Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Past is the key to future


Past is the key to future

The waywe learn things might be quite different and each of us might try diverse paths to learn things. Leaning can be about new things and information and so forth or it can be about the past and the experiences we have gained from it which is an important part of our lifethat its effects can be seen in different respects of our life. For instance, the success and failure of our course of endeavors or our lifetime as a whole can be judged from how we learn our lessons. And it’s through this process that new things take place of the old once and we find new ways to make things happen keeping in mind not to make errors that might have hazardous outcomes. For example, we consider which things are important to adapt and which things need to be eliminated so that oldmistakesaren’t repeated again which the repetition might leave irrevocably marks.Although it was mentioned that learning comes out of different things and from different ways and we have to know all of them but here the focus would be about learning from past experiences and the historythat has fruitful outcomes which the following statements shed light on them.        Before discussing the benefits of knowing about the past it is necessary to consider how people view it. Some think it is essential to study history in order to make their future bright but some think past has no concern with the future. Other think that future is related to present, the things they have in present remain same as in future. Different people have different believe on the same the topic. Why is it so? Perhaps due to the different experiences they have gained from past or have taken lessons from history and lives of leaders and other people. In some way or another experience is second name of past which. Regardless of the points some people make saying that past has nothing to do with the present I am sure that there are fruitful lessons to be learned from the past. Basically, it is important to study history and keeping the past in mind to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past and understand why things are as they are! We study history to learn where we were in the past and where we are now, to learn about our ancestors and other people to come to know how they lived, where their lives were in a great position and how things got a worse shape due to mistakes they made in their life. 
In last consideration, if we do not have a past what would we be today? Obviously nothing, if we don’t know the hard works of our ancestors then how can we realize their great achievements, and what we can learn from their achievements and hardships and how can we pay respect to them. If wedo not study history then how we could be able to know which things are valuable to stick to and what things need to be eradicated. Or how could we realize and feel proud on our country, culture and faith. Knowing about the past is the thing that firstly help us to feel proud about the distant past where our forefathers used to live a good life filled with love and happiness and secondly, to know how wars, discrimination and lake of unity had torn us apart and make everything unstable.
To sum up, the results we get through learning and searching about the past is priceless. It helps us to see how other people lived, where their actions and deeds benefited themselves and societies and where their mistakes changed the circumstances inside out. As a result we come to know how we can live a better live not repeating the mistakes others did or we ourselves did in the past. Therefore, we should give our best shot to at least know about the past so that we decide which part of the lessons are important to maintain and which parts need to be eradicated from our lives. Final word, the more we know about history, the more we will be ready to build our future.

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