Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Int’l Day of Peace: A distant dream in Afghanistan


Int’l Day of Peace: A distant dream in Afghanistan

With issuing the resolution No. 235/252, The United Nations General Assembly declared 21 of September as International Day for Peace. The main aim of this resolution was to provide an opportunity for warring parts to stop and think that life is possible without violence. The second philosophy this day is to encourage warring parts to stop hostilities during at least 24 hours and seek solution through peaceful dialogue. According to Article 3 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “Everyone has the right of life, liberty and security of person.” None of These elements are possible in practice without its foundation which is peace.
In the other word, the goal of the international peace day as, highlighted in the UN General Assembly Statement, is to commemorate this day in order to draw people’s attention to the importance of peace and encourage public opinion to celebrate global peace. It also invites all UN member states, relevant organizations, nongovernmental and regional organizations, and those individuals who have influential role on global, regional or domestic affairs, to celebrate the International Peace Day in an appropriate manner. In addition to celebrating this day, they need to train and raise awareness about the importance of the global ceasefire.
Considering the resolution of the UN General Assembly, peace is seen as a common wish and goal of all nations but this is not enough, and there must be some practical mechanisms to establish the requirements for achieving peace. Kofi Annan, the former secretary general of the United Nations, commended the decision of the General Assembly in a statement on the same date when the day defined a year as an international Peace Day would provide a brief opportunity to warlords and political leaders engaged in war to think about the devastation that comes to the people and their land.
The United Nations Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, said that this one-day opportunity is enough for those who are in the trenches or behind the barbed wire and think that life is just a war. They would take a look at war-free life from the rear of the trenches and from the barbed wire holes to see that there is a way other than war to survive. Celebrating the United Nations Day as International Peace Day and encouraging people and governments to celebrate this day shows that peace is a worthwhile human wish that can be materialized for many human societies. However, it remains as a distant dream for many human society, like Afghanistan due to lack of practical guarantee.
The good news is that development of global communication seems to reveal the importance of peace more than ever. In societies that enjoy peace, public welfare is at the center of their attention but in societies that are in war, people cannot afford to meet their most urgent needs as the main concern of people in the realm of war is to survive. In Afghanistan over than 50% of people are living under the poverty line but they forgot to ask for food and employment while do ask for peace and justice.  Perhaps this is why the greatest wish for people living in peaceful areas is to achieve peace and security. 
In the war-torn countries, such as Afghanistan, the wish of a mother is living a day that her sons or daughters go to school without fear of bomb explosion. The aspiration of displaced people is to return home without persecution of terrorist groups. The wish of a father in the geography of war is that her children immigrated is to stay alive and celebrate the return of her children.
Despite efforts to bring peace in Afghanistan, so far, this has not materialized, and dozens of people are killed and wounded in battles between the Taliban and government forces every day. The Afghan residents say that these wars have tired them and they do not want to see Afghanistan like this. Different peace activist groups walked on bare feet to the Capital of Afghanistan to ask warring parts and international community to resolve their demands through dialogue. While the Taliban, as a party to the war in Afghanistan, is not ready to sit on the table with the national unity government, they want to talk directly with the United States.
The fruitless efforts for peace in Afghanistan raise a question why so far peace is not succeeding in this country? in answer to this, some of Afghan experts believe that peace is not achievable in the country unless the roots of terrorism is dried up. It means that peace is not possible by imprecation, so war needed for peace; in addition, as above quoted from Kofi Annan, peace cannot be reachable in Afghanistan unless the political leaders think about the consequences of devastation of war on their people and their land.
So, the first important thing factor can help to bring peace in a community is to raise awareness and activate public wisdom for peace and consequences of war. The second thing that help for sustainable peace is social justice and firm will for peace but what is happening in Afghanistan is disrespect for the mentioned and it is well understood from the behavior of community leaders. In spite of the hope that democratic mechanisms in Afghanistan would provide a space for public opinion and value to the needs of the people but it has not seen in practice and the concept of democracy was used only for monopolistic uses. However, the values of equality, justice and non-differences have been accepted in formality.

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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