Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Importance of Population Census in Afghanistan


Importance of Population Census in Afghanistan

The government is consisted of people who live in a specific territory and is governed by a power. Government cannot be imagined as humanism without people. Therefore, one of the fundamental elements of it, is human population, although the quantity and the population of legally does not have much impact on creating government, but without doubt, qualitatively if the inhabitants of a country has a good level of knowledge, expertise, scientific and technical ability, they have an impact and play an important role on independence and sovereignty, development and self-sufficiency. According to this, as soon as the government element put into government studies and international politics, we more or less have a very important role in determining the goals, national interests and international arena plays. In addition, the element of the population in Afghanistan has special place; because many of the decisions are adopted at the macro level of national strategies, policies and policies for managing society in the suit based on population in provinces and districts, the subsequent distribution of material and spiritual support of the citizens are done according to it. However, in practice and in fact rulers and statesmen this country has now committed not calculated nor wanted to be committed.
Hence, we say courageously that this land began to establish themselves as a new Afghanistan in 1747 so far has no accurate statistics on the population, there is no decisions and strategic plans on the national operational and implement. Finally, CSO announced Afghanistan’s population of 29.2 million including one and half millions decamps, that 15 million are men and 14.2 million women on May 09, 2017. The urban population is 6.9 million and 20.8 million for rural population of the country and the center were stressed for the accuracy of these figures.
The above statistic rather than a detailed statistics based on the methods and mechanism defined and logical census is more inaccurate and based on speculation and misinformation of the people and officials of the provincial capital is obtained. The sorry state of security in many provinces and districts, displacement and migration caused by conflict and insecurity and even impassable routs in some areas and the remoteness of some villages and towns, all of them are clear reasons for this, that the figures announced by CSO is not very accurate. In addition, there are other reasons not to measure these figures, because in many provinces and areas, the registration of birth and died does not exist even there is such kinds of problems in the big cities and capital. Interestingly, a large number of families are still in the process of being registered and legal obligation to register the birth of children, as well as dead or do not know or they do not care that it is determined at the time legally, therefore, it seems that statistics office of Afghanistan’s population is imprecise, most of these inaccurate information rely on the traditional style of guesses and stimulation.
Why accurate census measure is needed? As all countries need to reckon and accurate census to protect the rights of citizens and provide standard services, Afghanistan is not exception to this rule, because of the special circumstances is prevailing in the country, the census process and clarify the population is an undeniable necessity. Having the equitable distribution of national wealth, public services, material and moral support of the population is dependent on accurate statistics, and even political positions because of ethic relations need to specify the number of its population.
If we look clearly to this issue, its importance becomes more obvious, because the basis decisions on many macro issues is desired on the population of an area or province in the field of political, administrative, cultural, economic and social etc. in. Moreover, even the presence and position of relatives in the macro –political is balanced on the population, for example:
1-Division and administrative units in the provinces and districts are based on population, the adjustment process and the creation of new administrative units are based on the existence of sufficient population, so it is claiming the independent unit of capacity, and it is under processing.
2-The division of seats in parliament to provinces and districts is intended on population proportion.
3-Provincial council seats proportional is determined to the number of population of each province
4-The number of members of the district council is determined on the population of the district.
5-Allocating national resources are divided and distributed on population in the provinces.
In summary, distribution and quotas of facilities are done on population in the areas of health, education, transport, and spiritual matters (hypothetical Haj), and etc.
Finally, it seems one of the most important issues  which it was planned, and used for accurate data and information in the process, it is planning for the census human resources, because components of a society and the population of each country is called as economic and social development. Accurate census, gathering the necessary information of population could help authorities for planning to develop, build and improve the lives of citizens. Moreover, facilities of the national capital are distributed for all citizens fairly through this process, as well as, the basis of true politics will be in various fields, although there is a process of creating a mechanism for criteria and standards of the census, challenges and security constraints, natural and cultural; nonetheless providing accurate census and population statistics is an inevitable necessity in Afghanistan.

Razia Mirzayi is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at razia.mirzayi@gmail.com

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