Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

The Strong Case of Afghan Asylum-Seekers!


The Strong Case of Afghan  Asylum-Seekers!

In this year’s influx of refugees, Afghans stand on second position after the Syrians. Tens of thousands of Afghans left their country in the hope of better future and now they are at a number of places. Many of them made to Germany, many are waiting for a good time in Turkey, while thousands more are in the transit states of Greece, Serbia, or even far Russia from where they aim to heed to Germany, France, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Britain and other developed countries of Europe. However, Germany remains a favorite destination for all the immigrants and kind and welcoming attitude of German people and their Chancellor, Angela Merkel, gave hope to millions of asylum-seekers to reach Germany, hoping better prospects of future.

The saddening pictures of young Ailan Kurdi, who was found dead on a beach in Turkey, moved the sentiments of European public and their leaders and thus started the process in which tens of thousands of immigrants started their journey towards Europe, most of them passing through Turkey. However, the conditions are no more the same and suitable for immigrants. The number of refugees going to Europe was so massive and frightening to European masses and leaders that soon voices rose up against immigrants. In a few weeks’ time, border restrictions were tightened, laws to accept refugees were made strict and now, the plans are underway to start repatriation of refugees who fail to prove that their lives are in danger in their homelands. Last Friday’s terror attacks in Paris can be declared the final nail in the coffin that washed away all the public support and empathy for them and Europeans now seem to be more concerned about their security instead of the condition of refugees.

The ongoing G-20 conference in Turkey is also important in this regard. Almost all the powerful and advanced nations of the world have come together to discuss the issue of refugees as well among other issues. However, the present wave of hatred against Muslims and immigrants from Muslim countries is going to sweep the conference without any good result for immigrants. It is feared that, this gathering might do more harm to the refugee issue than good. Recent announcements by a number of state governments in the United States to close their doors for the refugees are in reaction to Paris attacks. Eight ISIS terrorists, who gave a blow to the peace of the entire continent by attacking Paris, have eased the work of all anti-immigrant politicians and groups.

As all the immigrants are hearing this bad news, present scenario is also shocking and unacceptable for all the Afghans who have left their country in the hope of reaching somewhere peacefully outside Afghanistan. It is generally believed in Afghanistan that if a person makes to any European country, his miseries and difficulties come to an end. However, this time, it does not seem to be happening like this. Recent voices raised by representatives of a number of European countries in Afghanistan show that they are seriously considering to deport large numbers of Afghans who have sought asylum in their countries. Here are a few examples in this regard: Two important diplomats of Norway, Deputy Minister of Justice and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs paid visit to Kabul on Sunday November 15, 2015 when they met with President Ashraf Ghani, CEO Abdullah Abdullah and a number of Afghan ministers. In all these meetings, the prime agenda was that of Afghans who have sought asylum in Norway. Though not officially declared, media reports that both the governments reached to an accord according to which 90% of Afghans who have applied for asylum in Norway will be deported. Only a small number of Afghans will be granted asylum who have genuine cases and have fear of life in Afghanistan. The Norwegian deputy ministers also called for Afghans not to make their way to Norway, as they will no more be welcomed in this Scandinavian country. Norwegian diplomats were successful in making Afghan government to accept those who will be repatriated from Norway. Most of the Afghans made their way to Norway through Russia and many dozens of them used bicycles to go through the freezing Russian cities and jungles.  Although Norway is a country with relatively smaller number of Afghan asylum-seekers, the concerns of Germany remains more valid in this regard, as it is the country facing largest number of immigrants from Syria and Afghanistan. According to Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, more than 80,000 Afghans have applied for asylum in Germany while 146,000 Afghans have sought refuge in Europe this year. On Monday, German Ambassador in Afghanistan confirmed the voices that his government is planning to deport large numbers of Afghans who have applied for asylum in the European country. According to him, all the Afghans who have left the country due to economic crisis will be deported while a small number of Afghans will be allowed to stay in Germany who have genuine threats to their lives in Afghanistan.  Similarly, German government is launching a public awareness campaign in three major cities of Afghanistan to deter people from leaving Afghanistan to Germany. There are also reports that Afghan and German governments are having talks to deport those Afghans from Germany who do not have any solid reasons to seek asylum.  Very recently, there has been much criticism against government for its decision to accept Afghans who are going to be deported from a number of European countries.  When we look at the conditions persisting inside Afghanistan, the plight of refugees sound reasonable and justified. Having a look at these facts, the efforts and talks of Afghan government with different European states for deportation of Afghans seem flawed and misdirected.  The condition of the country is much clearly depicted by a recent survey report issued by The Asia Foundation. This organization conducts a mass survey in all parts of the country every year and this year’s survey shows that morale of Afghans are at the lowest since the formation of a democratic government in the country. According to the survey, almost 58% Afghans think that country is going in a wrong direction while a massive 67.4% think that they are not safe in the country. The survey also shows a sharp decline of public trust in government institutions and majority of Afghans are of the view that job opportunities have sharply declined in last one year.

On the ground, people are jobless and earning enough to feed a family is getting difficult with every passing day. Taliban and Daesh or Islamic State (IS) pose great threats to the lives of Afghans and every passing day intensifies this threat. People do not see their lives and that of their family members’ safe in the country. Overall, there is a great pessimism and lack of hope in the country that leads to the immigration of Afghans out of the country. While considering the decision to deport Afghans, European leaders and diplomats should keep in mind these grave circumstances and harsh realities of present-day Afghanistan.

Muhammad Rasool Shah is a permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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