Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

The Strategies of Passing Through Difficult Days


The Strategies of Passing Through Difficult Days

Series of attacks and bloody events of recent days, put country in difficult and dangerous conditions. Passing through these difficult circumstances require the adoption of effective strategies such as self-discipline, solidarity, accountability, reform and earn the support and trust of the people. Of course, the enemies of Afghanistan are trying to drag the country into complete chaos with brutal attacks and massacre civilians, such as Syria and Libya and eventually fade achievements of the past one and a half decades. While we have sad and terrible experiences of the nineties and the Taliban regime in our historical memory. We have experienced devastation of decades of war and political instability. Hence, recognizing the demonstration of the deeply painful and deadly attack on Wednesday May 31, 2017, the death of several protesters on Friday second of June, and the attack on the funeral and burial of Salem Izadyar on Saturday June 03, 2017, and broad political understanding inflammation in the country, it is necessary that citizens, political elites and government officials to adopt the following strategies to overcome the crisis:
1- Accountability
However, accountability is included as permanent responsibility in the democratic system for authorities and ruling elites, but giving this responsibility is fundamental necessary in critical condition. So the spirit of accountability can help to restore the confidence of the affected people by the Afghan government. Accountability requires to pay attention to demands of afflicted and downhearted people in current situation, identifies the main causes of the recent attacks and punishing culprits through urgent paces. On the other hand, the government deal decisively with those security and intelligence officials that fault or negligence the duty that they were responsible in top priority, in this part, the punishment of those who have been ineffective in the prevention of terrorist attacks, dealing with those security officials who have orders to shoot on protesters is important issue. Government accountability requires fundamental rethinking and reforms in the security sector especially in Kabul. In addition to this trial and punish, the terrorists who live in the durance of the government, by doing this thing, they can restore confidence of people and demonstrate the government’s determination to fight terrorism effectively.
2- Reforms
Another strategy that can be used to pass difficult situation in the country by the ruling elites, are great reforms in administrative structure, financial and security parts of the country. Reform is based on the merit to raise using effective forces capable and committed government departments’ efficiency, and on the other hand result in gaining the confidence of the people especially the young and educated class. In addition, another fundamental pillar of reform is fighting corruptors. A trend that began in the unity government, it needs to be accelerated transparently and comprehensively. Since corruptions is the main reason for destruction of the country and they are more dangerous than terrorist groups, so this fact is understandable for the Afghan people and international allies. The government can reduce the gap between government and people through this way and people deal decisively against corruption with strong backing and support of international community.
3- Continence
The third key strategy is a principle of continence in the current difficult circumstances. Everyone should pay attention to continence and should consider that Afghanistan comes first. In this part, media, social networking, youth, university professors and students of university, political elites, tribal elders, government officials and all have prophetic mission nationally. We cannot forget that intolerance, exclusion, unilateralism, the lack of space and the idea of tolerance has lead the country into decades of war and conflict that we see its consequences and intolerance. According to preserving the past one and a half decades achievement, we have to wait and restraint forward to strengthen the democracy and political stability and should not accept defeat at this critical juncture.
4- National Solidarity
The last and most important strategy that can help us through these difficult days, is maintaining and even strengthening solidarity. Disintegrating the conspiracies of the enemy and creating division within the system, parties, movements and ethnic groups. The enemy is trying to create distance between government and the people in different ways, and trying tirelessly to divide ethnic groups and political factions. If the elites, tribal elders and government officials act in maintaining national unity poorly, they will be in a way that the enemy benefits from this situation. If we stand together in this difficult time then we would be able to defeat terrorists and its supporter in and out side country. Therefore, Afghanistan utterly needs national unity more then ever before.
Although, these days has not been declared a state of emergency from the government officially, but the fact is that we are in a brittle and dangerous situation. This brittle is more than the power of the enemy, it is entangled because of the dispersion and scattering of the people and political masses in Afghanistan. Hurt feeling of the people and widespread demands of people from government activates gaps and weaknesses in the political system and makes it deeper, because of this we need unity, restraint and empathy more than ever. I hope that everyone by understanding the current situation avoid differences. Government should respect people’s demands take action to fulfil them. It is important the Government and people must pay more attention to common values and national interest.

Qasem Irfani is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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