Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Neighbors Speaks Against the Expected Afghanistan-US Partnership Agreement


Neighbors Speaks Against the Expected Afghanistan-US Partnership Agreement

According to the newly appointed U.S. ambassador the United States has no interest in permanent bases in Afghanistan. However behind the scene talks are going on between authorities from Afghanistan as well as the United States regarding long-term strategic accord. It is an open secret now that both Afghanistan and the United States are interested in the strategic partnership agreement.

For the United States this agreement is important because presence and influence in this region coincides with its broad and widespread security interests. In addition to that Central Asian resources and keeping eye on atomic and big powers like Russia, China, Pakistan and its arch rival Iran is also of prime importance for the United States.

For Afghanistan it is important because traditionally this country has suffered a lot from "Great Game to "Cold War" then from the internal civil war till present crisis, foreign interferences especially neighbors meddling, current insurgency and deteriorating security situation and fragile economy are all matters of concern in which Afghanistan needs help and cooperation from a powerful country like the United States and western countries.

Indeed the current transition process of security responsibilities to the Afghan security forces, growing insurgency and internal crisis have concerned much Afghan people and think that without the long term cooperation of NATO and the US, getting rid of the present crisis and challenges will be impossible. Afghan government considers the strategic partnership agreement significant step in the history of Afghanistan which will reflect with the core and vital interests of the country.

According to President Hamid Karzai a grand Assembly or Jirga (composed of Afghan elders) will be convened to decide on the fate of strategic agreement with the United States. To this end a high level commission has been constituted.

Prior to signing such agreement the Jirga should prefer safeguarding the national interest and long term interests of the country based on mutual respect and ensuring peace and stability, strengthening and equipping Afghan security forces, prevention of neighbours meddling in the internal affairs of the country, economic assistance and the presence of foreign forces in the country are all issues which need to be considered and negotiated prior to agreement.

Discussion regarding the agreement unleashed a widespread negative propaganda and concerns of the Neighbor countries as they from the very beginning expressed their concerns regarding the agreement and are using their influence on different levels for the prevention of such an agreement. The region is caught in a fierce competition of influence between different countries.

There is a high scale competition going on bilateral and multilateral level between and among the neighbour as well as regional countries. Unfortunately this competition in many places is negative or based on enmity for example Iran versus United States, China-U.S. and above all Russia-United States and similarly to some extent competition between Russia and China.

Moreover arch rivalry and proxy war between Pakistan and India has taken the worst form in the region which in many parts is endangering the security and interests of Afghanistan.
Neighbour countries have already expressed their concerns and opposed Afghanistan's strategic accord with the United States on the basis that they don't want permanent or long term presence of the United States in the region.

Because this land served as an area of their influence in the past, taking advantage of the weaknesses of Afghanistan they have been using this country in a negative way in order to preserve their interests. If for some it served as a source of strategic depth, other used it as a place to invade culturally and expand their ideology, exploiting its economic and natural resources while some struggled to use it as a base to extend tentacles through Afghanistan to other countries indirectly.

There are various countries which are directly or indirectly involved in the country affairs of Afghanistan. In addition to that tacit intelligence agencies are operating in the country which are in effort to divert or publicize the accord in negative manner.

Unfortunately there are various elements in Afghanistan that in one or other way are linked with other countries and especially their intelligence agencies. These are the people who have been working for years for their respective countries which have links and often support them politically and economically.

Regional allies of the US are playing a dual game having certain influential people (warlords) in confidence they might hamper the agreement. These warlords are being patronized, financed and provoked against the national interests of the country by external financiers, especially neighbor countries.

Being a sovereign and an independent country signing of strategic agreement in no way should be connected to permission from neighboring countries. Neighbor countries should be given confidence and surety that the agreement in no way will affect them negatively and that Afghan soil in no case will be allowed for usage against neighbors or any other country.

The agreement should coincide with the core objective of achieving vital goals and getting surety in preventing foreign interference. Political and economic stability and betterment of security situation should be the base and fundamental conditions of the agreement. It shouldn't be tacit or detrimental to the core interest of the people and country of Afghanistan like in the past.

In 2003 an agreement was signed by the then Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah and Interior Minister Mohammad Younas Qannoni with the United States which according to the President Karzai Security Advisor Dr. Rangeen Spanta is against the Constitution.

As that agreement had given immunity to the coalition forces from any kind of court or justice proceedings regarding whatever they were doing in the country. All the previous agreement which were signed in crisis situation or in ignorance should be nullified and the new agreement should reflect the core interests of both sides based on mutual respect and long term cooperation.

Ultimately these are Afghans suffering from both side and they have to choose their future. At this important political juncture when the Foreign troops have begun withdrawal, Reconciliation process and talks with Taliban going on they have to shun their internal hostilities and embrace reconciliation and unity at national level in order to thwart external conspiracies and ensuring security and stability in the decades long war torn country.


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