Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

National Congress of the Communist Party of China


National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Socialism with Chinese characteristics, with the Communist Party of China (CPC) at the helm, has played a highly instrumental role in social, cultural, economic and political arenas. CPC has formed a civil society in China where people are able to exercise their fundamental rights, i.e., the rights to life, liberty and property, without obstacles. The true democracy is felt in Chinese society since men and women are equal in rights and dignity and all ethnic groups are treated with respect regardless of their caste, color and creed.
It is believed that socialism with Chinese characteristics has borne the desired result in China where people live a peaceful life, show tolerance towards religious rehearsal and cultural and ethnic diversity, and treat one another in a “spirit of brotherhood”. This unified multi-ethnic country or a “pattern of pluralistic unity of the Chinese nation” is the epitome of a civil, democratic and prosperous society. CPC has pledged to uphold the natural rights and inherent dignity of Chinese nation and took high step in this regard.
China has promoted harmonious culture, attained the lofty goals of “soft power” building, maintained ethnic solidarity, and protected its territorial integrity. In terms of conflict, People’s Republic of China (PRC) sought to advocate “winning people over by virtue” and “subduing the enemy without fighting” or pursuing a non-violent strategy. This state has constantly upheld peace, good faith and good will, and pursued friendly exchanges among countries. To put it succinctly, peace, cooperation and harmony are the three principles to understanding the strategy of contemporary China. It is aptly said that China is pursuing “smile diplomacy” to enhance its soft power and this strategy is most likely to have a profound effect on China’s peaceful development and national security.
Once former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said that “China today exports TV sets, rather than ideas.” This was deemed weakness of China’s soft power. However, PRC has filled this vacuum and produces fruitful ideas in terms of politics, culture, economy, etc.
Similarly, Chinese Former President Hu Jintao said in 2012 that the Western world is “threatening to divide us”. He added, “The international culture of the West is strong while we are weak ... Ideological and cultural fields are our main targets”. It reflects the fact that Chinese state got to the bottom of the issue and resisted against division and promoted cultural and people-to-people exchanges.
Furthermore, political pundits believe that stagnant, rigid, and ossified state ideology were the main reasons behind the dissolution of the Soviet Union’s communist party. Nonetheless, the socialism with Chinese characteristics is dynamic, flexible, and moderate which have safeguarded the party’s rule.
In terms of reducing poverty, since the 18th National Party Congress, which was held on November 01, 2012, China reportedly lifted on average 10 million rural individuals out of poverty every year from 2013 to 2016 and the number of poor people dropped from 10.2 percent in 2012 to 4.5 percent in 2016, which will achieve the 2020 agenda for eradicating poverty. Incomes in poverty-stricken areas rose more than the national average increased. To sum up, the National Party Congress played a highly significant role within the past five years in all spheres of social and political life.
The concern of Chinese officials regarding global peace is beyond doubt. At national level, China nips challenges in the bud and at international level, she seeks reconciliation and diplomatic solution to the crisis and never considers military action a remedy to global conflicts. Many conferences are held in China for mitigating violence and Chinese authorities play the role of representatives to resolve issues through diplomatic way or bringing political opponents to negotiating table.  
Now as the opening of the 19th Communist Party of China (CPC) National Congress is in the offing, struggles for a sustainable development needs to be continued. After all, any void left in social, cultural, political or economic spheres will have to be filled so as to change China into an impeccable democratic and prosperous society and a model for the world.
Although democracy is practiced in China, its true spirit is a lot to be desired. Despite lack of sexual discrimination, the number of CPC’s female members is not equal to men. Hence, their political role will reduce comparing to men. Moreover, a number of individuals are said to be on the political sidelines, the role of media – including social media – is curtailed, which will put freedom of expression under question, and civil society activists are disregarded. Fundamental bases of democracy still need to be strengthened despite the fact that there is no impeccable democracy in the world. Furthermore, women’s political role ought to be increased.
To gain sustainable development and enhance its soft power, China will have to keep pace with the world and elect an energetic and a moderate leader similar to Xi Jinping – who fulfilled his commitment in the best possible way, left no stone unturned for the promotion of his nation, and, therefore, rule the hearts and minds of Chinese people.  

Hujjatullah Zia is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at zia_hujjat@yahoo.com

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