious and barbarous group of ISIS, there are many self-controlled armed militias, there are Jihadi groups supported by US and its Allies and a number of other groups that are far dangerous from once most feared Al-Qaeda. The situation has made Syria a battleground for all these groups and the biggest loser are Syrians who are being killed and injured in between these groups. This war also provided a battleground for regional countries to promote their doctrines in the region. The flames of war have crossed the borders of Syria and Iraq and now the entire Middle East is in a turbulence of insecurity and militancy.

When USA and its allies started this war in 2010, they had not expected such bizarre and ominous situation and now, they seem to have lost control on the game that they planned and started according to their own benefits. In fact, they seem to be absolutely helpless and clueless in the current situation. Even after heavy casualties and destabilization of the whole region, the eventual fate of the war seems bleak and uncertain. In such circumstances, the present setup of the game does not seem to be working and all the countries and people of the region have lost hope from the current players of the game. It was needed that there should be any other power that should come up with some different strategy and put an end to the  miseries of the people living in the region. In such circumstances, the Russian intervention appears to be a new hope in resolving this long-standing and brutal conflict. It is hoped that soon ISIS will be wiped out of the region and with this, so many small militant groups will annihilate and world would be able to witness peace and stability in the region.

Similarly, Russian offer to Afghan government to tackle the menace of Taliban is of paramount importance for concluding the war that has continued for more than 14 years, even in the presence of international forces and has claimed the lives of tens and thousands of Afghans. Although Taliban disappeared for a couple of years in the beginning of the war in 2002-2003 but then they reappeared and gradually gained strength. After international forces announced to leave Afghanistan by December 2014, the activities of Taliban greatly increased. At present, they are busy in fighting the professional Afghan Army of more than 350,000 personnel in a number of provinces in the country and every passing day witnesses an increase in their strength and control of areas. Kunduz fell into their hands, which was later recaptured by ANSF but still they maintain a strong hold in a number of towns and villages of the country. According to military analysts, a number of cities in Helmand, Badakhshan, Faryab, Kunduz, Jawzjan and many other provinces are in serious danger of falling to Taliban and once it happens, it will be difficult to contain them and stop them from controlling the throne of power in Kabul. 

The mission of Afghanistan was taken to be very simple but it got complicated with involvement of large number of regional and international powers and it became a battleground for them. In such circumstances, people of Afghanistan have also lost and if the present deteriorating security conditions persisted, they might find no other option except to seek the Russian help to curb militancy.

In the same way, China’s role in international politics is also increasing. The warm welcome of Chinese president in Britain shows that the balance of power in the world is changing. Both the countries also inked a number of agreements, most importantly those in which China will invest in Britain’s nuclear power plants. China is the second largest economy of the world and its rapid economic progress has ensured the world that this country has potential to play an important role in international politics.

While talking of increasing influence of Russia and China in international politics, there is a clear difference between the strategies of the two countries. Russia enjoys a technological edge in the field of arms and weaponry and has maintained a strong army even after the cold war. These factors enable the country to play an effective role on military grounds. On the other hand, China’s economic progress and financial stability has been its major weapon in playing an important role in world politics. With its constructive strategy, China has avoided getting into conflict with any country of the world and has invested billions of dollars around the world to leave its long-lasting imprints of economic contribution.

It is the reason why, present day analysts regard the strategy of China as most wise in which they have made large numbers of friends and has avoided making any enemy.

The biggest reason giving rise to the increasing influence of Russia and China in international politics is the failure of strategies adopted by US and its Allies. When US emerged as the sole superpower of the world after the collapse of Russian Federation, its strategy has been intimidation and invasion of different countries by armed invasion, spying and military and economic sanctions. However, this strategy gave birth to large numbers of wars in which US and its Allies were directly or indirectly involved. There is a long list of such countries that were destabilized by this irrational strategy. Iraq, Syria, Israel and Palestine, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Iran, Ukraine, Libya and many other countries are on this list in which majority of them are against USA.   

Muhammad Rasool Shah is a permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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