Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Peace and Sustainable Community


Peace and Sustainable Community

One of the main purposes of the United Nation for development is peace, justice and sustainable community. This was also a key issue for Afghanistan National Youth Symposium which came to spotlight in the solar year of 1-2-1396. It seems that peace is more of a cultural and intellectual issue rather than of a political or legal one and is based on particular epistemological sequence that emerge in society as social, political and legal attitude. This concept will be illustrated if compared with violence and social, political and legal avoidance.
Violence, which results in death and destruction, is the reflection of intellectual and mental status of individuals or communities that seek to get their social, political and economic purposes or get their life and dreams at the cost of violence or denying others. To put it another way, they will kill others to gain their position, force others out of a status to own their status and remove them from any possible arenas to step in them.
According to violent individuals and communities, this issue will give the desired fruit when epistemological and ethical foundations are provided and theorized for their violent practices. Therefore, to justify violent practices in Islamic societies, some schools of thought have resorted to theological categorization such as: Muslim, infidel, monotheism, pagan and so on as main theory behind violence.
With the comparative study of peace and violence, we will come to understand that peace, as a strategic need, will achieve its ethical and human goals if its intellectual ground is paved, the society is familiarized with its characteristics, purposes and outcomes, and gain the necessary theoretical and analytical sequences. Promoting the value of peace and peaceful coexistence, with persuasive and moral arguments, will be time-consuming but fundamental and effective that can smooth the path for peace and peaceful life and root out violence and destruction. Focused on this goal, transforming and causing change in individuals and communities’ outlook and mentality are necessary in two aspects: in the level of general education and vocational and professional education.
In the level of general education, first, long-term strategy should be planned for bringing peace through supporting the country’s training field educationally and monitoring closely the contents of educational texts and curriculum. This will be the most critical stage for institutionalizing peace and establishing peaceful and sustainable community. That is to say, it forms the mentality for peace and supports peace-loving mindset. Second, monitoring closely the contents of curriculum and educational texts will catalyze the process for establishing a peace-loving society. To include peace in educational curriculum in primary, secondary and high schools, will be one of the most effective way to establish social order and ensure peace in our country. Therefore, peace, as strategic issue, should be included in all educational curriculums in the aforementioned schools. The subjects such as history, social science, geography, and mainly the Islamic science are the sources that can make the cornerstone of peace-centered society and cause fundamental changes in terms of peaceful life across the country.
It is worth mentioning that religious subjects and Islamic science are the best educational capacities. Moreover, these subjects, which are backed by religious theory, contain the most instrumental concepts for peace and peace-making and change the minds and mentalities of students for better. It is deemed significant, while some or all national and international violence backed by religious theory – which has embroiled the human societies in unique fear, disappointment, destruction, and mental disorder. The opposite is also true. The positive effect of religious, peaceful teachings in enlightening the minds and mentalities of students are beyond doubt. In short, the positive aspect will work out at the magnitude of its negative aspect and have the same effect and influence.  

Hence, the Afghan government – mainly the Ministry of Education and Culture, Religious Affairs, and Human Rights Commission and other organizations – will have to constitute a committee from students of social science, students of psychology and mainly the students of Islamic science and support them financially. In other words, the said institutions are supposed to include the issue of peace in educational curriculum of primary, secondary and high schools. It goes without saying that if long-term and strategic policies and schemes are not planned and implemented, the country’s peace and stability will be threatened forever. In brief, peace, development and social life will continue to be jeopardized if the subject of peace is not included in schools’ curriculum.              

Mohammad Eshaq Arifi is the permanent writer of the Daily Afghanistan Ma. He can be reached at thedailyafghanistan@yahoo.com

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