Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Prudent Strategies Helps Installing Peace


Prudent Strategies  Helps Installing Peace

Subsequent to tragic and memorable incident of 9/11 and Paris attack, an extra bit of caution is exercised by most of the countries of the world –in the quest to wipe out or restrain the menace of terrorism. Most of countries unilaterally finds militarily fighting the terrorists might help them get rid of it –others threatened of possible backlash falter to take the risk. Afghanistan for long has been struck by danger of terrorism –the land renders inexpressible witnessing great number of terrorist practices -beginning from Al-Qaida and most probably ending with IS. The mushrooming terrorists of any brand, eventually gaining strategic might, helping them further their evil desires –is indeed threating for the world already going with soaring impatience. Back in the year a group of terrorist coerced the government to submit to their demands -having their fighters freed in a swap with abducted passengers earlier. It unwaveringly reflects the true might of terrorists and haplessness of government.

The world unanimously got to come forth to fight militarily, tactically, strategically and financially the expanding might of terrorists –is the true discourse towards this riddance. It is encouraging NATO Secretary-General lays great deal of importance to Afghanistan, amidst their declarative desire not to let the country turn a safe haven for terrorists. Earlier, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announced the alliance will fund the Afghan National Security Forces 4$ billion USD annually until 2020 while renewing its commitment to stay in Afghanistan. The Secretary-General disclosed the mission to focus only on training and mentoring the armed forces of Afghanistan restricted to selective provinces. The Stoltenberg has extended their support to peace talks provided urging neighboring countries to help with the process. When it comes to facilitation of Afghan forces, enhancing their capacity to fight terrorism, with counter terrorism tactics, NATO may turn beneficial. On account to execution of peace talks it may not exercise wider impacts with exception to mediating talks. The US playing central role, is potent enough to get the derailed talks back to the discourse.

In the previous talks between Obama and President Ghani –security concerns retained the highly discussed issue which was likely pushing on the US to slow down its troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. Entertaining the request the US President Obama came up announcing to keep its current 9,800-strong force there until the end of the year, without a change in end mission as planned in 2016. President Obama’s decision to maintain troop levels in Afghanistan through 2015 is partly designed to bolster American counterterrorism efforts in Afghanistan, including the Central Intelligence Agency’s ability to conduct secret drone strikes and other paramilitary operations from United States military bases. With delayed stationing of the troops, the US simply go on countering the bits and pieces of Al-Qaida. The rulers in Afghanistan has got to get him do away the harms, destabilizing the country with inclusion in pursuit of their set targets. The U.S. government is partly exercising its influence in its greater interest or amidst trying to install peace in Afghanistan by bringing all the warring factions on the table of negotiations. Afghanistan has to make it certain, all aid military civilian aids received will descend to reorganization of democratic institutions and development of every part of far stretched land. The urban and rural centers equally given priority will turn Afghanistan into a dignified and indomitable country –the world aspire to see in rhetoric.

Putting a glance at the political outlook of Afghanistan, chaotic state of delusion is reflected. The incumbent government tries to push for peace talks whilst insurgents resorted to parallel bloodletting must be kept in consideration. It is believed that lasting peace can only be installed given all factions of the decade long conflict is brought to common terms. The most significant are the demonstration of shift instilled in Taliban’s resolve to disband militancy, dissociate with Al-Qaida and holistically surrender to constitution of the country. This move practically is achievable indefinitely however Taliban deems to having upper hand in the fight, never surrender to government’s demands instead dreams of government surrendering to their demand.

Taliban and Afghan government have been in state of war for over decade that have earned devastative causalities and irreparable harms to war torn country –the central upshot. In order to draw in the stalled peace process, a practical, agreeable and feasible approach is required – kick-starter. It is contemplated to work out a peaceful solution to ongoing conflict to put an end the bloodshed, provided a credible mediator exercise unconditional mediation. Afghan government has always expected US or Pakistan to help them mediate peace talks with Taliban who responded to serve the call.

More or less, the peaceful resolution is the sole solution decade long conflict.

It should be learnt that peace is not the absence of conflict, but the way conflict is to a conciliating ending. The years long war earned us not only life losses but also infrastructure losses. The harms inflicted to poverty stricken Afghanistan can not be reciprocated with endless butchery of the misled and betrayed militants and terrorists. Certainly, the segregation of militants into terrorist and insurgents might yield congenial solution –the terrorists are serving vested interest whilst insurgents for political say; the former should be dealt with iron fist while later through dialogue.

Seeing the terrorist putting down arms the government got to go with negotiation otherwise should be repudiated with war. The dual approach; negotiation and operation exercised by incumbent government to seek an end to decade long bloody conflict, is justifiably agreeable. The government proposing peace talks to the conciliating splinter group amidst executing military operation in the bid to crush those challenging the writ of government, tends tolerable. Unluckily, the far stretched areas rendering beyond the approach of government are duly filled by emerging terrorist groups of international fames, IS. This group is turning another challenge for the incumbent government should simply be wiped out thought multifaceted tactics.  

Asmatyari is the permanent writer of daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com.

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