Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

China, Afghanistan and United Nations: Work Together to Create a Community of Shared Future for Mankind


China, Afghanistan and United Nations: Work Together to  Create a Community of Shared Future for Mankind

On April 22nd, I hosted a special reception in the Chinese Embassy and invited more than 50 colleagues from the United Nations system in Afghanistan to participate. H.E. Deputy Foreign Minister Andisha was also present. Due to security concerns, the foreign missions to Afghanistan seldom hold special receptions, except on the occasion of National Day. However, me and my colleagues from the Embassy was resolved to hold such an event. The reception was held in a warm atmosphere and came out as a great success, which is because China, Afghanistan and United Nations form a community of a shared future.
A couple of days ago, it was the occasion of Chinese Ching Ming (tomb sweeping festival). I paid a visit to the Chinese compatriots who were buried in the British cemetery in Kabul. There is a grave for a lady named Qi, who was dispatched here to teach the local people to raise silkworms in the early 1940s when the United Nations was just founded, but unfortunately, she died of disease here. More than 70 years later, Afghan people still bring flowers and pay tribute to her tombs and thank her for her contribution and sacrifice to Afghanistan. These beautiful flowers are also paying respect to the United Nations.
In the special team of the United Nations in Afghanistan, there has always been the presence of Chinese. Ms. Jin Ni of the United Nations Development Programme Legal Foundation comes from Kunming where you could enjoy Spring in all the seasons. She had comfortable living and working conditions, but she resolutely gave up everything, went away from her family, showing no fears of hardship and danger, and rushed to dangerous places with male colleagues and actively promoted the perseverance of the Afghan police, especially the policewomen, to help the suffering Afghan people wholeheartedly.
In our Embassy, there are three colleagues who once participated in the UN peacekeeping operations in East Timor or Kosovo. In the mission area far from the capital, away from relatives and friends, there was no hot water or Chinese food, only danger and loneliness, but they made it, successfully fulfilled the tasks entrusted by the United Nations, and won honors for the Chinese people. They often told me that the days when they wore the United Nations Blue Helmets are the most precious and memorable experiences of their lives. I know that there are also many colleagues who have served the United Nations in the foreign missions to Afghanistan and we need to pay tribute to all UN colleagues who serve the cause of world peace and development.
There is a special bond between China, Afghanistan and the United Nations. In 1971, when the People’s Republic of China resumed its legitimate seat in the United Nations, Afghanistan cast a valuable vote. China was brought into the United Nations by friendly developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America, and we will never forget this friendship. We also thank the Afghan government for its unwavering support for the One-China Principle and its support for China’s core interests and major concerns within the UN framework.
Today’s world is undergoing a new round of major developments, major changes, and major adjustments. Uncertainties and unstable factors are unceasingly emerging. The Afghan people still live in the shadow of the conflicts. The old, the young and the women are still suffering from fear and poverty. In this context, the United Nations is playing an even more important role in international hot spots including the Afghan issue. It is expected that all countries abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter more fully and firmly, and there is more realistic meaning to insist on multilateralism and peaceful resolution to various disputes.
China is a founding member of the United Nations and a permanent member of the UN Security Council. It is the first country to sign the UN Charter and also the country in sending the largest number of peacekeeping personnel among the five permanent members. China firmly upholds the international system with the United Nations at its core, firmly upholds the basic norms of international relations based on the UN Charter, and firmly safeguards the core position of the United Nations in international affairs.
China and the United Nations system have conducted fruitful cooperation on the Afghan issue. Since the emergence of the Afghan issue, China has always been on the side of international justice and the majority of UN member states and drumming up for the Afghan people. When it comes to the 21st century, China supports the efforts of the United Nations in coordinating international aids for Afghanistan, supports the UNAMA, and promotes and supports the UN General Assembly and the Security Council in adopting a number of resolutions on the Afghan issue and actively participates in various discussions in the Security Council on the Afghan issue, support and implement the “Afghan-led, Afghan-owned” principle.
During recent years, China’s cooperation with the UN system on the Afghan issue has become much more substantive. Last year, the Chinese government provided one-million-dollar cash assistance to the UNHCR to provide blankets and gas cans and other winter needs for Afghan refugees. China has also provided food aid to the refugees in Afghanistan through the WFP. We are also exploring specific projects cooperation with the UNDP, UNDCP, World Bank, and Asian Development Bank.
Days ago, President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech during the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference and, said “the Chinese people will continue to work together with the rest of the world and make greater contribution to humanity. No matter how much progress China has made in development, China will not threaten anyone else, attempt to overturn the existing international system, or seek spheres of influence. China will stay as determined as ever to build world peace, contribute to global prosperity and uphold the international order”.
On this land, China, UN and Afghanistan belong to a community of a shared destiny and are also jointly building a community of a shared future for mankind. The security situation in Afghanistan always draws the attention of all major, neighboring countries and the international community. Whether the Afghan issue can be properly solved is a test for human wisdom and UN capacity. Our common goal is to help Afghanistan regain peace and stability at an early date, help Afghan people own sense of security, gain and happiness, and help Afghanistan become a harbor of cooperation instead of a land of confrontation among major countries.
The Belt and Road Initiative, put forward by China and supported by the UN system, highlights the geographical and resourceful advantage of Afghanistan, pushes Afghanistan to regain its glory during the times of ancient Silk Road, and helps Afghanistan create more jobs and increase exports. The initiatives of China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Trilateral Cooperation and CPEC extension to Afghanistan provide a better condition for Afghanistan to improve its international environment and connectivity.
There is a proverb in both Pashto and Chinese:”Solidarity means strength”. We hope that UN agencies in Afghanistan could understand the initiatives and efforts of China, and we can cooperate with each other, complement each other’s advantages, and help Afghan people get more care from the international community.

Liu Jinsong is the Ambassador of China to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

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