Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Cycle of Violence Are Against Peace Voice and Islamic Fatwa


Cycle of Violence Are Against  Peace Voice and Islamic Fatwa

Unfortunately, the voice of peace is always responded by increasing series of violence in Afghanistan. In few last days, contrary to the morality of ceasefires and recent Islamic fatwa, multiple attacks carried out throughout the country.The recent ceasefire between the Afghan government and the Taliban had created some hopes among the people that the move might pave the way for peace talks but reversely several tragedies happened in different parts of the country. As the Eid days are closing the terror attacks are increasing in major Afghan cities. Yesterday, a suicide bomber has killed 13 people and wounded more than 25 others in a rush hour attack outside a government building in Kabul. Islamic State quickly claimed responsibility for the attacks in Kabul but security officials think it is much more likely to be the work of the Haqqani network, a group affiliated with the Taliban.
The attack comes as security has deteriorated in recent months ahead of elections scheduled for October.Over all the last attacks took the lives of at least 28 people and over 40 injured in three separate attacks in Kunduz, Nangarhar, and in Kabul provinces city on Monday. The attack in the Qala-i-Zal district of northern Kunduz province claimed the lives of some 15 Afghan security personnel, as Pajhwork reported. It was reportedly carried out by the Taliban, despite the militants earlier announced a ceasefire. A separate blast that rocked a fair in the Chaparhar district of eastern Nangarhar province left at least 14 injured, according to Public Health Director Najibullah Kamawal, as quoted by Pajhwok.
However, the Ministry of Defense (MoD), as usual, stresses on its successes and achievements. Only, in few last days, they claimed that they had conducted joint operations against insurgents in different areas of Nangarhar, Ghazni, Urzgan, Zabul, Badghis, Farah, Faryab, Baghlan, Takhar and Helmand provinces, in which 34 insurgents were killed and nine others wounded.During these operations, 13 Daesh fighters killed, one wounded and three others arrested in Chaparhar district of Nangarhar, some ammunition and weapons belonged to the enemy seized by the Afghan security forces in the district–13 insurgents killed and three others wounded in Andar, Zankhan districts and center of Ghazni province–four militants killed and three others wounded in Dehrawod district of Urzgan, while two other rebels killed in Marja district of Helmand province.
the cycle of violence is intensified when Afghan people started to raise their voice for peace and end of in the country. In addition to recent Ulema gathering, a group peace marcher who initially marched in Helmand, walked to Ghazni and Kabul denouncing war and wants end of U.S. occupation. Upon arriving in Ghazni, they were welcomed with bunches of flowers and warm appreciation. Thousands of people came out and the religious scholars said in public that this is the voice of justice and the ongoing war in the country should stop.”We have four demands” that will be presented to Afghan leaders, quoted Bacha Khan Mawladad, a member of the peace convoy. “First, the warring parties should announce a ceasefire during Ramadan; second, specify an address (for peace talks), third, establish a joint government, fourth, sit together and fix a date for the withdrawal of ‘foreigners’ from Afghanistan.”
Helmand peace walk and Ulema collective fatwa were very unusual move in the country and these shows the highest culmination of war weariness in the country. It is hoped that government and its allies may hear the voice of people who are the victims of imposed war. Otherwise, people may become compelled to use unpleasant methods for expressing their voice for peace and freedom in the country.
The latest act of violence and killing of innocent people are not only in paradox to the morality of peace and ceasefire but also breaches the Islamic fatwa. The ongoing war which was justified as a holy war recently outlawed by 2,000 Afghan religious scholars gathered in Kabul. In addition, earlier over 72 religious scholars from three Islamic countries had issued a declaration on the war and peace in Afghanistan, in which they promulgated their opposition against the terrorism and violent extremism and had declared their support for any peace offer, efforts and declarations in ending war and bringing peace in Afghanistan. They unanimously stressed in their statements that “war in its all types is forbidden under the Islamic law and it is nothing except shedding the blood of Muslims whereas the real victims are innocent Afghan men, women, and children.
If Taliban are really Afghan and Muslim, they should reconsider the voice of their people and the Islamic fatwa and rethink about country’s interests and oneness. Otherwise these conflicts will produce no winner except farther destruction of the county. The conflict has already taken a lot of lives, regardless of whether it is a soldier, a civilian or even the Taliban fighters who are from Afghanistan.
Thus, the government and international partners also should note that Afghan people want peace and security and they are really stupefied for who are responsible for these many causalities? And who is responsible for increasing number of addictions, hunger and corruption? And what is the benefit of foreigners’ presence in our country while every day the tragedies are repeated? As the armed conflicts in Afghanistan are watered by various social and political motives, they all must be thoroughly analyzed and taken to consideration or else peace is not possible. In fact, peace program neither could be confined to mere negotiations nor limited to battle field but it should be combined of both with firm will for producing results and essential changes.

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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