Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Dostum welcomed with Deadlyattacks


Dostum welcomed with Deadlyattacks

After a few weeks of relatively calm, once again Daesh Takfiri terrorist group attacked Kabul targeting the Afghan Vice President, Abdul Rashid Dostum welcome-convoy. The attack happened as scores of people were leaving the airport after had welcomed the Vice President. The toll from the suicide attack has risen to 23 and at least 107 others were wounded in the Sunday’s powerful explosion, as the health ministry said on Monday. The health ministry warned the latest toll number could possibly change. “This is the first time I have seen a suicide attack,” quoted from one witness. “People were collecting human flesh with their hands,” he said, shaking as he spoke. “What is going on in Afghanistan?”The suicide bomber was on foot, interior ministry spokesman Najib Danish said, adding that civilians, including a child, and security force members were among the casualties.
On contrary to this, Mr Dostum was warmly welcomed by a large number of political leaders, the leaders of the National Coalition for the Salvation of Afghanistan, high-level government officials and hundreds of his fans in capital Kabul. The Wolesi Jirga or lower house of parliament, on Monday, also welcomed First Vice-president Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostum’s homecoming and stressed the need for consolidating national unity and finding peaceful solution to political wrangling...
Dostum went to Turkey in May 2017 as he said for medical check-ups and some family reasons. He was travelling in an armored vehicle and narrowly escaped the attack. The attack was claimed by the Islamic State group through its official Amaq news agency, according to the SITE intelligence monitoring group. It is said that President Ashraf Ghani, might have given the green light for Dostum to come home to stabilize the north and secure Uzbek support before next year’s presidential election, which he is widely expected to contest.
His return, took place after 20 day successive protests in several provinces across northern Afghanistan, his traditional power base. The protests were launched when the security forces arrested Nezamuddin Qaisari – the special representative of Mr. Dostum – in northern Faryab province. The protesters demanded the release of Mr. Qaisari and the return of Mr. Dostum. The Protests spread to eleven provinces in past days, and protesters closed a number of election commission offices and a number of trade routes in the provinces.”We don’t trust the government. We will continue our protests unless General Dostum tells us to stop,” quoted from Ehsanullah Qowanch, a protest leader in Faryab province. Another protester, Massoud Khan, said: “We have been on the streets for 20 days now. We are not going to stop our protests unless our demands are met.”
Many countries, national and international organization strongly condemned the brutal attacks on the welcoming convey of Mr. Dostum.“This was a senseless attack that served no purpose other than to spread terror and try to promote division,” said Tadamichi Yamamoto, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan. “The organizers of these attacks, those supporting these cynical crimes, must be held accountable and brought to justice.”Attacks targeting civilians are violations of international humanitarian law. Under international humanitarian law, such attacks may amount to war crimes. The United Nations maintains that all parties to the conflict must at all times uphold their obligations to protect civilians from harm. On behalf of the United Nations in Afghanistan, Yamamoto expressed his condolences to the loved ones of those killed in the attack and wished a full and speedy recovery to those injured.
The UN Security Council also condemned the use of violence by the Taliban and the Islamic State group to disrupt  Afghanistan’s electoral process, a day after 23 people were killed in a suicide bombing in Kabul. According to UNAMA’s 2018 mid-year report on civilian casualties, suicide and complex attacks by anti-government insurgents killed 427 civilians and injured 986, a 22 per cent increase in the total causalities from the same period in 2017.“At a time when Afghans are exploring ways toward much-needed peace, we must not allow such attacks to deter our collective resolve to make progress on ending the conflict,” said Yamamoto.
President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, First Vice President General Abdul Rashid Dostum, and Chief Executive of Jamiat Islami Ata Mohammad Noor strongly condemned yesterday’s deadly suicide attack in Kabul city.Calling the attack an act of the enemies of Afghanistan, Gen. Dostum said the enemies think that they can create barriers on the way of the people of Afghanistan in their efforts for development. However, he said the Afghan nation and the government of Afghanistan will continue to their efforts for a bright a future. The Chief Executive of Jamiat Islami Ata Mohammad Noor also reacted at the attack and said he strongly condemns the bombing that left a number of innocent civilians’ dead or wounded.
The Office of the President, ARG Palace, said the enemies of Afghanistan once again committed a crime that resulted into the martyrdom of a number of civilians and security personnel while leaving a number of others wounded.A statement by ARG Palace stated that President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani hailed the security forces for their sacrifices and ensuring security of the people.
The attacks which usually carried out by so- called Islamic State are more dreadful and very meaningful in comparison to Taliban; two years ago, at the same days they killed hundreds of protesters organized by the enlighten movement in Kabul. They have always tried to target the main values of the Afghan nation such as unity, diversity and democracy. The purpose of the Islamic State is to divide and further weaken the government and striking at the legitimacy of democracy, unity and diversity. On the other hand, they have good experience of his presence against terrorist groups, especially against themselves.

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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