Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Political Leaders Should Reply to the Public


Political Leaders Should Reply to the Public

Afghan political elites are supposed to fulfill their responsibilities regarding nation. Within the past three decades, Afghans made great sacrificed for the sake of political leaders. Regardless of historical ambition, ethnic and tribal tendencies played a key role in the sacrifices made for them. Therefore, Afghan leaders will have to reciprocate the nation’s devotion. The younger generation, who still suffer from the past sacrifices, will realize this fact.
The current situation has imposed a shared suffering upon the nation. According to public belief, alleviating the common problem will not possible individually. However, the national determination depends on the collective determination of political leaders, who are able to play an instrumental role in mobilizing the public. Thus, political figures should procrastinate their factional demands and political shares. Now it is time to remedy the nation’s problem.
It goes without saying that the challenges do not necessarily root in foreign factors. Pointing the finger at others is tantamount to evading the responsibilities. We are all responsibility in terms of the status quo. If we do not deem ourselves responsible, the history will condemn us in the future.
Afghanistan’s political tension roots in political demands of political and tribal leaders. The country’s contemporary history proves that political tensions have never been due to structures and principles. Although Dawood Khan – one of Afghanistan’s kings – changed the system of sultanate into republic, yet he was the same king ruling in republic clothing. The tensions among political elites within the communist regime also stemmed from conflicting interests and political complexes. The spirit of discrimination and lust for totalitarian of political figures hindered the firm establishment of a political structure. Struggles for extending power even involved religious elements in the issue.
The tough conflict between Afghan political elites was ended with Bonn Agreement. The pressure exerted by international community in 2001 urged political elites that their opponents will not abandon the ground in the wake of tension. For the first time, political elites gathered in Bonn following 1352 Afghan calendar and articulated their intentions.
Within three decades of conflicts, Afghan political elites could not establish a modern and comprehensive administration in the country. Hence, the cornerstone of nation-building was laid by the US determination in Bonn Conference. The US believed that nation-building, in countries involved in ethnic conflicts, will be possible after a strong state-building. Therefore, powerful states would influence all the inhabitants of a land and reconcile people – no matter which mentality they cherish.
Following the Bonn Conference, state-building continued in Afghanistan hierarchically and after the transitional period, the system of republic emerged in the best possible way.
Afghanistan’s political elites yielded to the ruling situation and preferred political reconciliation despite their differences. Afghan nation and the international community deemed the agreement of political elites the mainstay of consolidation and felt a strong sense of hope. However, this hope did not last long since political tension resurfaced among political figures with presidential election, mainly in 2009 and 2010.
It is believed that history will repeat itself again unless political elites reach a strong agreement. That is to say, the current issues suggest that history will repeat in Afghanistan since political elites have not realized the history which was made by themselves.
Foundations of political development, such as the constitution, government agencies, the army and police, private media, civil society, development of education, etc. will be highly susceptible and bear the brunt of damage if tension continues between political elites – who are mostly tribal leaders, too. In another item, the words and practices of tribal leaders carry much weight for the individuals belonging to the same tribes. The aforementioned institutions are formed of the same individuals. This hypothesis is reinforced by the fact that, in Afghanistan, the individuals belonging to each ethnic group are dependent on the speeches and actions of their ethnic leaders before they are subject to law and government.
Hence, it is an undeniable fact that the conflicts between Afghan political elites will be extremely threatening and a great obstacle before transition to political maturity in the country. Political tension has constantly infiltrated the public and political elites are able to play a crucial role in mobilizing people on the basis of factional and tribal tendencies.
Currently, political elites are supposed to implant in nation fresh spirit and fill them with hope since their different perspectives kept people disappointed for long time. The continuation of political disagreement will put an adverse effect on the view of international community regarding Afghanistan.
In short, political elites must realize this fact that returning to past will ruin everyone. So, it will be wise to prevent the issue before happening as it is said that prevention is better than cure.

Syed Asif Hussaini is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at the outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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