Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

No Words to Articulate my Anguish


No Words to Articulate my Anguish

Are you really able to fight back your tears while seeing hot drops of blood oozing from the wounds of a terrorist victim? What about the bodies riddled with Kalashnikov or throats sliced with knives? Have you ever missed a sweetheart? These are the stories of our life. One says goodbye to his/her family to commute to work and is killed on the spot without a sense of guilt. This sudden and tragic death of your friend or family member will shock you to the bone and numb your senses.
The picture of terrorist victims who look like bloody statues lying in debris and wreckage after suicide bombings triggers an outpouring of grief. The nauseous odor of human flesh burnt in the explosion will fill you with mercy towards victims and hatred towards the perpetrators – a strong hatred that you might curse being born such a cruel animal. Your heart will melt with the groaning of the injured touching your ears, the voices shouting for mercy, and mothers’ tears being shed beside the bloody corpses of their children. 
When a car bomb targeted a bus carrying ministry staff in Kabul on Monday, many young people were murdered and took all their wishes to the grave with them. This gory incident pained Afghan nation severely but the picture of a young girl went viral in social media. Najiba Hussaini, who studied her BA in India and MA in Japan, was among the victims. Najiba was from Daikundi province – a mountainous province lacking very basic facilities. No doubt, it must have been her high ambitions and tireless efforts which paved the ground for her to study abroad since there are still many obstacles for women to get education. However, she also took her wishes and desires to the grave with her. In her picture, circulated in social media, Najiba is dressed in white scarf and black outfit, wearing a pair of black glasses and holding a red file – which is more likely her graduation certificate – with a smile on her lip. Her eyes are gleaming with hope. But which hope? This remains a mystery.
Is there anything to hold out hope for in this war-torn country? Since the air is filled with fear and chagrin, it seems that the last gleam of hope is disappearing.
Such poignant stories repeat every once in a while in Afghanistan and people lose their lives tragically, some leave their families without bread-winner. The most tragic aspect of these bloody incidents is that they are faded into oblivion with words of condemnation and might change into normal part of life. What will remain a value for a society when killing mankind changes into normal practice or at least one is not moved by such heart-wrenching pictures?
Last year in the same day, 86 people were killed and about 400 were wounded in a suicide attack in a peaceful demonstration led by “Enlightenment Movement”. Many of the victims were young and educated individuals.
Indeed, such painful tragedies are beyond one’s tolerance. But despite the fact that Afghan men and women are raising their voice against such acts of violence, there is still no panacea for their bleeding wound.
It goes without saying that the lump in the throat of victims’ families is left unsaid. The tearful orphans and anguished widows have their own stories. They are the forgotten parts of our society despite suffering from backbreaking pain. Besides lacking a morsel of food, they have no shoulder to cry on. Their agony and screams fall on deaf ears, the issue which is rife in Afghanistan.
Afghans have been changed into sacrificial lamb in this protracted war. Life is extremely cheap as men and women are murdered in cold blood. Tragedies are repeated time and again and more harshly than ever before. Considering the deadly issues, one will believe it firmly that “man is man’s wolf” butchering each other out of their selfishness and megalomania. To be honest, words cannot articulate my anguish.
Martin Luther King has aptly said, “Yet, in spite of these spectacular strides in science and technology, and still unlimited ones to come, something basic is missing. There is a sort of poverty of the spirit which stands in glaring contrast to our scientific and technological abundance. The richer we have become materially, the poorer we have become morally and spiritually. We have learned to fly the air like birds and swim the sea like fish, but we have not learned the simple art of living together as brothers.”
We need to extend our tolerance and revive our humanity and moral senses. We are members of human families and have to learn the art of living a peaceful life with one another.

Sakhi Danish is the editor and writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at the outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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