Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Criticisms over the Insecurity Upsurge


Criticisms over the Insecurity Upsurge

Afghans are extremely tired and angry due to endless war and rising numbers of suicide bombings and attacks, especially in recent months. Successive attacks have been carried out targeting journalists, men, women children and dozens of security forces. In addition, 13 provinces are engulfed in fighting against terrorists sometimes winning and sometimes losing but never eventuates to a favorable result. When one interrogates from local people, then he would easily come to understand the depth of social dissatisfaction and gaps between government and people. However, it seems that no one is seriously propelled to double the efforts for putting an end to the decades-old war.
In addition, the frequent tragedies and death bodies which are broadcasted through mass media it can badly affect over the psychology of the people, especially the students, teachers and economic investors are severely disappointed to invest in Afghanistan. When there is a suicide attack the residents are largely following the news through T.V or their hand set mobile while the children, teenagers, elders, women, girls and all witness insecurity and painful events which resulted to live in fear of the next attack. Students, teachers, investors and etc that are considered as a real capital of a society, are compelled to leave the country for the purpose of reaching a secure abode. Likewise, the social and economic institutions lose their concentration to perform their function properly.
Therefore, last Sunday, a number of Afghan angry senators burst into harsh criticism that the government have to cancel the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with the United States, insisting that the deal has not been proved effective to ensure stability and prevent outside influences. Since launching their spring offensive so-called “Al-Khandaq Operation”, the Taliban have increased scale of attacks across war-torn Afghanistan. The insurgent group has recently seized several districts in Baghlan, Badakhshan, Faryab and Ghazni provinces, following the new war season.
Criticizing the U.S. over failure to cooperate and ‘act timely’ against the militants’ attacks, mainly in the provincial capital of western Farah province that left scores killed and injured recently, the senators calledKabul-Washington security deal, which was signed the day after National Unity Government (NUG), is useless for Afghanistan.
Accordingly, they blamed government for inability against terrorist groups. “The government is not capable to ensuresecurity; when they [the Taliban] have attacked Farah [City], Where were Americans? When the security forces were running away, they should have targeted them [the Taliban] by airstrikes. So, the security agreement with America should be canceled,” said Senator Zalmai Zabuli. “The foreigners shouldn’t be just watchful of the situation in Afghanistan. If they can’t help, they should leave Afghanistan. What is the advantage of having their presence in the country,” said Senator Mohammad Hanif Hanafi. The chairman of the Senate House (Meshrano Jirga), meanwhile, said that the security officials should make clear the implementation of the security agreement with the U.S. and that thereafter; a decision should be taken over the issue.
The Upper House Chairman, Fazal Hadi Muslimyar, added the Senate had in-depth discussions regarding the recent developments in the country, including discussions regarding the impact of the US and NATO security pacts on security of the country. He said the Senate House decided to summon the top security officials to brief the lawmakers regarding the effect of the security pacts on the situation, including their benefits and losses.Muslimyar further added that the necessary decisions will be taken considering the situation if it was found that the security pacts have not proven useful for the country. According to Muslimyar, the Senate will urge the US and NATO to further strengthen the security and defense forces, specifically the Afghan Air Force, if the security officials provided positive feedback regarding the benefits of the pacts.
According to The security pacts with the United States and NATO, which were signed at the start of the government of national unity, they have to protect Afghanistan against any security threats may imposed by any countries. Some other members of Meshrano Jirga stressed that if the international community do not fulfill their commitments and does not prevent the influence of neighboring countries it will be difficult to maintain stability in the country.
However, according to the media reports, some 3,400 NATO troops and at least 2,300 of which were Americans have been killed in Afghanistan’s war. Beside this, they claim that they have spent nearly one trillion dollar since 2001 covering both military civil section. But people of Afghanistan expect to see practical changes in the society and also in the battle field throughout the country. If they see true changes and firm will in the ground, they may entirely support from foreigner’s presence as they did in 2001. Thus, NATO, European Union and USA unanimously supported president Ghani’s political attempts when he offered “unconditional peace talks” to the Taliban, who was largely responsible for the deaths of NATO, Americans and Afghan troops. Whileaccording to UNAMA,Taliban and Takfiri group are also responsible for more than 65% of 28,000 civilians’ victims have been killed and more than 50,000 injured since 2009. By and large, neither common people are satisfied with current warring situation and nor the elites. They believe that reconciliation with terrorist groups should be handled from the position of strength, and not from the position of appeasement and weakness. Experts believe, in addition to serious fight against terrorist, we need to fight against terrorism and the root cause of challenges in order to reach sustainable solution.

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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