Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Terrorist Activities are the World’s Worst Threat


Terrorist Activities are the World’s Worst Threat

The extreme growth of terror and terrorist activity has begun to worry the whole world. The growing rates of terrorist activity in Afghanistan, Pakistan and around the world have become a bold challenge for the world at large. To end the terrorist activity from the face of the earth, the world's leaders must give it a top priority. In twenty first century, the global terror including other risks and clashes are the ultimate matter of concern and it perhaps needs a global cooperation to end in order to live in peace.

Today's terrorist activity is not only polluting the Asian countries but rather has spread throughout the globe. In fact, it has become a serious disease for today's generations in the world and it is even worse than today's international economic crisis. Terrorism is world's worst problem and it can be only defeated by international cooperation. As the late Elmar Brok, the Chairman of the CDU Federal Committee on Foreign and Security Policy said, "The growth of terrorism is the world's worst threat to the human security in all which can never be justified. Seeing their new and modern tactical terrorist activity, it reminds a new global strategy for the global security in order to set back their strategies of tactical war against peace who have no respect for humanity."

It has been wisely believed that they have neither respect for these God fearing people on the earth nor they belong to any particular religion, only to make an excuse, they misuse some respected religion only and only to achieve their particular ambition at the cost of bloodshed and genocide. We all know that this has become an unending problem, but we must be also sure that without putting an end to terrorism, we would see no peace, stability and progress in the world, particularly in Afghanistan.

And thus, it has become a threat for the civilized countries too that has shocked, upset and scared the whole world; imagine if it has been in the international countries for decades what would it really cost? In order not to forget discussing the huge and ugly impacts that it left on the so-called country, I would like to include Afghanistan, where terrorism has been circulating in the region for more than three decades without any break. In order to know the impacts, just compare one day attack with four decades and calculate it to see the impacts and vulnerability that it leaves.

As we are well aware of the fact that many extremist groups use terrorism as a mechanism of policy to obtain their destructive objectives in the world, even at the cost of killing dozens of people every day. Of those, just take the example of Al-Qaeda organization under the leadership of the late Osama Bin Laden, the world's toughest killer guy who masterminded the assault on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York of America on 11th of Sept. The Eman Alzawaheri, the current lead person of Al-Qaeda after Osama, follows the same track even worse than him.

However, the threat of terrorist activity was taken so easy by the International Community, but when they were practically affected by the threats and impacts, they realized that it is the world's worst problem. And then it let them to start the global war against terrorist under the leadership of the U.S's top guy, the late President "George W. Bush".

Despite spending billions of dollars, the terrorist activity persists to continue here, perhaps it will last longer than we think. It will go on in many other upcoming years, in Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Africa, Central, West, and South East Asian countries as it is getting accelerated day by day and the current terrorist attack in India and Norway are the evidences of their acceleration, in spite of a very tough security system in India after the late terrorist attack on Mumbai at Taj Mahal Hotel, On 26 November 2008 that killed 167 people including the foreigners.

The current terrorist attacks in India, on Wednesday July, 2011 that killed at least 21 people and hospitalized 113 people after suffering injuries in the blasts, according to the Maharashtra, Prithviraj Chauhan and the current devastating terrorist attack on Norway by a fanatic, on the 23rd of July 2011, that killed 90 innocent people sent a wave of shock and surprise across the western world. These are the most crucial parts of terrorist's games.

Seeing the innocent deaths of these people, now the world must realize that the terrorists are also capable of taking and harming lives and prosperities of the world further. The world must also realize that terrorism is an old growing form of the war which had to be dealt equally in a possible new form by the help and participation of all nations in the world in unanimity.

Indeed, the United States and its allies have much devoted in Afghanistan and other countries to break down the terrorisms by their constant efforts, yet didn't succeed to put an end to their continuous attacks and horror on the world and will sacrifice further because most of the Islamic countries were not much supportive enough in the fight against terrorists in the world. Perhaps, this is not a battle to be won by few countries, rather it is a battle which must be supported and cooperated by all nations of the world, Muslim countries, and non-Islamic countries all must take part to settle it once and for all.

Indeed the terrorists are best at hiding themselves, like Osama Bin Laden and seek game, modernize their fight and strength their tactics. In order to paralyze them forever, the world must understand the lesson and accordingly follow new methods or techniques to deal with such international criminals. The exact way to achieve this objective, there should be proper, fair and justified, that is the expectation of civilized, non-civilized and the world at large in the global war against terrorism now. Unless the root of terrorism is taken out, the threat to peace and stability for the world will continue to make us suffer.

More than anything else, the biggest danger before the world community is the Nuclear Weapons, unfortunately falling into the hand of the terrorists, who, if it happens, could certainly use them without any contemplation of holocaust, unimaginably by anyone, or in that eventuality, the whole world could go under the control of the terrorists that would make the world a real hell. This war now needs a very comprehensive plan and everything must go very fast and intensively before the terrorists take the upper hand of the affairs, particularly in Afghanistan.

So, after the Al-Qaeda terrorist attacks in the New York and Washington on the 11th of Sept, 2001 the U.S war on terrorism was welcomed by all the nations in Afghanistan, including worldwide. To make them succeed in the war against terrorism depends upon the full cooperation of all nations and how long this will go on nobody is exactly sure.

Afghanistan has remained a battle ground for decades but has not been that ruined as compared to the time of Taliban. Now, the Jihadists have escaped to the West and North of Afghanistan, and slowly they will return if the International community withdraws from the ground. Yet the war on terror is not over, it is just the beginning. Those extremists who have withdrawn terrorism know nothing but only Jihad. They are trained everywhere.

Above all, the extreme growth of terrorism from Afghanistan and from the world at large cannot be ended, unless the Islamic youths are given good education, training in some jobs and employed in good jobs for their survival, and most importantly, with the support and cooperation of the word, particularly the Islamic countries because such killers have neither any religion nor they belong to any particular religion, they are only to destroy peace, harmony, stability, progress and civilization. They are the extreme enemy of all humans; they seek no religion to fight against.

Abdul Samad Haidari is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafg hanistan@gmail.com

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