Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

China is a Major Country Full of Sunshine (Part 2)


China is a Major Country Full of Sunshine (Part 2)

Chinese foreign policy is full of peace, its national defense policy is just for self-defence and its security policy is of comprehensive consideration, adhere to mutual security and common security. China is acting as the constructor of world peace, contributor to global development and safeguard of international order without any hesitation. China advocates a new type of international relations with the characteristics of mutual respect, fairness and justice, win-win cooperation. Our children should live in a world of durable peace, universal security, common prosperity, openness and inclusiveness, clean and beauty. This is the common dream of the people of China and Afghanistan. No matter how advanced China would be in the future, it will always be the good friend of developing countries including Afghanistan and regard them as the foundation of its diplomacy. In other words, China will uphold justice for weak and small countries and spare no efforts to help undeveloped countries to make progress.
China has no intention and no necessity to replace the U.S. in the world arena since we still have many other affairs to deal with and a long way to go before being a power. Currently, Chinese GDP is only 2/3 of that of U.S. while GDP per capita of China is less than 1/6 of that of U.S.. Besides, Chinese military expenditure is less than 1/3 of that of U.S.. Even in someday when China is really strong and powerful, I believe the world is broad enough to provide a big stage on which the dragon and the eagle can dance together. Several days ago, I hosted an event with U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Mr. John Bass, celebrating the 7th anniversary of China-US Joint Training Program for Afghan Diplomats together. Afghanistan should be the hub for cooperation between major countries rather than the arena where countries compete with each other.
In the current world, it is inappropriate to start another cold war or, and more unpopular to form a clique to confront with each other. There is no path of development or political model that is suitable to every country, nor exists “the end of history”. We must let the people to decide the affairs of their own countries, and to deal with international affairs through international negotiation.
Fourth, the Belt and Road Initiative advocated by China is sunny.
The Belt and Road Initiative is a road inheriting history, a road with complementary advantages, a road for the benefit of all nations, and a road for peace. The Belt and Road is a China-proposed sunshine initiative, and its golden rule is the principle of wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits. As a global public product, the Belt and Road Initiative adheres to international laws and market laws, and is a product of high standard and high quality. Regardless of whether it is a blueprint or a concrete project, the participants will discuss the matter and everything will work under the sunshine. It is impossible for any country to dominate it, and there will be no black-box operations. In 2017, China’s trade volume with countries along the Belt and Road reached 1.1 trillion US dollars, an increase of 26.8%. Chinese enterprises directly invest USD 14.4 billion in countries along the Belt and Road Initiative.
In today’s world, a qualified major country or power should help other countries to carry out infrastructure construction, support the employment of underdeveloped countries and accelerate their poverty alleviation. Major countries should not stay away from the difficulties of other countries, let alone make irresponsible remarks on other countries’ constructive international cooperation initiatives.
Connectivity is a key to the Belt and Road Initiative, and Afghanistan will be the main beneficiary. In last month, the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan International highway cargo transportation from Andijon to Kashgar officially operated, which resulted in an average reduction of cargo transportation time by 2.3 days, and saved 300-500 US dollars per ton of freight. Such cooperation will provide Afghanistan with more opportunities for connectivity. In the future, if the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is extended to Afghanistan in an appropriate manner, Afghanistan will be closer to realizing its dream of becoming a Silk Road hub again.
Fifth, China’s policy towards Afghanistan and the China-Afghan relations is sunny.
China-Afghan relations have withstood the tests of time for over 2000 years.  China makes friend with Afghanistan by heart. China has nothing to hide or hold back from Afghanistan. China cherish friendship with Afghanistan, positive image in Afghanistan and the outcomes of the bilateral cooperation. Good image and long-term friendship are China’s greatest wealth in Afghanistan.
As a permanent member of the UN Security Council and a responsible major country, China has been engaging and will continue taking a more active position in helping resolve various international hot issues including the Afghan issues. 
In settling various hot issues, our approach is of distinctive Chinese features:
Firstly, peacefulness. It means we prefer a political settlement for disputes through dialogue and negotiation, and firmly reject the use of force.
Secondly, rightness. It means we insist to act according to the UN Charter and UN resolutions, respect other countries’ sovereignty, security and national dignity, and will never interfere in their internal affairs. We firmly reject imposing one’s own will on others.
Thirdly, constructiveness. We do our best to be fair and objective and mediate from the merits of the matter. China attaches importance to the requirement of Afghan people in developing their economy and increasing jobs. Last year, the export volume of Afghan liquorice, saffron, spice and herbal medicine met 144 million USD. Most of them were exported to neighboring countries like China. China-Afghan trade volume was only 20 million USD in 2002, and it has now increased to about 1.1 billion USD, an increase of more than 50 times. Chinese Companies in Afghanistan has provided over one thousand jobs to Afghan people.
As one famous saying goes, “responsibility is direction, experience is capital, and character is destiny”. China’s sense of responsibility as a major country, the friendly history of China-Afghanistan relations, and the sunny nature of China’s major country diplomacy mean that the 19th CPC National Congress and China’s “two sessions” will bring China-Afghan relations a new momentum and a new hope.

Liu Jinsong is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

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