Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Efficient Administration – Hope for Improvement


Efficient Administration – Hope for Improvement

Administrative reform and improvement in Afghanistan’s managerial system is a significant issue being debated by Afghanistan and its international allies. This reform needs to be discussed from different perspectives, however, this commentary will focus on broker-dealer/agent. To view the issue from this angle, the main domestic challenge in administrations is lack of professional and educated manpower. The society’s issues are being so complicated in modern world that dealing with them is beyond the capacity of the former manpower. Take, for example, a person, the more educated and professional he is the more powerful he will be. Similarly, the more creative and active an administration is the more effective and strong it will stand. However high status the broker-dealers have in an organization, they should have the high expertise since the issue being dealt with is more complicated and extensive. Additionally, hierarchical nature is important in an organization. The brokers in lower position will obey the high-ranking ones in case of accepting their supremacy in knowledge and profession.
The reason behind weakness of Afghanistan’s administration
There are many reasons that will be explained shortly
1-War and administrative flexibility
Afghanistan was beset by war more than three decades which led to administrative instability. With the issue of coup and defeat, Afghanistan’s administration, high ranking officials and main decision-makers have been changed. Coming to power in Afghanistan, any groups sought to filter the administration through appointing their own brokers. As a result of this issue, a proper administration was not formed and professional and expert manpower were barred from offices. For instance, Afghan administrative workforce underwent transformation for several times within the three decades of Mujahedeen, the Taliban and post-Taliban administrations. Even simple workers are changed with a change in the position of high-ranking individuals. In brief, the continued instability and flexibility prevented from the formation of a professional cadre.
2- The partiality of Afghanistan’s administration
In the wake of emphasis on impartiality in Afghan Constitution and other national laws, ethnic and political orientations are paid especial attention rather than sound mechanism and criterion. Therefore, a low-quality, irresponsible and impartial administration is formed.
3- Shortcomings of Law
This issue has barred expert forces from administration to a great extent. For example, no qualification is stated for membership in national council, while it is widely expected that certain criteria are supposed to be considered in accordance with individuals’ positions in administrative and political hierarchy. For the lower level, Civil Servant Law is approved which focused earlier on work experiences more than education – this issue created obstacle for educated figures. Although this law has been reformed, there is still a need for further reform.
4- Increasing Social Disruption
Our society is in transition. A transitional society will experience chaos, social disorder and indiscipline. However, the depth and measure of challenges, in our society, are so deep and intense. That is to say, the challenges are beyond the realm of the current intellectual capacity in administrative structure.
5- Involvement in Minor Issues
As the level of thought and mentality is low in the administrative body, which resulted in inability to resolve the challenging issue, administrative officials spend their time and energy in minor issues. This will divert their attention from the main problem. For example, the daily public meetings with individuals will leave no chance for pondering over their agendas. The same is the case with unnecessary official meetings of authorities. On the contrary, the administrative and executive part of an office in other countries will spend the bulk of their time in planning and creating initiative.
The Consequence of the Agents’ Poor Handling
1-Superficial Understanding of the Current Issues and Challenges
Lack of expert workforce has resulted in superficial realization of the issue. The attention is diverted from the root of problems to the appearance and short-term solutions are suggested in this regard. In short, the works are done based on “trial and error” rather than planned agenda. Of course, it will discredit an administration.
2-Lack of Comprehensive and Systematic View in Dealing the Issue
Viewing social issues imprudently is one of the issues in making decisions which constituted greater challenges and serious social harms. For example, the imbalance between the high education graduates and labor market and mass unemployment will pose serious threat to country in upcoming years. On the one hand, institutes of higher education graduate a large number of students annually, on the other hand, the organizations such as the ministry of labor and social affairs are not able to create jobs. This will certainly form a strong discontent and challenge the entire system.
3-Lack of Attention to Hidden Consequence of Social Behavior
Neglecting the hidden consequence of decision and policy makings is a major issue. Uncontrolled imports will prevent from production and keep our country dependent forever. This issue will cause great challenges and change our country to consuming ground of low-quality foreign goods.
4-The Brain-Drain:
One of the consequences of the status quo is the continued brain-drain. The elite and educated individuals will leave the country for not being able to get job.
Based on the aforementioned issues, it is hoped that the officials will reform the law, regulations and administrative procedures and mechanisms in a way to pave the grounds for the educated and expert individuals so that a standard administration is formed in the country and tackle the problems successfully.

Dr. Aman Fasihi is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at the Outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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