Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Growing Distrust


Growing Distrust

After Bonn one agreements, President Hamid Karzai was brought to the front to assume the Herculean task of leading Afghanistan, which was emerging out of three decades of warfare and conflict. It was an extremely difficult task to take on. This role required a prudence to bring the country together. But President Karzai appears not to have been the kind of leader to play that role. After the fall of the brutal regime of the Taliban, there was a trust deficit due to the conflict and infighting that had lingered on.
The concerns of Afghanistan’s opposition parties and civil society members are increasing about the current political situation, reconciliation with Taliban, future of the political system and the issue of peace and tranquility. One of the basic problems with these processes is that they are not being made very much transparent and participatory. The ambiguities give rise to concerns and distrust. So the same is happening with all such crucial processes. Afghanistan’s Presidential office has in fact kept on striving to limit the power and authority to itself and on certain occasions has used the same irresponsibly. The need of time is to make sure that all the important processes should not end in more disturbance and disorder in Afghan society which rather needs peace and tranquility.
The Afghan government has been very much confident that Taliban would be galvanized by the slogans of peace and harmony. So far he has not been true in his belief as Taliban have responded with a boycott of peace talks and continuity of insurgency in different parts of country. And now they have turned their concentration towards the northern areas. The government, instead of calling them for peace talks, must for the moment carry out measures to tackle the growing terrorist networks.  
First Vice-President Gen. Dostum also time to time ensured that Taliban would not be allowed to gain ground through terrorism. Already he urged the Afghans to support their army and police against these fighters, saying if the rebels did not accept peace, they would rise in arms against the guerillas in support of the security forces. He also said that they were against peace talks with the Taliban because Afghans did not want their schools closed, schoolgirls poisoned and innocent people killed anymore. It would be really a very pathetic situation if even after the withdrawal of the international troops, Afghan government and US are not able to have successful peace negotiations with Taliban. With the continuity of terrorism by Daesh, Taliban and like minded groups, there would be every chances of a civil war because people would not wait and see their beloved ones being killed by the Taliban fighters. Afghan government and US have to come up with some concrete policies regarding negotiation with Taliban. The secret and non-participatory talks would never yield the desired result. It is necessary that the parties to the conflict should be present in the peace talks; otherwise, it would be very difficult to address the root of the issue.
Showing his disappointment from the current government, Speaking to his supporters in reaction to the government’s announcement ,chief executive of Jamiat-e-Islami Ata Mohammad Noor has said that he has not resigned and has no intention to step down from his post as the governor of Balkh.
He has asked his supporters to stand against the decision of President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani as the Presidential Palace on Monday announced that the president has approved the resignation of Balkh governor.
Afghanistan has been dominated by various threats and challenges in the past decades due to unbroken war, and other evils. As a result, thousands of families left the country and immigrated to neighboring countries for their survival. As, Afghanistan is steeped in bold challenges, there is another growing threat to both its political and social stability. Apart from the concerns regarding corruption and ill-governance, many political leaders has been very much critical of the present form of government. On various occasions, they have mentioned that the present form of government is highly centralized and revolves around the Presidential office.
Analysts and observers are of the view that if the district chiefs and provincial governors are elected by the people, there would be better accountability and people would consider themselves more involved in the affairs of the country. Moreover, they would have more chances of political awareness and there will be a development towards a better democracy in Afghanistan.

Dilawar Sherzai is the executive Editor of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at the outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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