Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Hard Work Needed


Hard Work Needed

There may be many frightening factors in one’s life but worrying about it and feeling disappointed has never solved any problem. The news of withdrawal of International forces last year has spread like a viral disease that hovered in the air and traveled fast and infects all those who heard it. This fear has not only made the people worry but also let them go to the farthest ends. When the fear occupies your mind, you consider every possible option open to you. There are people who are selling away their property and transferring their wealth to the foreign lands. There are those who are shifting their families to the other countries. There are those who have closed down their businesses and are looking forward to re-establish it outside the country.

Every factor adds more to the intensity of this fear and rumor. People talk about Taliban intensifying operation across country, emerging of ISIL, withdrawal of international forces and joblessness in their gatherings and mostly negative things are discussed. Similarly, most of the things shown or mentioned in the media are also negative, adding to the pessimism of the people. In this regard, there are very few who try to make the assessment of the situation with a positive and logical approach. On the other hand, if we observe the situation with an open mind keeping aside all our fears and before-hand information, the situation does not seem to be as worse as it is shown.  First, the country has come a long way towards establishment and stability. Last 14 years were the years in which every effort was made to make the country stable and make its different departments and organs established and functional. No doubt, a large amount of aid that were meant for the progress and establishment of the country has been wasted in corruption and most of the objectives that these aids were meant for has not been achieved but even then, the country has come on a path from where it can continue its journey forward and gain the benefits of progress and stability.

Once, there was no established Army and anyone with enough money was able to establish an army of armed men and did whatever pleased him. This situation was dangerous with its outcomes as any such group never remains bound to any law or regulation and does whatever is necessary to achieve their objectives. This sparks an unending series of cruelties and problems in the society and mostly, these armed groups keep fighting against each other. This also results in the division of society into numerous factions, making it more vulnerable for the ethnic or racial confrontation.

The establishment of a well-organized Army and other security agencies closes down this door permanently and makes sure the observance of a single law in all the corners of the country. This also ensures that the Army would be able to grow and get strong with the passage of time and its efficiency would grow with every passing day. This is a very pleasing and hopeful factor that we have now an established Army, well-trained and sufficiently equipped with the arms to ensure the law and order in the country.

No doubt, there would be some shortcomings in the standard or number of personnel of Army and there have also been some complaints against the behavior and practices of police but such exceptions should always be expected. No Army or police in the world is perfect and there have been such complaints from the police and army of established countries as well.

Most hopeful reason in this regard is the establishment and functionality of our educational institutes. Now, we see that a large number of schools and universities are functioning in different corners of the country that are working to educate our brothers and sisters and provide the country with skilled and educated experts who would run the country in the future. Once again, there are present many weak factors to be corrected but if there is present an educational system, the necessary corrections would happen with the passage of time and this is a slow and a long run process. Even in our neighboring countries, there are many complaints against the educational institutes but presence of system is still a satisfactory factor in these countries.

There are present a number of frightening factors like unemployment and absence of local industries but it should not be forgotten that loss of three decades cannot be recovered in a decade only. Greece, an established and educated country in Europe is also passing through worst economic crisis of its history so if we also have some, we need not to be much worried about them. It is also a fact that if our country was not established with the assistance our international allies, then it would be impossible to establish it in future.

It is also worth-mentioning here that we do not have any other option except to be confident on ourselves and abilities and work hard to bring this country among the developed nations of the world. The path of action is very clear now. We need to ignore all the negative elements and concentrate fully on the brighter side of the picture. Similarly, we need to change our behaviors and every Afghan should prefer country over personal benefits and objectives.  In the presence of above realities, it is necessary that we all should think positively and expect good from the future of our country. This responsibility lies equally on common public and the media.

Muhammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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