Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Muslims – The Scapegoat of Terror


Muslims – The  Scapegoat of Terror

We don’t simply welcome new arrivals, we are born of immigrants, that is who we are, immigration is our origin story …. For more than two centuries it’s remained at the core of our national character, it’s our oldest tradition, it’s who we are, it’s part of what makes us exceptional,” these words were spoken by US President Barack Obama.

As tens of thousands of people try to flee war and strife in large expanses of Asia and Africa every month, one question unblinkingly stares policy-makers in the face: should the US, Europe and wealthy Gulf Arab states open the door to increased immigration from Syria and other war-scarred Muslim-majority countries?

The bloody attacks by ISIL or al-Qaeda-linked groups in Beirut, Paris and Bamako did not only create a tense situation for Muslims but also posed a challenge ahead of immigrants. To the asylum-seekers’ unmitigated chagrin, the December 2 assault by Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, that killed 14 people and wounded 21 more in San Bernardino, California, aggravated the problem and brought new dimension to the debate.

Already, in the wake of the November 13 Paris attacks that claimed at least 130 lives and left hundreds more injured, 26 mostly Republican US state governors said they would not accept refugees from Syria even though they have little power to interfere with federal resettlement programs. Meanwhile, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has converted the resettlement plan practically into the central plank of his campaign, peppering his speeches and interviews with tirades that insult not only Syrian refugees but Muslim Americans in general.

According to recent reports, a Muslim woman wearing hijab was escorted out of US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign event on Friday for standing up in silent protest during his speech. A 56-year-old flight attendant, Rose Hamid, who was seated in the stands directly behind Trump wearing a hijab and a t-shirt that read “Salam, I come in peace”, stood up during Trump’s speech when the Republican front-runner suggested that Syrian refugees fleeing war in Syria are affiliated with the Islamic State. “Despite Hamid’s silence, supporters around her began chanting Trump’s name, as coached by Trump campaign staff prior to the event in case of protests, and pointed at Hamid and Marty Rosenbluth, the man beside her who stood up as well.”  Speaking to CNN after she was ejected, Hamid said: “The ugliness really came out fast and that’s really scary”. She said she did not plan to shout or disrupt the event and she just wanted to give Trump supporters a glimpse of what Muslims are like. “I figured that most Trump supporters probably never met a Muslim so I figured that I’d give them the opportunity to meet one,” she is quoted as saying.

Reportedly, Trump commented on the disturbance after Hamid and three others, who were all wearing stars suggestive of those worn by Jews during the Holocaust, were escorted out by the police. “There is hatred against us that is unbelievable,” Trump is cited as saying. “It’s their hatred, it’s not our hatred.”

It is aptly said, “The irony is unmistakable when one considers the little-known fact that the Statue of Liberty in New York, the symbol of democracy and freedom that has greeted tens of millions of immigrants to the US since 1886, was inspired - according to researchers for the US National Park Service - by a project representing an Arab peasant woman guarding the Suez Canal in Egypt.”

Obama has also addressed Americans that when “you see individuals in positions of responsibility suggesting Christians are more worthy of protection than Muslims are in a war-torn land, that feeds the ISIL narrative”. Following the escalation in militancy and terror in US and Europe, Obama renewed determination to destroy the Islamic State group, vowing to win back territory in the Middle East and kill the group’s leaders. Listing a series of Islamic State leaders killed in coalition operations, Obama issued a stern warning. “ISIL leaders cannot hide,” he said. “Our next message to them is simple, you are next.”

Whenever a surge of hatred and panic surfaced in the US and Muslims were changed into scapegoat in public, Obama sought to protect the individuals’ rights irrespective of their color, race or beliefs. Based on Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” and one must not be discriminated on the grounds of their cast, creed or color. The world knows that ISIL does not represent Islam and this insurgent group targeted Muslims more than any other nation around the globe. Therefore, it would be irrational of those who hold Muslims in contempt solely for a couple of terrorists happened to be Muslims.

Politicians should not succumb to their personal feelings and emotions and avoid directing the public attention towards a critical point. Rather than turning turbulence in their own favor, the politicians have to show a backlash against the terrorist groups, mainly ISIL. It is believed that closing door to the war victims will not alleviate the crisis. A globally military campaign should be launched against the terrorist networks and their leaders to root out militancy and save the life of every men and women in any corner of the world regardless of their racial or religious backgrounds.


Hujjattullah Zia is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at zia_hujjat@yahoo.com

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