Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Divided Interest Serves Humanitarian Crisis


Divided Interest Serves  Humanitarian Crisis

The world was destined to sit in Geneva and talk about ongoing humanitarian crisis Syria that resulted in an unexpected migrant influx into European shores. According to United Nations at the latest as per estimation 220,000 people have died and multiplied number injured in Syria. It is said 350,000 migrants crossed the EU’s borders in between January-August 2015, compared with just 280,000 during the whole of 2014.  Nonetheless, the mass migration doesn’t stop here, round about 218,000 migrants crossed Mediterranean in October the UNHCR latest report reads. Most of migrants are war weary Syrians whose life rested to mercy of ceaseless death. It isn’t less than a human tragedy where a portion of world cries foul against unending atrocities while the world mightiest powers are finding it hard whom to talk to and whom to target. The worried sick unbelievable stratagem is right away turning believable.

Part of the world hitherto deems ISIL the latest and most sophisticated terror group that had only succeeded attracting bunch of western youth towards militancy with inclusion to imprinting their footprints deep in the heart of most of the people around the globe. The US greater inclination to launching attacks against the terror group had intensified the perception that group is likely to turn history in the least possible time. Nevertheless, the hitherto vocal existence of the group depicts “on ground politics differs from that of paper politics” is no surprise. It is imminent to get disclosed to the world –the geopolitical interests’ lying the top most of political wish list of some countries, may turn catastrophic and irreversible. World of appreciation to tones of humbleness and sincerity to ex-prime minister of UK Tony Blair’s, who displayed exceptional courage confessing misdeeds into account of emergence of ISIL subsequent to invading Iraq whose terror tales runs down the spine of people across the globe.

The tale of coldblooded atrocities earned ISIS prominence not only in Iraq and Syria but also in Afghanistan and Nigeria and elsewhere. It is witnessed the ongoing tale of intra-Taliban conflict led to defection of some potential Taliban leader into ISIS, Afghanistan chapter. The faction of Taliban have already responded to the call of Caliph of Muslims al-Baghdadi waging war against innocent civilians here in Afghanistan. Formerly, President Ghani has confessed the threat looming over this land due terror plots of IS fighters. This undoubtedly is an alarming sign for the state of Afghanistan, already worried sick of recurrent attacks launched by local insurgents and militants. Moreover, Afghanistan undeniably serve as a fertile land providing with large number of individuals whose trust can easily be earned, subsequent of assurance of virtues, noble deed and dearness in the sight of Creator. Consequently, it is pretty trouble-free for ISIS, to establish a sound operational ground in this piece of land, hence adding government miseries, has materialized. The government got caught amidst soaring insecurity with exception of taking tangible measure can’t get rid of this menace; provided the ranks of militants widens with incoming fighters.

This comes as a UN report released late in September stated that nearly 70 militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group are busy in forming the core of the group’s branch in Afghanistan. The United Nation (UN) recently published report showed the self-styled Islamic State (IS) group is making inroads in Afghanistan and recruiting followers in 25 of the country’s 34 provinces. The source has said that IS fighter had been fighting Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and the Taliban in different areas of Afghanistan. It said 10 percent of the Taliban fighters had sympathies with the Daesh fighters, adding that 70 percent of the group’s fighters came from Syria and Iraq to Afghanistan. Amidst the negligence that deem not them a threat their growth marks is blatant fault. It is highlighted that member of group are travelling to Iraq and Syria.

The whole state of affairs reflects IS accounts for most if not all of miseries of contemporary world. Earlier, the of pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) rally was struck by twin suicide bombing that took the death toll at 97. Islamic State rendered the focus of investigations into bombing.

The latest report published by IHS Jane’s global defense publication testifies the group spiked over 40 percent attack per day. The report, recorded 1,086 Islamic State attacks globally between July and September. The report covered activity within countries where Islamic State claims territory, including not only its main heartland in Syria and Iraq, but also Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, the North Caucasus and Algeria. Greatest majority hitherto deems ISIS the nascent terror group that is effectively manipulating security situation in many countries. The US and the West are rightly striving to do away the harm by launching attack against the group in Iraq and Syria. It was astonishing to learn the US led coalitions are arming rebels who fight the Bashar-ul-Asad regime that also includes ISIS inspired groups. Subsequent, to commencement of Russia aerial raids against the high profile terrorist sites it was complained that most Russian strikes were against “moderate” rebels “not IS forces –the situation was brought to light. The on ground realities depicts that Washington’s “moderate” rebels include the likes of al-Nusra ( al-Qaeda’s Syrian branch), Ahrar al-Sham (affiliate of al-Qaeda) and the Islamic Front (aspires to establish Islamic State).

A German journalist Jurgen Todenhofer, who spent 10 days inside the Islamic State, reported last year that IS militants are being “indirectly” armed by the West; negates the chances of restriction or extermination of ISIS, ISIL, a thought about perception. The individual pursuit of selfish desires will most likely embolden the terrorists then ridding the world of them instead every troubled part of the world will turn into breeding nurseries.

Asmatyari is a permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyar@gmail.com

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