Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Terrorism Remains a Serious Issue


Terrorism Remains a Serious Issue

The despicable attack on the VIP protection unit in Kabul on Tuesday April 19, 2016, which led to the death of 28 and 327 injured, has shocked Kabul. It was a terrible tragedy both for the Afghanistan and international community.
UK, US, Pakistan, UN and NATO’s Resolute Support strongly condemned deadly terrorist assault.
“Afghanistan deserves peace and security, not attacks that victimise parents taking their children to school, workers on their morning commute, and people who have stepped forward to help defend their fellow citizens,” the US embassy in Kabul stated in a press statement.
Right after the attack, Taliban’s spokesman claimed the responsibility with arrogance. While Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Abdullah Abdullah asked political leaders to wage a joint campaign against insurgents who carried out a coordinated attack in Kabul to avenge their defeat in the newly-launched spring offensive codenamed “Omari.”
President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, during a meeting in Presidential Palace to discuss security and Afghan peace process, has said the Afghan government will never make peace with the regional and international terrorists adding that said Afghanistan has proved sincerity to the world and the world strongly stands with Afghanistan today.
At present, the Taliban have multiplied their acts of terror by inflicting heavy casualties on Afghan people. It is obvious that the Taliban are victimizing Afghans more than before.
The attack in Kabul was followed after a series of attacks organized by the militant groups in other cities which came after a lull and ease of insurgent attacks in Kabul. It once again highlighted the worrisome prospect of overall security situation.  
In recent months and weeks, the militant groups have organized assaults on security personnel and government and military installations. More notable has been the group’s resurgence in rural and far remote areas of insecure provinces in the south and north of the country. Taliban’s intensified campaign of violence needs to be dealt efficiently by security agencies, as the militants will further intensify their attacks. The rising insecurity shows that Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) still need long way ahead to completely secure Afghanistan on its own.
Ill-fatedly as we all are, struggle to extinguish the sparkles of moral values, to be blind to the core of religious teachings. In spite of religion, we perform illegal activities under the aegis of religion. We have closed the door to deliverance and truths, and live in the darkness of our own world, which is empty of knowledge. It is ridiculous to impose our own ideas on religion rather than changing our life according to religious guidelines.
Further, as far as our radicals are concerned, the time for changes in their lives is over. Religious extremists are stuck in a time warp, inflicting violence upon innocent people. Neither modernity nor democracy can change their traditional frames of mind. By now, They have become addicted to violence and bloodshed. Their thirst will be quenched only by shedding the blood of innocent people. Cruelty runs in their blood and they find solace in the soulful sobs and cries of the victims’ families. This is their totally inhuman face.
While Holy Qur’an says, “The taking of one innocent life is like taking all of Mankind… and the saving of one life is like saving all of Mankind.”
They justify their inhuman acts under the guise and support of religion. Moreover, it is surprising how they rationalize and find excuses about sexual abuse of students at their madrassas. They have been found guilty of planting explosives inside copies of Holy Qur’an. Despite all such irreligious practices, they are convinced that they deserve going to heaven.  
Taliban militants make no bones about their despicable acts of terror. They will find a mention in history as the religious villain of the century. Current events show that they are empty of moral and religious virtue.
Taliban have kept their lethal attacks continue and they do not seem in the mood to pursue any sort of negotiations. The efforts made by government for the reconciliation does not seem to be getting roots and even the soft instance of the government has failed to gravitate Taliban towards the peace talks and they have continued terrorism.
Within the last decade or so, people gained nothing. They acquired a hatred for the government; governance exhausted their patience. These challenges have not changed. Which of these have been addressed during the 15 years: poverty, insecurity, narcotic cultivation, official corruption or the issue of terrorism? So, what is the net result of the so called democracy within more than a decade?
Thus, it would be so kind of our officials to take serious actions in order to control the situation. Scapegoating cannot solve the problem rather will double it. Hence, officials should understand Taliban are not a kind of group that may lay down arms. The only way to bring them on the negotiation table is making them believe that armed struggle will never lead them to success.

Hujjattullah Zia is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at zia_hujjat@yahoo.com

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