Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Egoistic or Altruistic Suicide?


Egoistic or Altruistic Suicide?

The graph of committing suicide is on rise amongst our younger generation including male and female. There is no doubt that social facts are the factors which pressurize them mentally that may lead to suicide. However, what remains controversial among sociologists is that what is the root cause of social facts? The viewpoint of Karl Marx, a German philosopher, is based on materialist conception of history. According to this viewpoint, social changes are not based on mentalities and [cultural] values rather they are based on economic factors. On the other hand, Max Weber, a German sociologist, does not approve of economy’s vital role. He believes that rather than economic factors; the minds, mentalities, beliefs and cultural values of a society involve vastly in one’s personal actions and as well as in social facts.  If we study about the factors of suicide in our society, both the ideas come true. Even though, committing suicide seems a personal action, however, when it is generally committed, it changes to a social phenomenon.
Emile Durkheim, a famous French sociologist, analyzes suicide sociologically. Apparently, committing suicide is a personal issue which originates in intense despair and haplessness, however, Durkheim confirms that social factors play a vital role in the realm of suicide. By sociological study of social facts, and considering the official reports and documents regarding suicide in France, he discovered that men commit more suicide than women, Protestants more than Catholics, rich more than poor, bachelor more than married. He also discovered that the graph of suicide goes lower during war and higher during economic changes or instabilities.
Durkheim discovers three types of suicide. First, egoistic suicide which happens when one feels lonely and solitary or whose social ties are on the wane or broken. For example, the lower rate of suicide among Catholics was the cause of their strong social ties, whereas the personal and moral freedom of Protestants was praying to God individually. Likewise, marrying through joining one in a stable social tie was a setback against suicide, whereas singles are mostly exposed to isolation and loneliness. According to him, the lower rate of committing suicide during the war is the cause of social solidarity.
Second type is altruistic suicide, which happens when one’s social tie reaches to excess and giving more value to society rather than him/her. Japanese Kamikaze pilots or Islamic selfless operations are the examples.
This type of suicide happens mostly in traditional societies where mechanical solidarity exists. Moreover the third type is fatalistic suicide which is the most insignificant one and it is out of our discussion.
If we consider the cause and effects of suicide going on amongst our younger generation by one reason or another, all of them may fall in the first type which is egoistic suicide. Many factors and social facts (the aspects of social life such as economic situation or religious effects which shape our attitudes) marginalize them and ultimately lead them to suicide. They commit suicide for failing to gain their personal advantages rather than selfless or altruistic acts. Nowadays, egoistic desires and ambitions are to their acme, whereas altruism is practiced only in words and hardly exist in real world.
Religious effects also depend on social facts which shape our attitudes in the society. I believe that religious codes play the most crucial role in our social life. One who is naked of religious laws which originate in moral values, mostly resorts to committing suicide whenever face to despair and despondency. Of course, when one’s spiritual needs are not satiated, s/he has to feed her/his spirit voraciously so as to be solaced by any means, ultimately the dire thirst and hunger will lead them to suicide.
Secondly, the vital role of economic situation, which depends on social facts as well, is also undeniable. Besides spiritual needs, one is also in dire need of physical wants. Whenever one is pressurized seriously by economic situation, s/he will be marginalized by facing despair and disappointment. Hence, in the frenzy of anger, they will think of no other solution other than committing suicide. These both above mentioned suicides fall in egoistic type.
There are also many more factors such as domestic violence and love failure. Apparently, these two actions seem personal matters rather than social facts, but the truth is this that if personal actions are done by many people than it will take the shape of social facts. Moreover, the issue of love failure which leads to suicide seems a bit controversial that whether it falls in egoistic or altruistic type of suicide. Even though, the lovers claim to commit suicide altruistically, nonetheless, the action is a certain egoistic matter. In other words, those who fall in love and fail in it, commit suicide apparently for the sake of their beloved, however, the reality is that they resort to suicide for failing to join their beloved for their own advantages which is no more than self or egoistic wants.
Undeniably, committing suicide amongst our younger generation is politicized greatly, albeit no action is taken against this sad phenomenon yet.
Government can allay the anxieties of our youths by bringing effectual changes in economic system. In other words, if economic pressures are alleviated in people’s life, the graph of suicide will fall to a lower level. No doubt, Afghan people are badly in grip of poverty and destitution.
Of course, poverty and destitution do not give birth only to suicide but to many more crime and corruption across the country. It is crystal clear that moral corruptions originate in economic restrictions and many criminals are forced to illegal actions by poverty. It is believed that the more poverty exists in a society the more crime is committed there. Hence, besides decreasing the level of suicide, government can prevent other social crimes by alleviating economic pressures. Hence, economic challenges are great menace to the society to be dealt with as soon as possible.  

Hujjattullah Zia is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at zia_hujjat@yahoo.com

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