Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Govt. Urged to Act Against Growing Insurgency


Govt. Urged to Act Against Growing Insurgency

Life is sacred” is an ideal the human society and civilized world unconditionally subscribe to greater extent. It is most deplorable of crimes killing an innocent, worthy of the harshest possible punishment that tends to tarnish harmonious society. Nonetheless, a part of world is hitherto stained red with blood of innocent by those chasing absolute blindfolded interest, towering human skull. Undoubtedly, the group of individuals driven by evil motives and obsolete ideologies tends to overthrow the dream that leads to formation of a human society, have turned to violence and aggression characterized by innumerable bloodshed, abduction and ruthless killings of fellow countrymen.

The world might not have heard the most recent ruthless crimes perpetrated against innocent and noncombatant citizens where women and children were not even spared.  The ferociousness had happened on the war weary land of Afghanistan, with mind jerking beheading of seven innocent civilians included four men, two women and a nine year old sixth grader girl who were kidnapped month ago in Arghandab district of Zabul province. Bearing the brunt of hostility and physical tortures the hostages were dragged to the slaughter point –it was only then the elderly men and women had them beheaded prior to the little “fairy”. However, the fearless Shukria after witnessing the brutal and merciless account killings of her beloved ones have had gallantly bore the pain and ache of getting beheaded. It was unparalleled execution of 7 innocent civilian, sufficed to muster mass momentum against ongoing bloodletting.

According to Afghan officials, the seven hostages were captured by ISIL fighters and were beheaded with razor wire –is the height of cold-blooded, rare heard killing. In Afghanistan the masses suffer at the hand of Taliban, Al-Qaida, ISIS and their affiliates –driven mad by the motive of revival of caliphate system in the country –is unlikely to solve the giant problems of Islamic world, they deem. The interesting and common about all of them is; they share same ideology and similar tactics to enforce their stately law and rule of business –is repression and violence. Nevertheless, Taliban previously asserted to have setback from the very extreme position and had pledged to get in line with democratic changes crystallized in the Afghanistan. Surprisingly, it has too claimed to have gunned down the terrorist behind the decapitation of seven civilian in Zabul. Conversely, the ISIS is endeavoring great deal of atrocities to leverage their political influence. The terrorist groups delayed to admitting, the guiltless Shukrai along six family members had nothing to do with religio-political maneuvering of these groups.

Former to the aforesaid incident, a group of militants uniformed in black from top to toe intercepted a carriage on the Kabul-Kandahar highway, separated 31 ill-fated Hazara after recognition of their identity. It was said the two former Taliban leaders – Mullah Abdullah Kaka and his deputy Mullah Mansur Dadullah, who pledged allegiance to ISIS terrorist group, were responsible for the abduction. The terrorist released nineteen Hazara abductees following a prisoner exchange –eight were previously released –the fate of rest hitherto, remains undetermined. It was indeed exemplary deal where the government set free the most wanted terrorist having declared its failure to uncover the abductees unharmed. The finalized deal caused to be a turning point behind the endless abductions and insurgency in different parts of the country and lengthened miseries. Unquestionably, its most probably have served the foundation to ruthless decapitation of seven ill-fated harmless civilian.

Having been negated repeatedly over security matters, Tens of thousands of demonstrators carrying coffin marched towards presidential palace and UN office, demanding justice for the deceased souls. The march is historic being highly disciplined and peaceful. Certainly the march is a modern discourse, getting the security issue solved peacefully. Resorting to peaceful sit-in demonstration, have truly exercised democratic passion, -the international community pursue over a decade –demanding salvation to their security concerns in a country where every little problem dragged the people to an endless bloody conflict. Given the persistent worsening security situation and government’s apartheid comeback –numerous queries emerge on the core of every sane mind. When will the government ensure the security of unarmed civilians? When will the government clean up the highways of these evil minded insane murderers? Last but not the least –being disposed to a large standing army, if a government fails to safeguard the life and property of people won’t it ethically loses the legitimacy to rule?

Following the inexplicable heart wrecking incident President Ashraf Ghani came up with strong condemnation that was profoundly saddening. As usual the government resorted to condemnation and promises –the statement neither contained any clue relative to perpetrators nor plans to hunt them down before they turn wilder.

Despite the daylong demonstration, none of the high ranked government official clicked visiting the marchers in the bid to share their grievances instead preferred discussing the issue behind the close doors then facing the protesting masses. The elected representatives got to learn the people butchered were not armed combatant nor were public or security officials but innocent citizens who are denied to the right to live and pursue their dreams by unchained death avengers, roaming fearlessly in highways and subways. The government either by fallacious policy or unwillingness turned blind eye to the roaming death squads. 

Following the brutal incident, UNAMA issued a statement condemning the brutal killing deeming it serious violations of international humanitarian law and synonymous to war crime. Equating the act of beheading tantamount to war crime, the former vicious act committed by Taliban in nineties where hundreds of thousands got killed throughout Afghanistan –justifies them being tried in the international court of justice.  

Asmatyari is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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