Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Successive Attacks Caused Public Anger


Successive Attacks Caused Public Anger
In spite of being supported by international partners,Afghanistan has been facing increasing security challenges unprecedented in last 17 years. From daily occurrence such as kidnapping, armed robberies and killings totragic massacre became rampant and ordinary. Poverty criminal kill people and burgle homes in daylight, but neither serious action taken and nor the disappointed people ask for help. In fact, Afghans are extremelysuffering from the demerits of rulers who are engulfed with unimportant internal politicalchaos;they are not just dissatisfied from the failure of security forces but also frustrated from repeated negligence and illogicaljustifications. Many times government has established special committee promising to report their performance but non-has been fulfilled yet. As result, people in Afghanistan are using opium to block their pain; the pain of bloodshed, hunger, sickness, losing their sons, daughters and men. <br>
Psychologists say that recent attacks that have ripped through the country, especially those in Kabul, have had a tremendous effect on the people psychologically. According to experts, a huge percentage of the population is extremely stressed and are feeling the effects mentally. They believe that these fights have caused even the security institutions to lose concentration. It means that when they say we cannot or government cannot (prevent attacks), it has a negative effect on them that has caused officials to lose concentration. When any event occurs the residents are largely following the news while the children, teenagers, elders, women, girls and all witness insecurity and painful events which resulted to live in fear of the next attack.<br>
Everyone blame government and international partners for unaccountability and only condemning from behind of cement walls which does not heal people’s pain. Chairman of the new national front of Afghanistan Anwar ul-HaqAhadi on Monday reacted to the security crisis and deadly attacks in Kabul and said these incidents jeopardized the National Unity Government’s (NUG) future. He blamed security and intelligence departments for their inability to prevent the string of deadly attacks that have rocked not only the capital but also the country in the past nine days. He said the NUG is responsible for the current crisis in the country. Insecurity has reached the level that no one is safe and government does not have the ability to resolve problems,” said Ahadi. <br>
In fact, the recent brutal attacks over the past several weeks not only caused public anger inside the country but also shown the world the fragile and worsening state of security in Afghanistan. within 10 days, Kabul alone has witnessed three deadly attacks which left at least 150 dead and hundreds more wounded. Some experts link the increase in deadly attacks to Pakistan’s response to the United States’ new policy on Afghanistan and South Asia. However, Kabul has not been the only place to witness such deadly attacks – other provinces have also felt the full brunt of insurgents past week. Serious attacks were also carried out in Helmand, Kandahar and Nangarhar. Last Wednesday Daesh attacked on Save the Children offices in Nangarhar, that took the lives of six people and left over 20 wounded. Following the attack, the organization suspended its activities in Afghanistan. <br>
The Afghan government, however, warned that they will use all means available against the Taliban group in reaction to these attacks. The president’s deputy spokesman Shahhussain Murtazavi said these attacks will complicate a negotiations process with the Taliban. “They have crossed the red line and now government has reached an agreement to use all options against them,” said Murtazavi. Also, the Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has promised to share information with the nation regarding the government’s steps to be taken in response to the recent deadly attacks.Speaking in a press conference with his Indonesian counterpart Joko Widodo, President Ghani said he will share information regarding with the nation regarding the clear and serious steps to be taken in response to the recent human catastrophe.He said the Afghan nation also expect steps from their international allies in response to the recent attacks, insisting that the time has come to take specific decisions against the countries supporting and providing safe havens to the terror groups. President Ghani further added that the international community should prevent the State-sponsors of terrorism from further violations and those violating the international resolutions must be isolated.According to President Ghani, peace and stability are the main requirements of the Afghan nation and the government is obliged to achieve peace with the power of the nation and take revenge of those killed.Insisting that justice is the demand of the nation and that the government is committed to ensure justice, President Ghani slammed the Taliban group for the claiming the recent attacks, saying the group could not even ignore the orders of their bosses to refrain from claiming the barbaric attacks in a bid to save their dignity. Thus, the UN Security Council condemned the attack in central Kabul, which killed more than 100 people and called for bringing the perpetrators to justice.“The security council called the attack “Heinous” and “Despicable” and expressed condolences to the relatives of the victims and the victims and to the Afghan authorities. The members of the security council recalled that “Acts of terrorism are criminal and cannot be justified on any grounds. “ Members of the Security Council stressed the necessity of bringing the perpetrators, organizers and sponsors of these reprehensible terrorist acts to justice, and urged all states to cooperate actively with the Afghan government. Also, Trump called on US allies and friends to take on more responsibilityto overcome ongoing challenges.<br>

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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