Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Good News Against Global Warming!


Good News Against  Global Warming!

Global warming has always been taken as a myth. As it entails a lot of technical terms associated with scientists and geologists so public opinion keeps changing with the changes in the views and ideas of these scientists. It was taken as a myth invented, tailored and groomed by scientists working for the agenda of some specific countries or politicians. It is the reason why, there are people who believe in it, who moderately believe in it and who consider this an absolute nonsense.

One of the past American presidential candidates Al-Gore gained much fame and respect due to his campaign against global warming. At one hand, he was considered a person having sincere ambitions to worry about the worsening global warming who was much serious in fighting this situation. On the other hand, he was also accused to be working against some nations or multinational organizations. However, all his sincere efforts were also not enough to change the mindset of many people in this regard.

Last few years witnessed much horrifying implications of global warming. It looked as if all the ominous predictions of scientists were battering on the land and sea, leaving behind losses of billions of dollars and killing hundreds. More frightening was the fact that the pattern of weather was changing in different parts of the world. Parts of the world that used to be very hot had lost this intensity of heat while the coldest regions were experiencing moderate weather. Some driest places experienced the greatest rainfall, resulting in floods and the resultant catastrophes. Increasing number of typhoons and storms in different parts of the world brought unprecedented destruction. The storms are not new but the number and intensity of these storms have greatly increased in recent years.

However, these consequences of global warming are easy to be understood for common people. For scientists, some other factors show the impacts of global warming. Not going much deep into technical terms, we can also try to understand two scales in this regard. First is the world temperature, which has been rising due to the global warming. This increase in world temperature gives birth to some many other weather-related problems. One of the most dangerous is the increase in rate by which the polar ice is melting resulting in the rise in the sea level. The increase in world temperature and sea level are the two terms that are showing ominous trends. The increase in temperature can disturb the balance of different weather elements in different parts of the world, giving birth to abnormal and unexpected results. The rise in the sea level not only endangers many cities to be drowned but they also make the storms dangerous.

Last week, when almost 200 nations of the world agreed upon a unanimous declaration regarding global warming, it was declared a great triumph of all the nations. It is remarkable in a sense that all such conferences in past were never able to give any result. The participating nations never agreed on a single statement to stop the hazardous effects of global warming. The biggest obstacle was the opposition from major industrial nations of the world that feared that any such agreement might hinder their economic growth. At the same time, powerful and influential multinational corporations were busy in lobbying against any such legislation that might negatively affect their production and profits. However, this time the scenario was slightly different. For many decades, different nations and multinational corporations were able to hire the services of scientists, tried their best to prove that global warming was just a myth, and carried no reality. Now, the brisk and perilous changes in world weather patterns and resultant weather elements of storms, flooding, drought and others made them think beyond the temporary gains. In the same way, the public opinion in this regard was clearly in favor of doing something to fight the threat of global warming. It is the reason why, the participating nations were able to come up with a unanimous draft in this regard.

Though this agreement is regarded a very small step but it is big in a sense that all the nations and corporations were able to give up their differences and agree on a law for the broader benefit of the humankind. This single step is just the beginning and would definitely provide the world leaders with an opportunity to make better laws in future and make earth a safer place to live. It is the reason why, all the world leaders, scientists and public showed great jubilation and satisfaction for this and there was the shower of praises from all corners.

In Paris, world leaders agreed to bring down the world temperature by 1.5-2 degrees in coming years. This might seem a very small target but in terms of geology and science, it is going to be a remarkable achievement. The bad thing is that, although all the nations have agreed to work to achieve this target but no alternate mechanism has been suggested in case a nation fails to abide by this. And as I mentioned before, the good thing is the unanimous agreement of all the nations to acknowledge this problem. Once a problem is acknowledged, efforts can be made to resolve it. But it is a big problem if we refuse to recognize a problem and it was the case with the concept of global warming. Now that it has been acknowledged, better steps can be taken in future.

Some of the smaller nations were also not happy, as this agreement did not mention anything for the compensation of those nations that were badly affected by the disastrous impacts of global warming. For example, the Philippines has experienced its worst typhoons or sea storms very recently and it was needed that rich nations should have announced some kind of relief but this point was left without any agreement.

Although the term ‘global warming’ is frightening but there are so many positive things as well in this regard. The world has gone through the worst ages of fossil fuel consumption and industrial expansion. New technologies and methods are underway with the help of which more efficient and cleaner means of energy will be utilized. However, most importantly, more and more people are becoming aware of their individual responsibilities in this regard. As it was mentioned by Al Gore in his documentary, the first and the last point of action lies with us; the public. The day we start consuming less energy, become wise in our daily utilities and show a sense of responsibility in this regard, we will be able to use less. Fewer products will be manufactured, less fuel will be consumed and less pollution will be the result.  As a result, world temperature will fall or become stable and we will be able to leave behind a safe, healthy and secure world for our coming generations.

Muhammad Rasool Shah is a permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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