Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Reconsidering Polices!


Reconsidering Polices!

Alexander Mantytskiy, the Russian envoy to Kabul, last Wednesday said the United States and NATO have failed in their mission to ensure security and rid the country of terrorists. He also said that reports about a confrontation between Washington and Moscow over Afghanistan and other issues are not true. He stated that Russia is concerned about insecurity in the north of Afghanistan and that the increase in military relations between Islamabad and Moscow is not linked to any other country."They are trying to get rid of all guilt including worsening of the political and military situation in Afghanistan and their failure to win this war despite 15 years of NATO and U.S presence in the country," he said.
In response to a question about Russia's relations with Pakistan, he said: "It is a bilateral cooperation and I don't understand why it is a concern for you as a reporter or for your countrymen... We don't speak about your cooperation for example with American side. We just support it. But we want your American friends to do more here to defeat terrorism and narcotics."Russia is trying to grab the attention of Taliban in order to address Central Asia's issues. It is trying to avoid Taliban from getting close to the Central Asia, because if the Taliban went there then Russia will be affected by the situation," said a military affairs analyst.
These are expressed after launch of a new wave of bloody murders across the country, such as Kunduz, Helmand, Bulkh, Uruzgan, Kabul, Farah and in particular the north parts of the country. In fact, the unprecedented grow of insecurity challenges not raised concerns of some neighboring but also Afghan people. From Daily incidence such as kidnapping, armed robberies, attacks on worshipers, universities, passengers, men, women and children, to occupying districts, provinces and killing hundreds at once became common and rampant. Gunmen kill people and burgle homes in broad daylight, but no serious strategy taken to help improve the situation. On Wednesday, again, dozens of defenceless worshipers, women and children lost their lives in Kabul and Balkh province as there is no security police; these show that Afghanistan is suffering unforgettable challenges in its recent history. The failure of government to prevent such incidents is not the only challenge; their irresponsible behaviour, their shameless repeated condolences, their justifications, their repeated negligence in the aftermath of explosions is also of frustrating to citizens. So many times government has established special committee promising to report their performance but non-has been fulfilled yet. People in Afghanistan are using opium to block their pain; the pain of bloodshed, hunger, sickness, losing their sons, daughters and men. Most of the addict women are desperate to blunt the trauma of endless war, mental trauma and unknown future.
To look back at the past, it was a decade and half ago that US-led International forces intervened in Afghanistan after Al-Qaeda suicide bomber targeted the World Trade Centre in New York. On Contrary to their nature, the people of Afghanistan who are viewed as the destroyers of empires welcomed Americans for deposing the Taliban and their slogans. Afghans accepted the UN Security Council Resolution on Afghanistan, and joined the democratic process with the hope of a bright future. Afghans, which were tired of war and oppression, expected that the US involvement in Afghanistan would liberate them from the evil of terrorists, while also helping them have a prosperous life. Afghan side also had vested interests in the goals America was pretending for its presence in Afghanistan. The fight against terrorism and narcotics, and the rehabilitation of infrastructure destroyed by war were the goals in Afghanistan. These were the very issues that Afghans also wished, and thought to be in their interests.  Afghans, and even according to former diplomats, the Taliban did not want their country to be used against other countries. Furthermore, Afghans traditionally do not like the illegal drugs, and view opium as haram (forbidden in Islam) so that is why the US motto of poppy eradication was welcome. The renovation of infrastructure ruined in wars, and becoming an economically self-sufficient nation were the wishes of the war-stricken Afghans, which encouraged them to accept the foreign forces presence in Afghanistan.
Consequently, the presence of international community lasted for 15 years under these three slogans and commitments: counter terrorism, narcotics and reconstruction of war-torn infrastructure while there is no tangible and fundamental improvement at all. Afghanistan is more insecure than it was during the initial years, and there are more terrorist groups active than ever. The cultivation of narcotics has increased by many folds, and Afghanistan is considered as the world’s biggest producer of drugs.  Although there is a little progress made in economic infrastructure and welfare, it is not fundamental because 39 percent of Afghans still live below the poverty line. On the whole, growing Insecurity, poverty, refugee problems, administrative corruption and etc are considered as an achievement of past 15 years.
Afghan people welcomed and will welcome if international partners to pursue its interests in Afghanistan through peaceful means other than its current policies and the prolongation of conflict. Otherwise, not only Russian representative but all Afghan people and the regional countries will remember the failure, the wrong policies and will lose the confidence for ever.

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the newly emerging writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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