Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Introduction to Xi Jinping’s thought on Diplomacy And Its Impacts to Afghanistan (Last Part)


Introduction to Xi Jinping’s thought on  Diplomacy And Its Impacts to Afghanistan (Last Part)

Second, it reveals significant characters of major country. One of the key features of the Thought is the major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. Our diplomacy is different from some other major powers, it is not only striving for the welfare of its own people, but also working hard for the progress of all humankind. China welcomes other countries to take the express train of China’s development, and will undertake more international responsibilities within its capacity, and provide more international public products. China is actively mediating international hotspot issues, such as the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, Iranian nuclear issue, and Syria issue. China is promoting a more just and reasonable global governance system, upholding principles, and encouraging justice in regional and international affairs. China will advance with the times, aim higher and be more provocative. Instead of avoiding sensitive problems, China is holding clear-cut stance, transparent policies and enlightened image, which has won more understandings, trust and respect of the world with honesty and friendship. Chinese diplomacy is to provide Chinese plans that reflect distinct Chinese vision, style and values. China will always be the constructor of world peace, the contributor of global development and the defender of international order.
Third, it is full of affinity and strategic confidence. President Xi Jinping has proposed to uphold justice while pursuing shared interests, and promote the concept of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness in neighborhood diplomacy. China never plays zero-sum games, never seeks hegemony. China opposes the practice of bullying the small and weak. China is upholding the principles of credence, friendship and justice in international affairs. For those neighboring and developing countries that have long been friendly to China and facing arduous tasks in their own development, we will be more considerate to their reasonable needs, and strive to help them get earlier and more benefits through cooperation. In time of need, China will give priority to justice and refrain from seeking interests at the expense of justice. The Kandahar Chinese Hospital and the Parwan Dam were models of this concept. The Kabul University related facilities and the National Vocational and Technical College under construction are new models today.
China’s commitment to the international society never pursues development at the expense of others’ interests. No matter at what stage of its development, China will never seek hegemony nor engage in expansion, and will never carry out initiatives that exceed its national power. we do not make trouble, but we are not afraid of it. No one could expect China will give up under pressure, nor swallow anything that undermines its interests.
Xi Jinping’s Thought on Diplomacy will give more impetus to China-Afghanistan relations and bring new benefits to the Afghan people.
First, China will be more concerned about the Afghan issue and give more support to Afghanistan’s peace reconciliation and reconstruction affairs. During the meeting between the two heads of states in Qingdao this June, President Ghani expressed the hope that China could play a greater role in the Afghan reconciliation process. President Xi also expressed the China’s good will for Afghanistan to achieve peace, reconciliation and eternal stability at an early date. China hopes Afghanistan to be a platform of cooperation instead of competition. President Xi supported the peace initiative proposed by the Afghan National Unity Government and commended the first temporary ceasefire between the Afghan government and Taliban, hoped both sides to resolve the domestic issue through political consultation. China also welcomes Afghanistan and Pakistan to enhance mutual trust and solve problems through new dialogue and cooperation mechanisms, and is willing to actively support Afghan peace and reconciliation as well as good-neighborly friendship through bilateral, trilateral and multilateral channels.
Second, China regards Afghanistan as an important strategic partner in international and regional affairs. China is willing to cooperate with Afghanistan as a partner instead of an ally, and support the core concerns of each other, jointly build a community of shared future. Our two heads of states unanimously advocated strengthening anti-terrorism cooperation at all levels, for terrorism, extremism and separatism are common threats for both countries. The “East Turkestan Islamic Movement” (ETIM) is a common enemy of the international community. China welcomes Afghanistan to strengthen its cooperation with the SCO and makes full use of the SCO-Afghanistan Contact Group, Regional Anti-terrorist Organization and etc.
Third, under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, China will provide more market access and connectivity opportunities for Afghanistan, which will avail Afghanistan to be a hub for regional transportation.
China, with a population of 400 million middle-class citizens and a huge market with an annual consumption of more than 6-trillion-dollar, is the largest neighbor of Afghanistan. The key to the participation of the regional production chain and value chain for Afghanistan lies in how to open the Chinese market efficiently. In the coming 5 years, China is expected to import 8 trillion US dollars goods and make a 750 billion US dollars investment abroad. It is an unprecedented opportunity for Afghanistan.
In June, before the summit of our two countries, our in-charging authorities signed agreements related to Afghan pine-nuts’ exporting to China. In the future, high quality Afghan pine-nuts could directly and conveniently export to China. It is another important action that benefits the common Afghan’s livelihood, after our two counties signing the import agreement on saffron last year. China is willing to import more Afghan featured products, including marble, pomegranate by the China-Afghanistan direct cargo train or direct flight. President Xi welcomes Afghan enterprises to participate in the China International Import Expo to be held this November in Shanghai, China, and encourages the Afghan side to extensive introduce its featured products.
The Chinese Government and Embassy in Afghanistan support Chinese enterprises to invest in Afghanistan according to market regulations. Of course, the Afghan side must provide security protection and construct a platform based on market economic principle for our economic cooperation to solve problems through fair and mutual benefit consultation. Now, Afghanistan has already been a full member of AIIB based in Beijing, and is negotiating with AIIB for financial support. The significant improvement of Afghanistan-Pakistan relation, as well as the cross border transportation project between the two counties have offered more options for the CPEC’s extension to Afghanistan. Next year, China is going to hold the 2nd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, and we hope that Afghanistan will participate actively.
Fourth, the Afghan people will have more opportunities to study in China. Our provincial and cultural exchanges will gain more favorable opportunities. And Afghanistan will have more choices for its future development path and independent diplomacy.
During the summit of our two countries this June, two presidents agreed to promote exchanges and cooperation in the fields of education, culture, and think tank, and positively strengthen provincial practical cooperation. This year, China will provide more than 1,000 training opportunities for Afghans in all fields, as well as more than 190 scholarships to young talents. Bamyan Province has established the sister province relationship with Chinese Gansu Province. Badakhshan, Balkh and Nangarhar has also expressed their intentions to establish this relationship with relevant provinces in China. Potentials of our practical cooperation is being unleashed. Not long ago, five Afghan painters were invited to visit Guizhou and held exhibitions in Beijing, attracted great interests from the Chinese painting circles. This April, a delegation from Dunhuang Research Academy of China successfully visited Kabul and Bamyan, achieved a breakthrough in the archaeological cooperation between China and Afghanistan. The Embassy also plans to invite a Chinese artist delegation to visit Afghanistan and give performance in the near future. I hope their performance will bring happiness to the old and young in Afghanistan.
Many Afghan friends told me that China used to suffer poverty, civil wars and turmoils, but it survived and realized industrialization and modernization for its 1.4 billion citizens. This is a miracle in the history of human civilization. China’s development path and diplomatic practice have given more references and choices to developing countries like Afghanistan. My Afghan friends also said that present world and the relationships among big counties are full of uncertainty, but China’s development and Xi Jinping’s Thought on Diplomatic  give the world a most valuable certainty and sunny warmth. I agree with this view and would like to sharing the sunshine of China’s development and China’s diplomacy with all Afghan friends.

Liu Jinsong is the Chinese Ambassador to Afghanistan

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