Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Opening New Chapter of Relations between US and Russia


Opening New Chapter of Relations between US and Russia

According to a statement released by the Kremlin, the two leaders, The newly elected US president Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, held their first ever talk in a telephone conversation initiated by Putin, who contacted Trump to “offer his congratulations on winning a historic election. As reflected in credible media, they agreed that relations between their countries were “unsatisfactory” and agreed together to improve. The two leaders had discussed a range of issues including a combining effort in the fight against terrorism, talked about “a settlement for the crisis in Syria” and agreed their aides would begin working toward a face-to-face meeting between them. Moreover, Mr. Trump expressed his highly interest that he was very much looking forward to having a strong and enduring relationship with the government and the People of Russia.
This happened after Trump faced a growing backlash against his decision to name campaign chairman and former Breitbart News head Stephen K. Bannon as chief strategist at the White House, a choice critics say will empower white nationalists. During the campaign, Trump repeatedly praised Putin as a strong leader, and said that the two countries should join together to fight terrorists, particularly the Islamic State in Syria. He indicated that closer relations with Russia would keep the Kremlin from establishing tighter ties with China. Giving Putin a free pass on those issues is directly counter to the Russia policy of the Obama administration, which has, among other things, called for an international war crimes investigation of Russia’s actions in Syria. It could also undermine current European negotiations with Moscow over Ukraine, and support for U.S. and European Union sanctions. On the other hand, Russia is interested not only in getting the sanctions removed, but also in getting global recognition of equal status as a player in the Middle East and elsewhere.
The similar criticism was on Trump’s selection on Sunday of Bannon. A chorus of advocacy groups, commentators and congressional Democrats has denounced Bannon as a proponent of racist, anti-Semitic and misogynistic views as Trump has begun his first full week as president-elect. Trump named Bannon his chief strategist and senior counselor while also appointing Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus to be his chief of staff.“President-elect Trump’s choice of Steve Bannon as his top aide signals that white supremacists will be represented at the highest levels in Trump’s White House. However, people are called to relax and not to be afraid him as – things are going to be fine.
It seems that one of the top priorities of US-elect President Donald Trump is to improve the damaged relations between the United States and Russia. It is quoted that James Jatras, a former adviser to US Senate, made the remarks on Monday when asked about Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov who has said that Moscow is ready to mend ties with Washington under the Trump administration."The Russian side is ready, without wasting time, to begin the work to fix the current state of relations with the US, which have been taken to a crisis, a deadlock by the outgoing administration," Russia's TASS news agency quoted Ryabkov as saying on Monday. According to Jatras, “Throughout the US presidential campaign, president-elect Donald Trump and before that, candidate Trump, has made it very clear that he expects to mend ties with Moscow and that we should... get along with Russia, and he said specifically that he expects to get along with President Vladimir Putin.” So it confirm a very strong priority for him, even he was under tremendous assault and pressure from the Hillary Clinton campaign and from the media with this vow, a warm attitude toward Russia, and even was being accused of being a Russian agent and influenced by various people but he did not back off from his stances.
Referring to Trump's previous statements that Russia, Iran and the Syrian government are the ones who truly fighting the Daesh, seems to opening a new chapter of relations between US, Russia and other stakeholders. From the American perspective, there are two paths. The first path is confrontation, where the US believes it can defeat Russia militarily. That kind of thinking is not logical because Russia has a triad of nuclear weapons plus biological and chemical agents. So, military confrontation is bad business. The second path is friendship and cooperation. Trump is willing to pursue warm ties between East and West. In fact, Obama has escalated the US isolation from the international community by attempting to have it all. As a result, Russia, China, and some other countries have moved closer to each other for more cooperation. The U.S. has created an increasingly insurmountable coalition of adversaries. Of course, Trump wants to dismantle this coalition as one of his top priorities. This is the best strategy for Trump under the name of improving the damaged relations between the United States and Russia.
In addition, Russia is already in coalition with several other countries; therefore, Russia is the best to approach as US proposal with its allies. Trump being green in politics, would not destroy this opportunity for a new U.S. president, however, with his inexperience. Trump well knows this is not the first time that the U.S. has approached Russia or its allies with talks. Talks are cheap if it does not lead to historic Trumpical action.

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the newly emerging writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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