Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Countering the Menace of Terrorism


Countering the Menace  of Terrorism

The discontent within Afghan people seems to be rising about the ongoing reconciliation process and prospects of peace and tranquility in the country. The people of Afghanistan, at the moment, do not seem to be in the position to have vivid clue about where the scenario is leading as there have been many ambiguities and secrets about the most important political issues. Apart from that, the incapacity of Afghan government to provide better political system and good governance has made Afghan people undergo distress.
It is really important to note that there are major deficiencies in the ongoing political setup of the country. The current government has not proved to be very much inclusive and efficient and has not been able to provide even the rudimentary requirements to the people of Afghanistan.
Everyday the news of a successful terror plots has mad us think that terrorism grows mightier irreversibly. Deteriorating security condition, escalating insurgency, militancy, Talibanization and worsening state of law and order are the immediate common issues that call for urgent attention. The consecutive successful terror plots undertaken by insurgents and militants depict the degree of strength they have acquired over the course of time. Afghanistan is presently passing through mirage of problems. One of them is irreversible growth of insurgency, terrorism and Talibanization. In both the states majority if not all terror plots are claimed by Taliban whilst proposing table talk too.
Taliban militants consider the group as an Islamic political movement fighting for restoration of Sharia in the country through political power. However, the group is increasingly turned into an insurgency group wrecking havoc across the country through roadside bombing, kidnapping and terrorist attacks on government offices and military installations as well as foreign entities. In last over-a-decade, the militant group has been fighting against Afghan National Security Forces and US-led NATO forces which have left thousands military personnel and civilians dead.
In fact, the different branches of the insurgent groups operating under the umbrella group of Taliban follows the path of other global typical terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda terrorist network considering it legitimate to target civilians as part of their campaigns against foreigners and the secular western-backed states. In last 15 years of war in the country, the Taliban and its other affiliate groups have committed countless cases of atrocities against the innocent civilians. Formally, Taliban denounce civilian casualties in the wars, but still are responsible for majority of civilian casualties in the country.
The Taliban and other militant groups would not be able to engage in direct warfare against security forces across the country, rather they would further turn to unconventional wars such as bombings, attacking on public offices and civilian populations. If the ongoing peace efforts do not succeed in the near future and if the Taliban fail to resurge forcefully, a scenario that is highly unlikely, the risk will exist that the militant group will turn into a long-term insurgency engaged in low-scale subversive activities against the government and the civilian populations.
Adoption of diplomatic channels and force are the two permissive way out that let Afghanistan ultimately counter terrorism. The diplomatic means can be put to action given the terrorists mold them in accordance to the constitution of the country and turn into a law abiding citizens. Provided the terrorists abandon terrorism and bloodshed and transform their militant power into political strength exercised within the jurisdiction of constitutional provisions, should be ensured legal safeguards. If the government surrender to the demands laid by Taliban, might require a heavy price of constitutional aversion, is not practically acceptable. Consequently, there seems a little chance the table talk succeeds, provided the divergent agenda the government and Taliban owe hardly coincide each other.
The other only option left with parallel progression of diplomatic channel is the relentless use of force. The first step to move ahead involves a loud condemnation of terrorism and terrorist activities by citing Quranic verses supporting this purpose.
The subsequent step includes dismantling the safe havens of terrorists –anybody found extending moral, political or economical support to a terrorist or a group must be taken into custody and tried for terrorist act. Bringing the latest technology into use all the clandestine means the terrorist draw financial backing must be uncovered and curtailed. The terrorists willingly joining peace process and giving up their former malicious activities should be given vocational training and economic incentives.
Counter terrorism department supplemented with fully equipped and trained personnel empowered to take immediate action against any person or group charged with the act of terrorism. An anti-harassment legislation based on ones religious, racial and ethnic inclination must be enacted, in that pursuit the exploitation of religion, sect or ethnicity to harm others must be discouraged and treated a punishable act. The government should rely on the use force against those elements referring to force against innocents’ civilians on any ground. The menace of terrorism can be countered prioritizing the aforementioned course of action.

Asmatyari and Delawar Sherzai are the permanent writers of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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