Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Terrorism Remains a Serious Issue


Terrorism Remains a Serious Issue

Afghan nation paid heavy sacrifices in combating terrorism. The militant fighters, mainly the Taliban and self-styled Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), carried out indiscriminate attacks. Scores of selfless soldiers who were killed in protecting the rights and dignity of nation and their homeland left their spouses and children behind, which has not only filled them with an outpouring of grief but also left them with great sufferings.
The heroic rehearsals and selfless acts of Afghans soldiers in terms of combating terrorism is really jaw-dropping. They played their role in the best possible way with the hope of safeguarding the rights and freedoms of all individuals and building a society where all could exercise their rights freely and respect one another on the basis of being human. Afghan soldiers had their blood shed to save the blood of others from being spilled by terrorists. They fought with high ambition. They donated their blood to the society to strengthen democracy and form a civil society, which are stated in constitution.
Fighting terrorism is a global objective and the sacrifices made by one nation will affect the global security. For instance, a peaceful Afghanistan will contribute to reginal peace and prosperity and vice versa. NATO’s top commander in Afghanistan said that Afghan security forces were fighting for the security of their own people as well as the world. He further added that NATO troops would firmly fight shoulder to shoulder with their Afghan partners to counter the scourge of terrorism and stabilize the war-devastated country.
Despite the sacrifices made by Afghan soldiers in combating terrorism, militancy remains a serious issue in the country. After losing ground in Iraq and Syria, the ISIL is most likely to extend its realm in the region, particularly in Afghanistan. Although Afghan President Muhammad Ashraf Ghani said that the ISIL is on the run, it has again came to limelight seeking to wage more serious war against Afghan soldiers. Afghanistan has been one of the ISIL’s target after Iraq and Syria and sought to build a stronghold in restive provinces. Being pledged loyalty by some members of the Taliban after the death of Mullah Omar, the ISIL gained foothold in the country and killed some members of ethnic minority groups for two reasons: First to display its footstep in the country. Second, to spread fear in public air.
Observing the extremely cruel practices of ISIL in Afghanistan, people were taken aback. This group seemed far more cruel and aggressive than the Taliban. When it was said that ISIL’s loyalists beheaded some members of the Taliban, a strong sense of fear spread across the country and the public believed that ISIL would show no mercy to others, if not to Taliban. The Taliban and ISIL have many things in common. For example, both warring factions carry out terrorist activities, fight against government, kill civilians, and interpret Islamic Sharia in a radical manner. Notwithstanding these common points, there were bloody battles between the two terrorist groups.
To mitigate militancy and defeat ISIL in the country, Afghan government has intensified its attacks. Addressing the 7th Ministerial Conference in Baku, Afghan President said that the government carried out heavy attacks, including 300 airstrikes, against the ISIL group. He added that the ISIL had failed in building a base for their so-called caliphate in Afghanistan. ISIL was on the run in Nangarhar, Kunar and other provinces and nine provinces had been cleared from the ISIL he insisted, saying the insurgent outfit will wipe out. On the other hand, Ghani called terrorism a serious threat to international peace and security, not just to Afghanistan, stressing the need for unified global action to eliminate the scourge.
Earlier, a global study by the Institute for Peace and Economics has ranked Afghanistan the 2nd worst country, out of 163, in terms of terrorism in the world. The Global Terrorism Index (GTI) put Iraq at number one and Afghanistan at number two, followed by Nigeria, Syria, Pakistan and Yemen – in that order. Based on the report, Afghanistan had the second highest number of deaths from terrorism in 2016. According to the report, the ISIL group continued to be active in Afghanistan in 2016. The group undertook 51 attacks that killed 505 people. This is a significant escalation from 2015 when 120 people were killed by the group.
To sum up, Afghan people bear the brunt of militancy since terrorist groups carry out indiscriminate attacks. The graph of fatalities is as high as ever and war continues unabated. Within the two past years, Afghan soldiers sustained heavy casualties leaving their families behind. They fought with bona fide intention to bring peace and stability in the country and region. It is self-explanatory that only Afghan government is not able to defeat terrorists. Therefore, the world needs to fight against terrorism so as to secure the region. Otherwise, militancy will continue and people’s sufferings will not come to an end.

Hujjatullah Zia is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at zia_hujjat@yahoo.com

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