Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Role of Teachers in Modern Educational System


Role of Teachers in Modern Educational System

The role of teacher in modern educational system is not only imparting merely knowledge to students but also, as a real architect of new generation, responsible to build personality of modern citizens. It requires passion, patience, expertise on certain subject and enough ability to understand the role of teacher, the styles of teaching, teaching methodologies and strategies, correct usage of evaluation techniques and the psychology of the students as well as the ability to motivate the students. When a teacher knows all these things properly he or she can become not only an excellent teacher but also a great leader thereby transferring the knowledge, experience, skills and abilities from one generation to another generation through students. He teaches the subject or topic and imparts knowledge to the students. That is the primary role and responsibility of the teacher. He also acts as a friend, philosopher, guide, parent and facilitator. He is a continuous learner and an excellent listener. The more he listens the more he learns and the more he learns then the more he teaches. That is why it is said that the teachers are lifelong learners and their learning is the real meaning of learning from cradle to grave. In fact, Teaching is comprised of theoretical and artistic components: The theoretical parts should be studied, researched and understood but the artistic part must be cultivated by teaching experience. Anybody and everybody can cultivate this skill but human upbringing needs enthusiasm, hard work and also national investments.
On contrary to the traditional teacher-center methods, the modern student-center method or involvement of the students into the teaching process by questioning and by interacting with them is very important. Once the students are involved mentally, physically and socially then it helps in better retention. It is aptly said, “People remember 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, 50% of what they hear and see and 80% of what they hear, see and do”. While teaching, the teacher’s oral language should be supported by the usage of blackboard or power point presentations, or cue cards. There has to be effective coordination between these two for effective teaching. It makes the students to concentrate effectively. If students fail to understand the oral language then the black board writing material will come to their rescue for better understanding and retention. The teacher while using the black board should not spend too much time towards black board as it loses the touch with the students. There has to be a fine balance between these two elements.
Role-plays or demonstrations will have far reaching effects towards better teaching. Story telling is an art and if the teacher narrates good stories which are message oriented and theme oriented then the students will pay more attention and listen effectively. Besides giving the subjective knowledge it also helps them develop good character. Socratic Method as a tool of teaching is very interesting for the students. When students pose any questions the teacher should teach them by providing answers usually generated from their questions by way of introspection and deep grilling. It also helps the students to unlock their hidden potential. To put it succinctly the teaching skills vary from person to person depending on his or her style, nature and also it depends on the domain, topic and on the profile of the students. There is no fixed or regimented teaching formula in teaching skills.
It must be remembered that the purpose of education is not to fill the minds of students with facts... it is to teach them to think, if that is possible, and always to think for themselves. So, during teaching the teacher should adopt various tools and techniques towards effective teaching. The teacher can start the topic with an interesting or shocking or an inspiring events or happenings. It is also good if the teaching process is started with a short story to arouse interest among the students. If the teacher takes the class for the first time, breaking the ice by asking about the profile of the students is better. If the classes are conducted routinely then it desirable to question the students by asking them about what was discussed in the previous sessions thus linking the previous sessions with the present sessions. It helps in breaking the ice and helps in connecting the students naturally to the present thereby making a smooth move.
The teacher has to motivate and inspire the students by being a role model and through various innovative and creative teaching methods. We need to know what motivates the students and what are their aspirations and expectations from the teacher. Every teacher is knowledgeable and is strong in his domain. But that alone does not work out. What works out is the ability to find the needs of the students and deliver the same. In this process it is necessary to gauge the pulse of the students. The needs of every student are different. The knack involved is to find out the same and cater the same effectively and efficiently. A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron. Finally, great teachers are not born in the minds of the students but they are born in the hearts of the students and a good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others.

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the newly emerging writer of theDaily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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