Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

The Aspects and Structures of Reforming in Judicial Institutions


The Aspects and Structures of Reforming in Judicial Institutions

Afghan government and international community underline the law enforcement and justice for providing utopia. Implementing law is considered the mainstay of a strong strategy for protecting the citizens’ rights. The state has also prepared the draft of national plan for judicial reform which has been confirmed by the Supreme Council of the Rule of Law and Fight against Corruption and supposed to be submitted to the cabinet for approval and to judicial institutions for enforcement.  
The objectives of national plan for judicial reform
Effective service delivery to citizens in accordance with the country’s law; citizens’ access to justice and the protection of their fundamental rights and constitutional liberties; rule of law and fight against crime including corruption; ensuring the meritocracy; increasing the vocational capacity of judicial staff and access to facilities and modern electronic equipment; adopting mechanism for reforming and strengthening the capacity of the judicial sector; and spreading awareness for citizens about their rights and obligations.
The aspects of judicial reform program
For providing judicial services to the citizens, the government has considered comprehensive reforming programs. Currently, the country’s judicial institutions seek to bring fundamental changes in various fields which will be viewed shortly.
1- Capacity building  
The judicial institutions seek to boost the capacity in three categories for improving judicial services.
A-Employing professional and expert individuals
Within the two past years, the government has employed a number of professional and committed individuals with the aim of strengthening and updating technical knowledge, boosting administrative capacities, increasing and extending the qualitative and quantitative levels of judicial services.
B-Developing and strengthening vocational trainings
Empowering and updating Judges, Attorneys and other staffs of judicial institutions professionally is the priority of this sector. Therefore, several different kinds of programs have been implemented for boosting the capacities of the mentioned groups at home and foreign countries and also Department of Vocational Training Institute has been established in the attorney general apartment. 
C-Structural reforms, strengthening and developing office equipment
It is believed that providing appropriate judicial services depends on revising the structures of these institutions and updating and improving the equipment and technology. That is to say, modernizing the administrative system, approving regulations and procedures – which help us develop working affairs – and providing modern facilities and equipment will develop capacity.
The President specifically underlines access to technology and promotion of human resource capacity. Hence, the continued struggles of the in charges of these institutions go on so as to achieve greater success by the technical and financial support of the international community.
2) Transparency and combating corruption
With the aim of implementing counter-corruption in judicial system, which is emphasized by the President, a number of different activities are carried out to overcome the challenges through following mechanisms:
A-Reviewing laws and simplifying work steps
The texts of laws, regulations and bills are complicated and complex and slow the normal process of works and leads to unreal realization and interpretations. So, high steps are taken for simplifying the work steps and struggles are still in progress in this regard.
B-The integrity of affiliated institutions
In order to fight corruption, specific institutions dealing with the phenomenon known as the Judicial and Justice Center for Fighting Corruption has been established. This has catalyzed and improved fight against corruption.
C-Department of monitoring justice
This department, which is in the formation of Supreme Court, finds out administrative corruption through different activities and prosecutes the perpetrators. Currently, hundreds of judicial staffs in different levels have been put in trial.
D-Considering the security of courts and judges
Implementing law and justice depends on guarding judges and courts, which has been paid appropriate attention. Improving the ability of the guards of judges and extending the scope of their activities to all provinces is also the responsibility of justice and judicial sector.
E-Promoting supervision over judicial performances
Investigating the probable violation of staff of judicial organizations across the country is a top priority of the institutions. The activities of responsible organizations will be investigated normally as a result of this mechanism. Moreover, the violation of staffs will be found out and dealt with. Now the penalty system in judicial institutions are paid serious attention.
F-Considering the infrastructures
There is an all-out effort to build the infrastructures required for creating and providing the sector so as to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of judicial sector. Having the required infrastructures will increase the work speed, the staff’s satisfaction and the fruit of their works and finally lead to the public satisfaction. The President has also ordered the ministry of finance to support the judicial system in providing financial resources so that all infrastructures of judicial sector could be established up to next year.

Zia Danish is the permanent writer of the Daily Afghanistan Ma. He can be reached at thedailyafghanistan@yahoo.com

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