Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Govt. Needs Accountability in Terms of Peace & Political Stability


Govt. Needs Accountability in Terms of Peace & Political Stability

Living in the ruins of 4 decades of war we have only seen the temper of bloodshed, abhorrence and destruction, disability and desperation, not stability and progress. The aggressive darkness of the so-called policy is never the whole story, yet it is the outset that has begun to end not in a prognosticated period. Every citizen of a country tries for stability, prosperity, civilization and to live in a peaceful and secure environment where there is peace, unity and improvement in their livelihoods. Same is the case with the people of Afghanistan who also want peace harmony and political stability and thus they focus to stand on their own to combat the challenges coming along their ways.

For the time being, the Afghan people are so very tired of continuous bloodshed and war. Everyone is claiming and wishing to build a solid Afghanistan by peace efforts to improve security situation, proper rights, justice and equality for both men and women.

Objectively speaking, there are women organizing to keep hold of the modest gains they've made, though how they will do that when the men seem so intent on negotiating them away remains a mystery. There are the valiant efforts of thoroughly devout of our nations who wish to live in the twenty-first century, not in the state of war, they are also having the feelings and will of leaving a peaceful life with justice. People, who are living in war, feel so unfortunate that still war and conflicts are the sign and slogan of justice and negotiation, while it only drives to accelerate hatred, violence, horror and backwardness.

However, the people are still horrified with the memories of the past Taliban regime that had left horror in the country and in the world at large. The people still ask questions that what will happen to us if the Taliban return. What happens if the same law and Sharai with its worst face will return in our country like 1995 to 2001? When Afghanistan used to smell blood, and horror was the name of the game. The Taliban's cruelty in Afghanistan left gigantic rate of deaths and horror which caused thousand and million of people to migrate to foreign states and other neighboring countries for survival.

Comparing to past ten years, today we live a much more civilized and prosperous life than we have ever had at the time of Taliban. In the present day, we wear jeans and we live a modern life with many facilities, we ever had. We are really scared of what if we lose these all luxuries we never had at the time of Taliban because the Afghan people have realized the importance of peace and the impacts of war in the last 4 decades of constant war and bloodshed.

What we all have today and are indeed introduced to are to a certain extent because of the assistance of international community, through their noticeable projects and donors that have not only brought us to leading a new life, but also have given us to the opportunity for learning to believe in our existence with health care protection and schools, which are the core steps towards a new career in a long warred country, like Afghanistan.

The United States and it allies on the ground had come into Afghanistan with a very clear objective to fight the injustice and the world's greatest terrorist network - the "Taliban"; accepted risk and sacrifices for some lives which they thought are important for them that they are still fighting for. They have given devotion just for removing the cruelty of the so-called realms and dominators at the cost of peace, harmony, stability and development and for Afghanistan's welfare and other unlimited health care bases in the rural areas.

However, whatever they did for a country like Afghanistan, risked their lives saved our lives are much valued and appreciated and we really mean their commitments for our people's welfare. In addition, this, too, is a process everyone knows but can't speak about because it's not part of the official script in which the so-called neighboring countries must be seen as developing backward Afghanistan. It's still a contracting shop, and the contracts are going to the same set of contractors who have been exposed again and again as venal and other unlikely and unhealthy returns.

Perhaps, the so-called defense intellectuals who live in an alternative level and position to preside over an aid program that functions chiefly to transfer the balance from the national treasury to the pockets of already rich contractors and their cronies. Therefore the poor becomes poorer and the rich becomes richer and justice is denied for the powerless people whosoever has the power or recommendation has the best opportunity in all fields of live and living a very secure life without any trouble that is where the country remains backward.

We are still in the same page on the talk to believe that indeed President Obama and his allies were to bring changes in the insecurity situation and root out the persistent root of insecurity which has paralyzed the country's political stability and progress. Movement around Afghanistan has become so very restricted that one can't travel by road and the ones who can't afford to fly will definitely risk their lives traveling by road. Just put a glance around Kabul and elsewhere, to see that the more disunity, disloyalty and disorder, the more insurgent attacks; the more insurgent attacks, the more private security contactors; the more barriers and razor wire, the more restrictions on freedom of movement in the capital and elsewhere, not only for the international but alike.

The more security, the higher the danger pays for members of the international community who choose to stay and spend their time complaining about the way security prevents them from accomplishing their tasks. But the more loyalty and order displayed within the government, the more political stability and security improvements.

As we are all in the political picture that the US forces and its allies are about to end their mission from Afghanistan according to President Obama's recent promulgation, the insurgent encounter has accelerated their attacks on various parts of Afghanistan, in response the government itself must learn to adapt to follow a healthy path towards political stability and contemplate to find out the solution in response.

Observing the uncertain and disappointing situation, many Afghans feel so pressed on all sides, they are simply very vacillated whom to trust in terms of peace and stability. They simply can't trust the government, they can't trust the insurgency, and yet when it comes down to it, the insurgency has the greatest influence in times in many of these local ruled areas, particularly in the areas around the Kabul.
The bloodshed and violence get to go larger reading the ground realities.

As a result, a lot of people are very unclear about the U.S strategy in Afghanistan and the complex role of government. Most of the times the people argue that they are so confused of the ground realities, and don't know exactly what messages to trust coming from the politicians. But the people strongly believe that without the support of the NATO and U.S forces including the government itself, the situation continues to get worse, and the bloodshed and insecurity concerns get wider and wild and peace will remain a mystery.

What the U.S and its international partners including the Afghan government is to concern now, is to recognize that the counter insurgency campaign which is intensely disobeying and that the numbers of civilians casualties caused by the U.S troops and NATO troops created impression that the Afghan people will continue to give unwanted sacrifices and the temper of bloodshed will take the country further backward.

Significantly, it is also important to press the Afghan government for a greater accountability. It is no longer acceptable to tolerate bloodshed, violence and corruption for their own personal interests. The government instead must focus to be accountable to its people rather than corruption and violence. Finally, the presence of the United States in Afghanistan is more important than anything else now and from now on.

We as Afghans value their commitment in terms of political stability and progress in Afghanistan and their devotion and sacrificing of their lives are clearly indicating to show, they fight for justice and peace. Their presence is much more needed in Afghanistan currently rather than water and bread, particularly for the poor class minorities because their presence does guaranty peace, unity and stability what we are all screaming and dreaming for.

Abdul Samad Haidari is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafg hanistan@gmail.com

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