Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

A Literary Way of Looking at the World


A Literary Way of  Looking at the World

There are different ways of looking at the life, world and the universe as whole. Some see in it a perfect harmony; others find chaos and disturbance. Some believe it to be the outcome of strife and struggle; while others sense it to be a source of enjoyment and bliss. Few run after responsibility and duties; some others live as if they are living the last days of their lives, forgetting all the responsibilities of their lives. The ways people look at the universe is undoubtedly innumerable and at the same time there are different ways the people express about the universe and their own feelings about different phenomena in it. Some try to express through mathematical formulae; while others develop scientific theories. Some create political order and political discourse; while others express through the verses of religion. And, there are few others who express through the bewitching tool of literature. Whatever may be the tool, everyone who expresses, wants to express in the best possible manner in order to get the attention of the maximum number of the people.
Literature, however, is the most successful among the tools of expression as it strives to achieve beauty. And, when it is able to achieve beauty and perfection, it faces no difficulty in penetrating deep in the hearts and souls of its audience. Great literary works of the world have proved the fact that the effect generated by them is everlasting and difficult to overlook. They have been written in golden words and most of them have even become the life and blood of different societies. People sing the songs of them and dance on its tune. In fact, they have been subdued by its spells. Literature has played a tremendous role in human life and it will keep on doing so, as far as, human beings are able to treat it with care and importance.
Literature is actually a creative capability of human life. And, as human life is always changing, same is the case with literature; and it is also one of the reasons that it has been able to stand successful against the ever changing time. It can never be stagnant and has always changed forms and will keep on doing so. Literature, in fact, is not a mechanical phenomenon and does not act like machine, which after working for some time may stop working and is again brought to work by providing fuel.
Literary creativity is actually the outcome of two most important human potentials – thoughts and feelings. As a matter of fact, by thinking that literature has come to a halt, one has to think that human beings have stopped thinking and feeling, which is not possible. The literary creativity can only stop when human beings stop to exist, but for the time being, human beings are immortal; they have heart and mind and both of them are always in action; therefore, their capability to create would never stop and nor would the literary creativity.
To create a qualitative literature, it is necessary to study human society and the social interactions that take place within the society, along with the philosophical study of different phenomena in life. Social interactions and systems are basically the factors that lay the foundation of a society. We, in addition to the understanding of stars, flowers, beauty, miracles and the aesthetic pleasures for the human spirit, must also understand those aspects of life which are wholly or partly materialistic as literature has to grow from the soil. Though it may grow slowly and reach to the sky but at the end it has to have its roots in the soil.
It is, as a matter of fact, possible to solve the daily problems in our lives through literature. A true literature must reflect the life of common man and at the same time it must play a role in solving the social and spiritual issues in human life and all these responsibilities go to the intellectuals, writers and poets.
If we see the contemporary social and political lives we can find myriads of issues. For example, in our social system there are myriads of injustices. The ruling elite, in order to pursue its own self-centered incentives, is trying to keep the status quo and avoid any sort of positive change. There is corruption, poverty and different types of crimes and all these problems need to be highlighted and at the same time people need to understand them and play their role in solving them. Literature can play a dominant role in identifying and highlighting those issues and let the people know about them. The intellectuals, poets and writers, through their prose, poetry and drama can show the people the difficulties they have been facing because of the injustices and problems in the social and political systems and thus can help them in playing an active role as citizens of a country and members of a society.

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at email.urya@gmail.com

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