Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Ending Impunity for Crimes against Journalists Urged


Ending Impunity for Crimes against Journalists Urged

All the way through human history, man preferred silence even if the dictatorial government exercised entirely unjust deeds. There were no way out with conceding to an entirely ill-conduct of ruling class, licit. The disclosure of any truth that could harm the so-called self-defined reputation of ruling elites, led to scandalous consequences. The mightiest groups would avow their influence; strive earning the favor by physical might. This stance leads to closure of unspoken truth than disclosure –is indeed a progress retarding phenomenon.

A publication harmonizing with the state described policies could get published unrestraint and others contradicting the policies are liable of omission or prosecution is press suppression. The great degree of restraint and severe and callous treatment from both state and non-state actors isn’t a life worth undertaking compared with the meager remuneration. Hence journalists must act with promptness and caution, balancing their professional duties with awareness about when to pull back when things spiral out of control. The functioning of media bodies, foreign or local, becoming targets for reprisal for their work as journalists might get worsened if the global community recedes to control.

On November 02, 2013 two French journalists Claude Verlon and Ghislaine Dupont were to cover first round presidential election in Mali were shot dead following abduction with no apparent reason. The pain of loss of two journalist undoubtedly doubles given the culprits evade apprehension and trial in the court of justice. It is said that over the past decade, more than 700 journalists have been killed for bringing news and information to the public and one in ten cases has led to a conviction. This impunity emboldens the perpetrators of the crimes inflicting retarding impact on news disclosures. To commemorate the valued loss of lives of those two journalists and remind governments of their responsibilities every year November 2 is proclaimed as the ‘International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists’. The Resolution urges all States including those who didn’t sign, to implement and take measures undoing the culture of impunity.

Conditioned to media pluralism, independence, respect for the safety and freedom of journalists, and the legislative, institutional and infrastructural environment in which the media operate at large Reporters Without Borders earlier this year published World Press Freedom Index that ranked the performance of 180 countries. The Scandinavian countries secured top of the list: Finland, which has been in first place for five years in succession, followed by Norway and Denmark. At the other end of the scale, Turkmenistan, North Korea and Eritrea, in last place, were the worst performers. France is ranked 38th, the United States 49th, Japan 61st, Russia 152, Iran 173rd, China 176th, Afghanistan on 122 and Pakistan on 159.

The countries on the top of index exercises fairer treatment to media bodies who enjoy a great deal of independence and congenial working environment. Many countries left to tyrant rulers who narrowly defines and confines press freedom while other like Afghanistan both state and none state actors are unlikely pleased with expanding role of media. Customarily, the extremist groups such as ISIS, Al-Qaida, Taliban, Boko Haram be in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Nigeria or other countries the journalists are left to pay the price of their duties. The ISIS in particular has surpassed the other terrorists groups butchering large number of journalists. The social media site is loaded with dozens of video showing the ruthless beheading of journalists by ISIS militants. The query who would put such tyrannous militants into accountability is indistinct and undetermined?

Reportedly, most cases of violence against journalists involved the militants, government employees and officials of private organizations. The public official, militants, demanding censored news, favoring their deep rooted interests irrespective of their legitimacy regarded, serve a primary reason making journalists vulnerable to violence and endless threats. With exception to risk of life the daily wages are infinitesimally small. Journalists still struggle for fair wages and decent working conditions. It’s worth, underlying the media persons suffer lack of laws, protecting wages and secure working conditions. Responding to threat call to media bodies government at the end of the day could hardly dare to condemn the call.

Previously, Taliban issued a strong threat against private TV channels, accused of having reported contrary to their interests. In addition to the death threats, the Taliban threatened to destroy all facilities belonging to the two TV channels. Following the reception of threat call Afghan media collectively staged a press conference and resolved not to bow to their threat call whilst warning any attack would be deemed as war crime. Such bright day light issuance of death threat demonstrate the major challenges facing journalists and freedom of speech in Afghanistan and the urgency to find ways to provide journalists protection. The killings and death threats demonstrate the major challenges facing journalists and freedom of speech in Afghanistan and the urgency to find ways to provide journalists protection. With exception to risk of life the daily wages are infinitesimally small. Journalists still struggle for fair wages and decent working conditions. It’s worth, underlying the media persons suffer lack of laws, protecting wages and secure working conditions. This landmark resolution UN condemns all attacks and violence against journalists and media workers. It also urges Member States to do their utmost to prevent violence against journalists and media workers, to ensure accountability, bring to justice perpetrators of crimes against journalists and media workers, and ensure that victims have access to appropriate remedies. It further calls upon States to promote a safe and enabling environment for journalists to perform their work independently and without undue interference.

The governments across the world must come forth sincerely, addressing the boundless challenges media faces and must not let this very vital organ and fourth pillar of democracy, beleaguer. The dream can come true provided the impunity for crime against media persons are put an end to. This is the most ideal and practical way of celebrating day November 2.

Asmatyari is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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