Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

The Challenges before Education in Private Schools


The Challenges before Education in Private Schools

More students study at private schools rather than governmental schools. Since a large number of students are taught in private schools, the questions are that do these schools meet the necessary criteria? Do the instructors pay enough heed to the talents of the students? Do they only teach or also socialize the students in a better way? How is the quality of teaching in such institutions? This commentary tends to answer these questions.
Besides the profit motive behind this activity, the process of employing teachers is a matter of question. The processing of hiring instructors shows the significance of quantity and appearance rather than quality and content. Two tests will be conducted for hiring instructors. First, the would-be teacher or applicant will have to take a written test. In case of passing this process, s/he will have a demonstration class, which is conducted in a real class where a delegate of teachers monitoring the applicant. The most attention in this test will be focused on how the would-be teacher is able to control the class and make the student keep silent. The more silent a class is the better score the applicant will gain. The teachers’ body language such as gesture, eye-contact, facial expressions and the way s/he acts will also be taken into account to some extent. However, the main subject, which is communicating and transferring the knowledge to the students, is either forgotten or paid a superficial attention. That is to say, the quality of teaching, teacher’s level of knowledge and teaching experiences are hardly taken into account. Moreover, the teachers’ familiarization with psychological subject, which is highly important for instructors, is ignored completely.
This type of hiring process will dismantle the cornerstone of education and training. The teachers being hired based on the said criteria will not be fit for teaching. Moreover, the personal talent of a student is never paid attention in any schools. For instance, every student has his/her own talent for a particular subject and the best teacher will be the one who is able to find out this talent and foster it. All students are not supposed to be equal in math, physics, chemistry, etc. or memorize the text from A to Z. Perhaps, one student has painting talent, the next one in poetry and the third one in art. A real teacher is to find out this talent and promote it. Discovering the students’ talents and enhancing them will be the highest responsibility of a teacher. The value of knowledge should not be reduced into a small number of subjects. A successful teacher is one who can satiate the spiritual need of students. Finding out the inner talent will trigger the keen interest of a student on learning and studying hard. That is to say, a teacher will reconcile a student with book through the mentioned fact and teachers’ lessons will be music to the students’ ear and change them into real bookworms. Quenching the students’ thirst will awaken their talents and inner force will move them towards studying. Unluckily, our teachers turn a blind eye to this fact, and their role is restricted in the structure and appearance of the class.
Rather than paying attention to the personal talent of a student, private schools establish restrictive and unnecessary rules which will lead to the students’ distaste. A large number of students are overloaded with heavy home assignments. Subsequently, they have to spend all their times in fulfilling their backbreaking assignments or else is punished physically by their instructors. On the other hand, one of the main issues is that students do not learn the lessons to do those assignments properly because of the disharmony of teachers’ explanation with students’ level of understanding. Hence, students will show strong reluctance to books and schools. In other words, the students deem school a strong burden on their shoulders with such process of teaching. School will fill students with a negative image and will spark off a sense of hatred and exhaustion. This blow is the result of lack of teachers’ knowledge with teaching and training and ignoring the students’ personal talent.
One of the highly significant issues is the way a teacher treats students. As it was mentioned earlier, the best teacher in a school is the one who keeps the class silent. Such a teacher will be praised not only by administration but also their colleagues. Sometimes, other teachers ask such a teacher about the technic of keeping a class silent. It should be noted that focusing on a lesson with silence will not be negative but on the condition that it does not weary the students or applied with violence.
Silencing students with punishment, mainly physical one, will not be a technic for teaching. Of course, students will remain quiet by force. Cultivating a sensitive relation with such instructors are not possible. It is crystal clear that whenever we dislike someone, we also hate their words even though the words are positive. The students who are forced to keep silent will experience the very fact. The instructors’ dictator manner will trigger a sense of hatred in a way that they will reveal negative reaction towards the instructors’ words. So, their teaching will not bear the desired result.

The ministry of education and other responsible institutions will have to resolve these issues and pave the ground for a sound learning environment and quality lessons so that students do not graduate with low level of knowledge.

Mohammad Baqirian is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at the outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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