Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

The Nonstop Bloodbath


The Nonstop Bloodbath

The recent series of attacks have filled Afghan nation with an outpouring of grief. Histrionics surges up among the public in the wake of unmitigated insurgency and there is no respite from deadly offensives. The annals of history show that Afghanistan has been steeped in violence and bloodshed for more than three decades that led to heavy casualties. Life is still cheap in the country. Considering the recent escalated insurgency, Afghans have a horrible premonition that bloodier scenarios are imminent.
People are inundated with messages of condolence by officials, which has created a schism between state and nation. Almost in every suicide bombing, a throng of people, including women and children, are killed or amputated in cold blood. However, officials simply accost the militants to stop violence and bloodshed and offer messages of condolence to victims’ families, which has ended the bonhomie between state and nation and officials are not deemed resourceful enough for not being able to protect the rights and freedoms of the public.
With the establishment of democratic society, following the downfall of the Taliban’s regime, Afghans dreamed of a civil society and utopian world, but their dream did not come true. The reason behind the endorsement of Afghanistan’s Constitution, which was approved on January 03, 2004, was stated in its preamble as to “establish an order based on the peoples’ will and democracy; form a civil society void of oppression, atrocity, discrimination as well as violence, based on rule of law, social justice, protecting integrity and human rights, and attaining peoples’ freedoms and fundamental rights; strengthen political, social, economic as well as defense institutions….” Thus, people sought solace in democratic and human rights discourse believing that it would heal their bleeding wounds. Nonetheless, the inchoate democracy was not a panacea for their problems and the pregnant silence was a harbinger of violence and carnage. Subsequently, the lull in insurgency ended as the Taliban guerilla fighters resurfaced in the country and jeopardized the life of civilians. In short, although approving constitution and conducting presidential and provincial elections for forming a democratic community were a landmark in the history of Afghanistan, the process of democratization was hampered by scourge of war.
After all, Afghan High Peace Council (HPC), which was entrusted with jostling the Taliban for holding talks, could not achieve its objectives. The Taliban played a foul game and now refuse to sit through negotiation. So, the peace process was proved abortive and the Taliban militants intensified their attacks in recent weeks. That is to say, terrorist attacks were increased following the meeting held in Muscat, Oman’s capital, two weeks ago, which shows the Taliban’s lukewarm response to negotiation. On the one hand, the Taliban scoff at peace process, but on the other hand, Afghan officials persist on it – which seems very naïve of the government.
It is believed that peace process put state and nation on a collision course. Afghans do not concur with the government’s decision to insist on talks since there was no tangible result in this regard. Neither admonishing nor imploring the Taliban will give the desired result. Thus, the government had better stop this fruitless game, to use euphemism, or inane game, to be blunt. Almost seven years have elapsed from the establishment of HPC, but only the former Jihadi and head of Hezb-e-Islami Afghanistan (HIA) Gulbuddin Hekmatyar joined the peace process. Afghans are no more sanguine about the outcome of peace talks since the tortuous path of peace talks is highly murky as the Taliban never stop their acts of terror.
Afghan civilians have been changed into sacrificial lamb and the flagrant violation of their rights is a serious blow to democracy. They were in the throes of conflicts in spite of the establishment of democratic state. Although Afghans cherish a voracious desire for peace and stability, the Taliban outfit seeks to impose their own preconditions with the barrel of gun. It is self-explanatory that the “smile diplomacy” of Kabul government did not come to fruition in the face of Taliban’s belligerent strategy.
To safeguard the rights and freedoms of the nation, Afghan government, along with its international allies, need to dismantle the Taliban’s network and its safe havens. It is an incontrovertible fact that the Taliban’s radical ideology is anathema to amicable negotiation and they cannot reconcile their mindset with friendly attitude. Therefore, the Taliban seek to pressure Afghan government through inflicting casualties upon soldiers and civilians. The tragedy of Afghan nation will continue unabated unless a strong military action is taken against warring parties, mainly the Taliban. With the intensified attacks of the Taliban, forming a civil and democratic society seems no more than a dream that will never come true.

Hujjatullah Zia is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at zia_hujjat@yahoo.com

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