Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Will We Witness International Census about Fighting Terrorism?


Will We Witness International Census about Fighting Terrorism?

The swift evolution in regional and international policy of influential powers in recent months reflects their genuine intention and serious determination vis-à-vis terrorist groups. There has been mixed reaction following the declaration of US strategy about Afghanistan and its emphasis on long-term presence so as to win the ‘war on terror’ and also its first stress on this issue that Pakistan had been changed into safe haven for the Taliban’s activities as they, along with Haqqani network, orchestrate their attacks against Afghanistan. The backlash was shown about a number of issues: (1) The US appreciation about the constructive role of India and stressing the extension of its economic and security role in Afghanistan. (2) Expressing dissatisfaction with Pakistan on the basis that despite receiving millions of dollars in terms of fighting terrorism, then it changed into safe haven for terrorists. (3) Pointing out that the US would not be indifferent about it and Pakistan had to show its sincerity in action.
As a main and strategic ally to Pakistan, China expressed her discontent over the US strategy concerning Afghanistan and South East Asia calling the US status about Pakistan unjust. According to China, Pakistan has been at the forefront of fighting terrorism and suffered great sacrifices. This country deserves to be appreciated. Russia also called the new strategy of the US unrealistic and futile.
Over all, these reactions will be considered as the emergence of new polarization at regional and international level and among the influential powers. With this polarization, China, Russia and Pakistan are on the one side and the US, India and its western allies will be on the other side. This issue spread fear among analysts that Afghanistan might change into battleground once more. But the final statement of the BRICS Summit, which consists of Russia, China, India, Brazil, and South Africa, has created a new hope about fighting terrorism and their clear understanding of shared peril of terrorism. This statement declares that the centers of terrorist activities which have posed threat to the regional and global security are in Pakistan. This is promising in terms of fighting terrorism and terrorist groups. What adds more significance to the final statement of BRICS summit is its clear mention of the Taliban, al-Qaeda, the self-styled Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), East Turkestan Islamic Party (ETIP), Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), Lashkar-e-Taiba, Haqqani network, Jaish-e-Mohammad, Tahreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, and Hizb ut-Tahrir, which are considered the main threat and disruptive of regional security. Now the support of China – which is one of Pakistan’s main and strategic allies – for this statement, will be taken as a next significant outcome for Afghanistan, which frequently said that terrorist attacks are orchestrated in Pakistan and if this country does not abandon its dual game vis-à-vis terrorism or divide it into the good and bad, the process of fighting terrorism will not come to fruition. There is no doubt that in the wake of events occurring recently in battlefield and the defeat of terrorists in Syria and Iraq, there will be great changes. The defeat of terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq cause them to retreat and splinter. On the other hand, the ISIS was able to recruit from Middle East, Afghanistan and even China so as to extend the realm of its influence. It is clear for China that the ongoing extension of such groups will pose serious security and economic threat to all regional countries, especially China, Russia, and India. So, based on a realistic and economy-oriented perspective, as economic activities are prioritized by China, there is a need that Chinese officials will consider their security-economic interests regardless of political competition and deem the issue of terrorism serious, along with other members of BRICS and western countries.
Fighting terrorism will be prolific if the strong regional and international powers urge Pakistan to abandon its dual policy about terrorism, since dividing terrorism into the good and bad will hamper the formation of international census about fighting terrorism. One of the reasons behind the failure of defeating terrorism is Pakistan’s frequent refusal to the issue that it has been the sanctuary of terrorist groups or they have been organizing their attacks from across the border. So, terrorists should not be divided into the good and bad.
All in all, the final summit of BRICS will result in the following outcomes:
(1) An important outcome for Kabul and the reality of Afghanistan’s claim that the main sanctuaries and centers of terrorist groups are located across the border.
(2) Sidelining Pakistan at international level.

(3) Strengthening hope for the formation of international census in fighting terrorism.

Ghulam Sakhi Ehsani is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at the outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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