Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Government Needs to Deal Seriously with Migration of Youths


Government Needs to Deal Seriously with Migration of Youths

Germany has sent back 34 Afghan refugees to Kabul. German officials have said that more Afghan refugees would be deported according to an agreement between Germany and Afghanistan. German interior minister; Thomas de Maiziere has said that one third of these Afghan returnees deported because of crime and offences they had committed. Meanwhile spokesman of Ministry of Refugees and Returnees, Islamudin Jorat, has told reporters that according to EU tripartite declaration, more Afghan refugees whose asylum requests rejected, will be deported. At the same time German Federal parliament ‘Bundestag’ opposed the requests to stop deportation of Afghan refugees and the ruling party also stressed to pursue the program of sending back asylum seekers. Asylum requests of more than twelve thousands of Afghan refugees rejected by German government and a group comprising 50 expatriates will soon be returned to Afghanistan.
Since unprecedented influx of migrants to Germany from the beginning of 2015, more than one million asylum seekers from different nations entered Germany. After Syrian refugees, Afghans were the largest group who sought refuge their and their number has been estimated more 15,000.  
Afghan Government promised to help returnees going to their provinces; but does it help these men to resettle and resume normal life? They endured adversities and spent their money in order to reach European countries and to find safe place; but now after a long and arduous journey they are back at zero point. Refugees themselves of course are unable to change decision of Germany and other countries; to stay in Europe they need support of concerned international agencies and Afghan government. Kabul seems heedless to repatriation of migrants; though deputy minister of Refugees and Returnees’ Dr. Alima said that “according to memorandum of understanding between Afghanistan and EU-states return of Afghan refugees from Europe will be voluntary, gradual and the capacities to receive them will be considered.” But unfortunately some places in Afghanistan are still unsafe and residents are daily facing threats; thought government seems unwilling to say this openly.
Over forty percent of people especially youths in Afghanistan are unemployed; development projects and programs by government so far could not have decreased unemployment. “Optimism to future among Afghans has slipped down to its lowest.” According to Asia Foundation’s recent survey in Afghanistan showed this and the main reasons are corruption and unemployment. This survey was conducted from August to September this year and 12 thousand people across the country participated. Though, according to report the interest among Afghans to migrate came down this year; but it does not mean that economic situation has got better. Most of the ministries did not spend their development projects’ budget as they had been instructed to do so and as a result many ministers were disqualified by Wolesi Jirga (Lower House of Parliament).
In the meantime another research shows that 70% of Afghans are not satisfied with activities and works of parliament. According to the report by Freedom House; an Afghan NGO, Legislators have been accused to help increase corruption. Corruption is of course one of that biggest challenges in Afghanistan. Afghan youths complain as well that recruitments in government offices are not done on merits, to be recruited in any office one need to have close relationship with ministers, legislators and other government high officials. Surveys show that most of Afghan migrants have left their country because of unemployment and lack of opportunity. Deportation of these people certainly increases the burden on government and families of deportees. It is while the returnees’ fate is unknown and they are bearing with them big psychological pressure and tension of being rejected as asylum seekers and financially crippled. This situation might drag them to addiction or other social perversions. Most of these migrants sold all their valuable belongings or borrowed money to reach Europe and now it is too difficult for them to recover and compensate loses.
Government of Afghanistan, as sole authority, to defend and support Afghan asylum seekers is obliged to talk to European countries where migrants sought asylum to show maximum generosity and sympathy with refugees and act upon their commitments to international humanitarian laws. They are expected as least not to deport asylum seekers by force.
Fighting corruption and creating job opportunities are two main and major tasks of the National Unity Government. These two sections must be put in high priority; success in fighting corruption and creating employment guarantees success in restoring security and fighting insurgents. To crash rebel groups only by military means is not sufficient; government needs to invest on development projects more and more to accomplishing these missions. This is the only way to prevent Afghan youths from leaving the country. Afghan youths need work and job and if it is available here, they surely would not risk going abroad through illegal and dangerous ways.  

Thousands of our youths left schools and universities in recent years to migrate to Europe, Australia and other countries. It is a great misfortune for Afghanistan that its youths who has, strength and energetic forces leave schools and universities to go to other countries for better opportunities. Why these opportunities and better future should not be created here?

Asif Ghaznawi is the newly emerging writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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