Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

High Time for Peace Talks With Taliban


High Time for Peace Talks With Taliban

The Taliban recent attacks on the Afghan security forces in the southern province of Kandahar and Farah intended to demoralize Afghan forces beset by casualties and desertions since NATO combat forces pulled out in late 2014. Recently the insurgents have stormed a number of major police and army bases and government facilities across the country it clearly demonstrates that security is deteriorating across the country and the Afghan government is losing the grip. The Taliban has increased its territorial and population control in the past year according to a recent Pentagon report Taliban are controlling not less than a third of the country. It is very much evident that there can not only be a military solution to the Taliban insurgency. Peace process with the Taliban is almost certainly the best way to end the war in Afghanistan as a negotiated settlement is more achievable than a military victory and more desirable than an endless military stalemate. This ongoing conflict is severely affecting the reconstruction efforts and increasing the sufferings of Afghanis. Moreover, it’s making the country instable and a fragile state which is helping Islamic State (IS) and other extremists to increase their local footprints. 
The Taliban has condemned and countered the Islamic State in Afghanistan, which suggests that the group is not allied to the global jihadist outfits that currently pose the greatest threat to the Western interests. Hence it is comparatively easy to engage Taliban in talks as compared to Jihadist outfits of Middle East which have global aspirations. One of the main conditions for any peace talks to succeed is the realization that both sides cannot win the war. Both the parties that are Afghan Government and Taliban are aware of this aspect. Taliban also is feeling pressure from the growing body count and from defectors who have claimed allegiance to IS. Afghan government also realizes that without the support of its foreign allies its security forces can not tackle Taliban insurgency on their own. There should also not be any pre-conditions from any side to start the peace talks like- Disarming of insurgents or withdrawal of foreign forces. The peace process can even be launched with continued fighting. As history has demonstrated that this kind of peace talks has been successful. During the American Revolution, the end of the Algerian revolt against the French, and civil wars in Namibia, El Salvador, and Angola, fighting continued during negotiations and sometimes spiked as one side tried to break the will of the other. 
A variety of diplomatic initiatives should continue to work very closely but fundamentally, there is a need to get the parties to talk to one another directly. It is notable that Taliban still maintain its representative office in Doha. This political office has authority to negotiate on behalf of its leadership. This office only was able to secure the release of five Taliban members from the US detention facility at Guantanamo Bay in 2014, in exchange for American captive Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. Starting point of any future peace talks between Afghan government and Taliban can be through this political office of Taliban. Direct line of communication between Afghan government and Taliban Doha office can be established. Employing indirect communication lines can also prove effective, including forging ceasefires at local levels, detainee releases and engaging intermediaries, such as tribal leaders, who maintain contacts with both sides. A political settlement could take years to conclude and there should be no rush to launch premature formal negotiations. This does not detract from the urgency of undertaking informal preparations. Later on, when a right environment is achieved for launching of formal talks than measures like- interim cease-fire on national level which halts the fighting to allow a more comprehensive accord to be cobbled can be discussed.
In addition to this, the Afghan government should also work upon the grievances that are fuelling the insurgency such as corruption, injustice, warlordism, and marginalization of various tribal and ethnic groups.  Given the advantage of its strategic location, Afghanistan functions as a land bridge connecting South Asia, Central Asia, Eurasia, and the Middle East. Peace and security in Afghanistan will be vital for broader economic cooperation in the region. It is also noteworthy that peace in Afghanistan means peace in the region therefore the regional countries can play a vital role in bringing peace and security in Afghanistan. So, a whole hearted regional support should be given to any Afghan peace process. The international community and regional powers should be actively involved in any Afghan peace-building initiative may be as interlocutors or observers. Their engagement is crucial for the success of any peace efforts. The role of a third party can be significant in bringing impartiality, a greater degree of patience, and balance to the negotiating table. 

Author is a columnist for Middle-East and Af-Pak region and Editor of geo-political news agency Viewsaround can be reached at manishraiva@gmail.com

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